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2020 Barneys Farm Outdoor

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 13-14
weeks 17
Grow medium
254 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
50 %
19 °C
20 °C
18 °C
4 L
20.32 cm
Well well well it's that time of year again and we got some goodies from Barneys Farm themselves! We have #3 orange sherbert and #3 purple punch. I tried something new this time with planting seeds, i dug a hole with a pencil and after putting the seeds in the dirt i than took some nice light fluffy earthworm casting and put over the seeds so they wouldn't have a hard time breaking soil and it seemed to have worked well. The two of em are heavy on the indica side and "finish" around the end of sept, so these two would seem to be perfect for my climate we shall just see! From what I've grown of barneys last year there times seem to be spot on so i'm pretty excited for these two. I do have Strawberry lemonade and Glookies but i'm going to run them indoors as the flowering time is later into oct and we'll crack them 4-5 weeks before these ladies go outside with a short veg time. But anyways been working hard around here trying to get thing going for the growing season, built 3x3 hemlock boxes for these 6 beautiful ladies, shovelled a patch out where i want to put the box, I've noticed in the evening with where the garage is it shades out in the evening so we may move where it is just trying to get an idea how big things are going to be so i can order my 4x4's for the fence. I also dug out all the pots that were used last year under 3 feet of snow! Id like to get these in the boxes as soon as possible to get some composting action going and for the soil biology to build back up, Im assuming my worms are all dead by now as the pots are just a solid block of ice.... This is gonna be a fun one if mother nature wants to cooperate! I will do my best with uploading but with this coronavirus going on and having satellite inter with 7.8 billion people on house arrest chewing up the internet it's pretty near impossible to use, i'm on Hr 1 1/2 now and only have 4 pics up 😂 fuck........ cover crops are still looking on point after a long cold winter, sometime in may this will be all chopped out and a layer of compost/soil will be placed over the cover crop and that should give me plenty of nitrogen for a couple weeks pending how big the crop get before mulch time. Anyways Still lots of work that has to be done, until next week! Soil mixture 8 gals prolix organic 8 gals seafood compost 8 gals mother earth volcanite pumice 2 cups earthworm casting 5 cups Gaia Green 4-4-4 2 cups glacial rock dust
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
19 °C
20 °C
19 °C
4 L
20.32 cm
So here we are week two, some leaves got a little mess up from humidity issues when i took the cups off, they have since recovered and looking good. All the boxes are built and set up outside, just waiting on getting some 4x4's to build the fence, that will have to wait till the next time i'm home as i leave for work tomorrow for weeks again! other then that theres not really much going on just waiting on the veg stage. see ya in two weeks!
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.7 cm
17 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
19 °C
20 °C
19 °C
4 L
20.32 cm
Nutrients 1
4-4-4 1 mll
These ladies look very happy, they got a fading of 4-4-4, just going to let em do there thing for a bit before topping get em a little taller and we start some training, I adjusted the light today to run during the day from 6 am to 11am, I also knocked em back to 17 and 7, and they will be waking up to 600w of M/H, were going to get these ladies screaming! Going to be working on getting some lumber and an auger post digger but I'm not sure if anything is open, so if I don't get what I need for the weekend then I'll have to start filling these boxes to get things going, composting and get this soil moving, worms are still alive in the post, kinda of surprised me as they were just soil block of ice, anyways its going to be a busy week getting everything ready, also 5 yards of mushroom compost coming. The cover crop never took in the last pot as the blue gelato 41 took her sweet time last fall and just got to cold to quick. Will be planting a cover crop as soon as there in the boxes. Anyways thanks for checking in!
