DAy 0, 20th of April 2020 Germination started.
Day 0, 23rd of April 2020: Absolutely crazy look at it ! She is sprouting quickly wants to live :)
I am planting her today evening :)
Day 6: Ventilation started and the lamp set to be closer approx 40 cm. Fertilization will start this week with the mix above 2 x a week.
"Okay so basically, what you want to say is there is no really category for them let's say they just adopted to the climate circumstances that's why e.g. sativa is a type of larger longer plant to reach more light and they can enjoy all year long because of the climate they grow big flower longer it is in their "veins", rudelaris started growing in shit shadow places so just adopted to the circumstances remained small because no point to be large andflowering quick because not much light as well but still cannabis plant only from different clime. "
That's roughly correct.
The rest, nope, you can't get the effect of 10 months of development, using way more nutrients, far more complex processes.
They say it is sativa dominant, because the excuse is it's "an auto" as a base. Think about it. Yes, it is a non-photoperiod, very different development, physical processes over a much shorter time which may or may not make sort of sharp, thin leaves and perhaps stretch more or thicker, round leaves and be shorter and stubbier. Even that, is still less than 50% of the genetic representation.
And wild plants are always adaptively more advanced, btw. Inbred plants are specific and generationally stagnant (along with some issues). Coz people like manufactured sort of familiar, consistent products.
I'm gonna be like pretty brutal here, but I wouldn't grow fastbugs. At all.
@sir_isO, Okay so basically, what you want to say is there is no really category for them let's say they just adopted to the climate circumstances that's why e.g. sativa is a type of larger longer plant to reach more light and they can enjoy all year long because of the climate they grow big flower longer it is in their "veins", rudelaris started growing in shit shadow places so just adopted to the circumstances remained small because no point to be large andflowering quick because not much light as well but still cannabis plant only from different clime.
Isn't it possible you think that yes you are totally right since they are autos they can not be sativas for sure but what about the flowers ? Flowers can possess the sativa effect and if it is crossed and I think this is what they mean the effect is more sativa thats why is stated as a sativa dominant by them. What do you think?
Yeah you're pretty much correct.
Like, I consider HSO Black DOG, practically an auto. Seriously, coz it's heavy indica, but, it's kinda....not complex (looks great though, very dense, etc)'s fast, but underwhelming?
Otoh, HSO TBK, is about 50% stronger, practically, but grows much slower.
That's what I'm saying, there isn't really 3 main types of weed. There is short season/stressed weed, medium, and long/unstressed.
It's a continuous spectrum, and idiots decided to classify billions of variations into 3 categories, coz people are retarded.
As soon as you got a non-photoperiod, it's literally the opposite of sativa. No matter what you try to justify. It's developmentally, metabolically, genetically, no longer possible for that to be "sativa dominant". And I avoid ruderalis like the plague.
Nice work!
Pity you lost the terps in the dry and cure, I'm also not a huge sativa fan, but this one has made my favorites list. The terps I got off mine really is just like Orange Sherbet.
Hopefully you have some more seeds and can grow her again. She is for sure worth it.