Week 2 was a breeze! Two of the three other plants were getting close, but I knew from my first harvest I preferred a later harvest. Accordingly, week 2 was fine because the small starter pots did fine in other soil. It prevented the mold growth on the outside of the peat pots. They'd all been resprayed with neem oil before the initial transplant.
They look soaked in each picture because each pot got about .5L a day. The soils were bone dry so I wanted to make sure the roots were able to get water under the peat pots. It makes sense in my head, but they weren't getting water the days between.
At this point they need to be transplanted again, but I don't have the room in the tent. Tentatively planning on pulling the two closest to harvest out Maybe Thurs 2/27 and give them 48 hours darkness in a closet to open room up for the 3 gallon pots.
By this point, I'd had some pretty intense pH issues with my first two grows, so I've been checking that on all water fed to plants - keeping things around 6.5 using filtered water, FoxFarm nutrients (when/if necessary) and General Hydroponics pH Up & Down.