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
17 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
19 °C
20 °C
19 °C
4 L
2 L
121.92 cm
They are all looking to be pretty stable, staying around the same hight. Orange sherbert pheno 1- 7 inches pheno 2- 8 inches pheno 3- 8 inches Purple Punch pheno 1- 6.5 inches pheno 2- 7 pheno 2- 6.5 inches They are all looking pretty well some had more roots then others but all looking great, they got upgraded to 3 gal pots today and will stay there till roughly june 1st, the big day! I could have waited another week for sure before transplanting but i have wanted them to fill out the 3 gals before transplanting outside to fill up the soil and limit root damage as they'll be fucked up enough just from going from indoor to outdoor, I'm thinking also next week i will be taking the timer down to 16hrs of light to get things as close as possible to outside. Hopefully these ladies freak right out now!!! Soil mixture is a veg mixture of my own and it's 1/3 organic promix, 1/3 seafood compost, and 1/3 volcanite pumice. I put in 6.5 cups of 4-4-4 and 2 cups of 2-8-4 with 2 cups of glacial rock dust. Been hard at it outside all last week. I got the boxes all set out and dug into the ground and all the soil into the boxes. I also staked out the fence and the lumber has been picked up and delivered to me, so now were just waiting on a nice day to rent the post hole auger from a dealer in town. The smart pots had to be laid in first then, placed the box over and pulled the smart pot out as i was working alone for a lot of it but did have a little hand along the way. Well i hope you all enjoyed this weeks update, thanks for checking in and see ya next week!
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
35.56 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
50 %
19 °C
20 °C
19 °C
11 L
2 L
109.22 cm
Wow would I ever just love to put the hps in now and flip these, they just look so good! Everything is growing well and roots already bustin out of the bottoms of the pots these are going to look awesome in 2 weeks! I’ve knocked the lights down to 16 hrs as we’re gettin pretty close to going outside. There was a couple nice overcast day the ladies spent out on the deck for roughly 4hrs a day to prep them for the final transplant, for the most part were half way there before they get any training, not sure if I’m going to be topping or just super cropping I’ve got two week to figure it out I’d like to get a hight of at least 2 feet before hand. Anyways that’s it for now peace ✌️🏻
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
69.85 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
40 %
19 °C
20 °C
19 °C
11 L
3 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 3
4-4-4 90 mll
Basalt 30 mll
2-8-4 15 mll
Well I didn't things would be looking this good! The ladies spent 4.5 hrs out on the deck yesterday to get used to some UV rays, and will be for the rest of the week as things are looking really good for a next week transplant, a week ahead of last year. they did get a feeding in the 3 gal pots. I have also amended the soil in the 3x3 boxes with: **This is for one 3x3 box** 4 cups gaia green 4-4-4 2 cups gaia green 2-8-4 2 cups gaia green glacial rock dust 1 cup gaia green basalt rock dust 1 cup gaia green gypsum 6 cup bokashi pro gro 1 bag seafood compost So like I said weather is looking great and if i had of been home last week they'd prob be in the ground this week, going to try and avoid the sun burn this year! I'm still without boards for the fence as covid is taking it toll on me getting my lumber from the mill as it's in a different province and yes it's that much cheap over there and i'm travelling by it pending where i'm working, were rocking out on 10 weeks of isolation but thats ok ladies getting some extra care. So of these, well all actually have just freaked out, botton branches are pushing out far and gettin kinda flimsy so i'm going to clone everything i have and chop off the 2 bottom rows of these girls. They have all been spaced out in the tent now as everything was growing into each other and now i can't get my big peyote in there......... so she's spending the rest of her time really where ever i can put her, last night the living room lol. anyways i have a ton of stuff to get done here before some plants go out, cages, find straw, brach the fence, mix more never ends so thanks for stopping in homies gotta go!! **update friday may 22nd** Putting the cages on the boxes now. the outside cages will be mounted to the boxes, and the inside cage will be put in on transplant day so the roots can grow thru the cage.
Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
78.74 cm
14 hrs
25 °C
50 %
19 °C
18 °C
15 °C
254 L
3 L
So first of I wanna say sorry about the shitty pictures, it's windy as fuck outside and going to rain tomorrow and wind doesn't look like its going to let up anytime soon.....there taking a beating so wind burn already but i guess after seeing what happened last year it's time to toughen up bitches!!! hahah They got put in there final resting place once and for all kinda felt like forever wooooo!! I was going to put an inner cage around them but i cut em to short and didn't have anymore, was having a hard time getting em on so i said screw it so we're just going to run the out cages. I know it's some nice not having to carry pots outside everyday.....that shits tiring! But there all outside now so it's all up to mother nature hopefully she's a little nicer to me this year. Weathers been amazing nice and sunny and warm at least already into a heat wave, yep great ol canadian heat wave! staying around 20-25c but feels like 31c already, our frost date is june 15 but i'm going to say that if this heat sticks around till then it'll push that date back farther hopefully. They were calling for frost last night but i decided to push my luck after looking at the weather last night, calling for 25kmh SW gust of 30kmh and a low of 20.......someone was baked as shit when the did that weather report just saying.... anyways hopefully get some none windy days next week so we can get some better pictures. thanks for stopping in!
Week 10. Vegetation
5 years ago
91.44 cm
14 hrs
25 °C
50 %
19 °C
18 °C
15 °C
254 L
3 L
So I’m updating a day early only because it’s looking like a lot of rain tomorrow so here it is: Pp 1- 36 inches Pp2- 34 inches Pp3- 36 inches Os1- 35 inches Os2- 32 inches Os3- 36 inches Been dealing with a lot of wind so there is some damages on them but it is what it is I’m not sure how you prep them for 50kmh winds 🤷‍♂️ I’m thinkin the tent would be in a pile in the grow room 😂 but anyways other then that there looking good. I’ve seen roughly 5-6 lady bugs laying eggs on the girls so that’s a good start!! No sign of pest yet but nature is prepin em. I’ve gotta get some more straw to lay down as the wind blew a lot of it away, it’s coming everything is just a waiting game.. leaving on Wednesday for work so it’s going to be exciting to see em two weeks later! Was a little nervous they were going to flip to flower but everything seems good so far haven’t noticed any major stretch or anything like that so I think we’re in the clear. The weather is taking a swing back to normal here it’s been outa wack the last little bit, anywhere from 25-30c highest with humidity was 39c I’ve never seen this in May in my lifetime up in Canada but wow if that’s a taste of what summer is going to be like I want out now lol well time to go for now see ya again on June 17th!
Week 12. Vegetation
5 years ago
121.92 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
50 %
19 °C
18 °C
15 °C
254 L
3 L
We are just a hummin this I tell ya, plants are way bigger this year at the same date June 18th check it out from last years grow 👉 We’ve got some trees 🌲 in the makin son!!! Heights are: Purple punch- 47 inches, 44 inches and 47 inches Orange sherbert- 48 inches, 44 inches and 45 inches There gettin solid almost into the 10 foot in diameter cages these things hit the stretch omg 😍 I’m brewing up a compost test that consists of: 50gal water Gaia green living soil 4 cups High grade earth worm castings 4 cups Clonex mycorrhiza 1 tbsp Gaia green 4-4-4 half tsp No sulphur black strap molasses 4 cups So I’m Pretty sure I’m gonna hit them with some food just before they get the compost teas watch out for some wicked growth!!! So I’m doing this from my phone cuz for some reason I can’t upload from my computer anymore so this makes it hard trying to upload a lot of pics I hate it actually I just want to use my computer again but get nothing but an upload error everytime I try to upload pics never used to happen just all of a sudden can’t do it....🤷‍♂️
Week 13. Vegetation
5 years ago
134.62 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
50 %
19 °C
18 °C
18 °C
254 L
3 L
Nutrients 1
4-4-4 249.999 mll
Ladies are on beast mode! Friday they got 4 cups of 4-4-4 Gaia green and 8gal of compost tea. I did some super cropping as there getting pretty tall and I don’t want them over the fence and at this rate there going to be! Hopefully if everything goes as planned I’ll have the boards or at least some to put up the next time I come home. We’re now into the 10 foot in diameter cages, a few branches started poking thru just the other day. These girls are going to be bigger then last year that’s for sure there already way bigger. We’ll see what next week looks like after some hst thanks for stoppin in.
Used techniques
Week 14. Vegetation
5 years ago
152.4 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
18 °C
254 L
8 L
Nutrients 1
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 3.963 mll
Oh man..... well I super cropped these girl last week to try and slow down vertical grow and get em to bush out more, they sure as hell bushed out but didn’t stop vertical growth much. So I’m going to hst them again buy tie them down this time these girls are gettin big and I don’t really want them to be over the fence kinda defeats the purpose of the fence. I’m not going to be topping them. Heights are: Purple punch: 58inches, 56inches, 56inches Orange sherbert: 60inches, 56inches, 54inches With still a month to go these girls are going to be scary next time I come home so watch for an update on July 15th 😜 would be some nice to see them into the stretch by then but I don’t think I will. They got 8gals of fish emulsion and really loved it, 4-0-3 bio bizz I went with 15ml a gal for 50g water, so between the feed last week and this week we should be on cruise control till I get home before needing another feeding.
Used techniques
Week 16. Vegetation
5 years ago
187.96 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
18 °C
254 L
8 L
Here it is folks, the pride and joy of the fleet, some fine genetics on display here from Barneys Farm! These girls are big and i'm some glad i super cropped them before i left, i wasn't expecting this kind of growth to be honest, the last two weeks were hit and miss with the weather but these girls still just grew like nothing was happening. heights are: Purple punch 1: 68 inches 2: 73 inches 3: 74 inches Orange sherbert 1: 72 inches 2: 69 inches 3: 65 inches So like i said they did get super cropped before i left but a couple popped out and if i were a bettin man id say the wind we have had this year so far had something to do with it...just sayin, orange sherbert 1 tho did not pop out of the tied down super crop this girl is just on full send mode screaming and i'm sure if i hadn't of done this we'd be well into 8 maybe 9 feet high. who knows tho anything is possible. The gap is closing between the plants and that kind of makes me worry for bud time and mold deal with one problem at a time i guess. Going to hit this girls with another feeding as i have a feeling the stretch is going to be coming soon and going to need it just from the size of them. The cages are pretty much gone now so just before the stretch i'm going to try and find some trellis but with covid going on i'm not sure stuff right now is starting to get hard to get on my little island. I picked up a load of boards for the fence so this week we will be working on gettin those up and the bracing. The bracing might not look pretty but were not in a beauty contest here. The fence has one purpose and one purpose only, block wind so i don't care what it looks like as long as it does what it is supposed to do! Thats enough for now peace out growmies!!!👊💪
Week 17. Vegetation
5 years ago
198.12 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
18 °C
254 L
8 L
Nutrients 1
4-4-4 5.548 mll
Well I'm not really sure where to start......Got a lot of work done around the garden this week. Got the first load of boards up on the fence and I've been bracing as I go. Grass all trimmed down and some of the inside of the plants, it was a mosquito magnet in there, wasn't fit to be in, it has gotten better. I gave them what I had left of Gaia Green 4-4-4, which was 3 cups each a little shy of what I wanted to put in so I have another bag coming here very shortly and we will top it up then.So far between everything in the garden right now we have went thru 20kg of 4-4-4, minus 6 cups for the indoor peyote super soil. Also getting some trellis as I thought I had enough from last year but cant seem to find it anywhere. They're getting pretty big now kinda makes me worry a bit, never thought they would be this big..... Purple Punch, #1: 73 inches, #2: 76 inches, #3: 78 inches Orange Sherbert, #1: 76 inches, #2: 72 inches, #3: 69 inches I got some lady bugs today and have released them. I'm hoping to be able to pick up enough boards next time I come home that I can finish closing it in. I won't be closing in the south side, I'm just going to be using the cage, please don't make me regret this...... I would really like to see the stretch set in like NOW but thats not going to happen, maybe next time I'm home we'll start to see flowers, if they don't get wrecked in the mean time, gotta get my wall up!!!!! I'm also going to be setting up an automated curing system this week, I'll have pictures up next week.
Used techniques
Week 18. Vegetation
5 years ago
208.28 cm
15 hrs
26 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
18 °C
254 L
8 L
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3.963 mll
glacial rock dust 7.925 mll
basalt rock dust 7.925 mll
Ok so i'm pretty sure i'm screwed......these plants are now going to be over the fence but it is what it is, had some help measuring the plants this time so the tape did fold and i know that it got to the base of the stalk as it's really hard to do by yourself with plants of this size: PP #1-74 inches #2-80.5 inches #3-82 inches OS #1-78 inches #2-75 inches #3-70 inches So i believe i'm running into a MG deficiency with these girls as well, i'll fill out the grow question for one lucky person to get some point for GOTM. Still waiting on my bag of gaia green 4-4-4, but i did give them some Basalt rock dust 1 cup and some Glacial rock dust 2 cups to try in help what i believe to be an MG deficiency. I didn't have enought to give them what i wanted to so i'll have to wait for that to come in as well or just pick up some rock dust on my way home from Halifax Seed. I under estimated fertilizers for this grow wasn't expecting them to get this big...... Woke up the other morning to a little bit of wind come from the west and the tops were doing some swaying so i had to run into town to the grow shop and pick up some trellis to secure the tops that arn't in the cage. I figured the best was to trellis them as i could only get two 5x30 nets what to just run one each over the tops and secure to the fence. I did work on cleaning some of the inside out but theres just so much it's hard to get everything done in two week with real life going on as well. So i've set up an automated curing system for when these ladies are done. I'll have an air pump hooked up to a timer, then the pump will run into a 12 valve manifold, there will be 12 bucket. each valve will have it's own bucket. each bucket has a one way check valve going into the bottom of the bucket into a perforated hose that will cure around the bottom of the bucket. so the fresh air will rise up thru the bucket. at the top of the bucket will be an outlet with a one way check valve. the buckets have Gama seal lids that screw on with gaskets so it gives you an air tight seal. So having the timer set to twice a day for the first two weeks then adjust to once a day everyday for a few more weeks everything should be on cruse control, no more burping jars if everything works like it's supposed to!
Grow Questions
Hellishjamstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hey there GD, so i'm thinking i have a MG issue right now, i did apply some fertilizer rock dust in order to try and correct it. it has started at the bottom of the plant of the bigger fan leaves then has moved up the plant is now show on the tops of them...
Leaves. Veins - yellow between
TheBudWhispereranswered grow question 5 years ago
I don’t know what puttin means, It’s not an N deficiency, your absolutely right - it’s Mag all the way. Correct organically as you see fit. A steady app of any typical calmag supplement will also solve this within a week. Plants look stellar dude👍
Week 20. Vegetation
5 years ago
246.38 cm
14 hrs
29 °C
64 %
20 °C
18 °C
20 °C
254 L
8 L
How ya like those daisies bloombuster, take a good long look at em 😂😂. So i know what i'm doing for the next 14 days.......trimmin these bitches up!!!! omg the work ahead of me is kinda scary, wheres all my homies at, gonna need some help lol. lots of plans this week, just got home from work. finish the fence gotta feed these girls, that'll be in next weeks update. girls are stretchin and stacking well! it's a quick one shit ton of stuff to do, real life as well so peace hope ya enjoyed the quick update!
Week 21. Flowering
5 years ago
246.38 cm
14 hrs
22 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
20 °C
254 L
8 L
Well i'm going to call this the first week of flowering! They got a big feed a few days ago, 2-8-4 power bloom 4 cups, 2 cups glacial rock dust, 2 cups kelp meal, 1 cup oyster shell flower and 1 bag of cow manure, this was each plant. yep thats a big one but everything is looking good so far after a couple of waterings. They were pretty hungry as you can see a little damage on the top of one. before i left i had also put 2.5 lbs of epsom salts in 250gal of water. big clean out done, could cut more out but i cant reach up inside of them anymore and i don't want to mover her top around to much as i put lady bugs out at the first sign of aphids, and the girls are covered in lady bug eggs as well a larvae. Got a garden upgrade to, wood chips! why cuz fuck the grass! fence is done, finally been lots of stuff gettting done and finished up. i wont be breakin the tape measure out anymore untill finished just gettin to tricky to get in there and i don't really give a fuck anymore lol it is what it is, anyways hope you enjoyed!
Week 22. Flowering
5 years ago
246.38 cm
14 hrs
22 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
20 °C
254 L
8 L
The weather wasn’t very nice the last couple days home, of course update day so we only have two to share this week. Back to work so these girls should look pretty good in two weeks time. One ORange sherbert wasn’t ready for the bloom feed I applied and is now showing a bit of phosphorus excess..... oh well can’t win em all I guess haha see ya in two weeks! Peace ✌️🏻
Week 23. Flowering
5 years ago
246.38 cm
14 hrs
22 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
15 °C
254 L
8 L
Still at work for another week, but the ol lady sent some pics!
Week 24. Flowering
4 years ago
246.38 cm
14 hrs
22 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
15 °C
254 L
8 L
well did i ever miss judge that clean out a could weeks ago eh. Started cleaning them out today, only got one done and a good start on another. I had to go down an give my bro a hand with his garden so i spent a few hrs down there. I will be brew up a tea tomorrow morning as the soil looks like it needs a boost, it was looking really dry when i got home like very. aphids are bad guess i didn't release enough lady bugs even tho they are everywhere and larvae. see if we cant bring these girls back to life here by next week. the last few pics are my older brothers garden all clones of my plants, grow with miracle-gro and switching to beastie bloom.
Week 25. Flowering
4 years ago
246.38 cm
13 hrs
17 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
9 °C
254 L
8 L
moving right along here, hard to believe harvest will be next time i'm home. the orange sherbert is def not going to finish but it is what it is. just a quick update today as we have a few more to do and a few more to start for indoor. they just got there last feeding, should have happened a little sooner as ive run into K deficiency. the cover crop will be planted before i leave. 4 cups 2-8-4, 2 cups 4-4-4, 1 cup 2-7-7 and one cup of chicken shit pellets 5-3-2
Week 26. Flowering
4 years ago
246.38 cm
13 hrs
15 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
6 °C
254 L
8 L
well were bracing for a hurricane on tuesday/wednesday so this is the last time i'm sure you'll see em in the shape. i did get the fence completely closed in and a door on it so that should help a little?!?!?! fuck lol again, but global warming isn't real right hahahahaha ok....... had a heavy frost this morning girls seem to be doing fine hit them with the leaf blower right after the frost melted. anyways have a good one hopefully these girls fair out ok wont know for two weeks as i'm heading out again, good luck.
Week 27. Flowering
4 years ago
246.38 cm
13 hrs
15 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
6 °C
254 L
8 L
Still at work, sorry bout the picture quality the old lady is taking pics for me, but it is much appreciated either way she could tell me to fuck off 😂😝 mould is starting on these girls so far not to bad from what she tells me. She was out cuttin it out this evening. We survived hurricane teddy without any damage!!!!! Wooooooo yea baby! One more week of work and I’ll be heading back home!
Week 28. Flowering
4 years ago
246.38 cm
13 hrs
15 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
6 °C
254 L
8 L
oh man what a busy week that was, sorry for the late update but one was really busy. We've lost a lot to mould this year, i mean a lot. after hurricane teddy rolled thru it dropped 70-90% humidity for roughly 9 days...... so that being said i had to go thru every bit of it to find the mould so it wouldnt spread while in the drying stage. Wet weight that was lost to mould was 23.8 lbs...... basically every top you see got cut off some 3 inches some up to 6 inches, thats fucking depressing wha. the first plant that you see when you walk in the door i only had one top that was any good pretty fuckin depressing right. it is what it is the plants cant handle that kind of humidity. so we cut them early as the mould was growing by the day 😞
Week 29. Flowering
4 years ago
246.38 cm
13 hrs
15 °C
50 %
20 °C
18 °C
6 °C
254 L
8 L
almost done! headed back to work so we'll finish up when i get back home again. i had left some half plants out for another couple weeks we'll see how it finishes up while i'm away to see if it was worth it.


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BudXscommentedweek 65 years ago
type,dig,dig,type,type,type, boat ride
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@BudXs,yep! Pretty much haha
Silverback_Guerillacommentedweek 15 years ago
Seeing you working with all that snow still on the ground is really inspiring...I may even bitch a little less about all the work I have to do for my habit/hobby!
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@Hellishjam, i was gonna say the same thing lmao, you're prepping ground that's got snow on it ffs absolutely savage
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@Silverback_Guerilla, If ya want it ya gotta go get it homie, ain't nobody gonna do it for me haha 💪
CanadianFillmorecommentedweek 145 years ago
They look great!
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
ButtersStotchcommentedweek 125 years ago
A giant windbreak made of dope....sick as fuck!
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 274 years ago
Fuck finger hash I want to walk up and down the rows between your plants and get covered in full body hash😁
Hellishjamcommented4 years ago
@Inganjawetrust,full body hash 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
TheBudWhisperercommentedweek 264 years ago
Hope ur stayn dry homie. Glad teddy lost some steam but shits still expected to hit ur fan fo sho. 🤞🤞🤞 for ya dude
Hellishjamcommented4 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, thanks man, all we can do is wait and see what happens
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 205 years ago
Beautiful plants!
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@Wicked_Stix, Thanks dude!
Wicked_Stixcommentedweek 165 years ago
Monsters! Can't wait to see them covered in big buds.
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@Wicked_Stix,should be a good rip!
CanadianFillmorecommentedweek 165 years ago
Beautiful! But does that chair meet WorkSafe NB safety specs? You might get a splinter! 😂😂
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@CanadianFillmore,That chair isn’t fit to look at!
TheBudWhisperercommentedweek 65 years ago
In for the ride on this bud - lookn forward to some trees!👌😎
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer,me to man finger crossed 🤞
Grey_Wolfcommentedweek 45 years ago
Cant wait to see how big these get Good Luck mate 👍
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf,fingers crossed dude!
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 274 years ago
fuck you teddy the stems are strong with this one 🙏 humbled by their resilience
BudXscommentedweek 274 years ago
Just incredible. She did a good job with the camera
Silverback_Guerillacommentedweek 205 years ago
Hell yeah man...who woulda thunk that those new beds were too close together, by so much?!? Once you close in the fence the rest of the way, you'll need a drone to take flyover photos of those fuckers... This time next year, we'll all be able to find your property on Google Maps...just look for the big green glob...
BudXscommentedweek 125 years ago
TheBudWhisperercommentedweek 55 years ago
And those beds are seriously on point bro👍. Again - very nicely done👌
Silverback_Guerillacommented5 years ago
@Hellishjam, Um...ya, for sure more spacing....some seriously fatass bushes...swallowed up your cages like they weren't even there....
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, thanks man, I prob could have gone with a little more spacing, gonna be hard for pics but hey as long as they work well is all that counts
BeanswithPorkcommentedweek 274 years ago
This guy is really upping tha game. Updates on a work week!!! 😍
Hellishjamcommented4 years ago
@@BeanswithPork, gotta keep an eye on those donkey dicks lol
Organic_LarFcommentedweek 264 years ago
High, Ill put my 🤞 for you and your plants. Thats a early nightfrost youve got. You must be much more north then i am. Here still sure for 3 to 4 weeks before nightfrost can occur. 🙏🍀🍀🍀🙏
Hellishjamcommented4 years ago
@Organic_LarF, thanks man I hope they fair out well. She’s cooling off here fast!
BudXscommentedweek 244 years ago
careful with the beastie if you have not used it before. Do not go full strength, omg, those dirextions are ludicrous, will burn.
Hellishjamcommented4 years ago
@BudXs, yea he's been going light with it
Terra_Farmacommentedweek 185 years ago
Growing some absolute trees! Great work and good luck the rest of the way.
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@Terra_Farma, thank you!! Just gonna giver
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