Pyramid Seeds - Auto Nefertiti
Another automatic Sativa put at your disposal, Auto Nefertiti is a plant with a strong mint flavor, and a touch of Haze.
This Sativa has a strong smell of Haze and it is similar to Nefertiti, but with hints of citrus, strawberry and orange. It has a spongy appearance and a large elongated flower full of resin. It can reach up to 150 cm.
Outdoors: in 20 liter pots, over 100 grams yield per plant.
Indoors: one meter plants with 50-60 grams per plant.
Variety developed by L’Hort Dels Somnis for Pyramid Seeds.
Type: Ruderalis 25% / Sativa 65% / Indica 10%
Yield: 100 gr.
Indoor: 100 days
Height: 60 - 180 cm
Outdoor: February / October
THC: 11 - 14 %
Hallå GD Community!
This Girl is starting Week 4 now! I have to admit, I'm really not a fan of the pot my friend gave me to try on this run... Its got a built in drainage system, but it doesn't not work well leaving the soil over-moist with even minimal watering. I've only watered this Gal once this whole week and the moisture reading on meter has stayed in green area the entire time.
Other than the pot, This Lady is growing well! Started LST with FIMing every node: Pulled main stalk to side of pot so lower nodes have more light penetration and to stimulate the tree to boost growth of those lower nodes. Hoping for enough growth this next week to start training some of the lower nodes too.
On Another Note:
Can someone help me out here?... How is it possible that in this information age and the plethora of medical and private research that has been done on Cannabis;
Paired with its many other uses like fuel (cleaner fuel than ethanol and cheaper/more sustainable to grow than corn), massive textile uses (strong resistant ropes, clothing, even building materials) & the fact that almost no other product (even big pharma) can claim zero deaths from overuse...
That many states takes away your drivers license for an entire year for a simple possession charge???
This almost always completely destroys the life of the charged for something that doesn't even come close to warranting this kind of consequence!
And then there's the fact that your average Cannabis consumer is a Good Vibes, productive member of society that pays taxes and many times is highly involved in the nitty gritty of their community!
We are ruining lives, wasting millions in court costs, clogging judicial system and prisons for a plant that is so beneficial!
I know that everyone on this site agrees, but I'm sitting here thinking about these amazing people we are destroying and can't sit still! These are family, friends, parents, brothers and sisters, children and worth so so so much more than the storm our government, big pharma, big oil and big textiles pours down on them through the vise of a broken judicial system!!!
This has got to change...
Legalize Cannabis Now!
Thanks for the update. She's looking great. I like the tip from @ Quexos about the dry malt for the Co2 generator. Continued best wishes on your grow. I'll keep looking in...
@Zannabis7, @Quexos, Thanks for the support Zannabis! And you're right, Quexos' tip is amazing! Next re-up of my Generators is gonna be with dry malt and beer yeast!! You guys rock!!
@BudKingsGrow, looking good buddy and great video. I’m intrigued by your CO2 generator. I did look into CO2 a while ago but didn’t think it would make much difference as I have 400W hps in a small 600x700x1800 grow room.
Do you feel it helps?, it’s cheap and if it can benefit yield then I’m all for it, especially in summer when I wouldn’t have to worry so much about the high temps.
@Tazard, If controlling those variables is easy/manageable then by all means! Go for the full optimization! Otherwise, Have fun implementing this as is and still enjoy a positive from it 😀
Happy to hear about the killer growth this week. She is looking great. I appreciate all the positive and supportive comments you spread throughout the GD community. Best wishes!
Quick question for you. One of my Buddha Haze is starting to have some droopy leaves on the tops of the bud sites. She looks healthy otherwise and continues to grow/stretch. Fairly sure I am not under/over watering.Any idea why I would be getting these droopy leaves coming off the bud sites? The bottom fan leaves are nice an perky!
@BudKingsGrow, Yeah you wouldn't see it in my current Week 5 diary posting. It just started in the past 3-4 days. I will update on Sunday. Just seems strange that everything else on the plant is perky and all the other plants in the grow aren't droopy and are perky. Oh well, as long as she's growing and kicking out some bud production, we'll call it good. Just bothers me, as I like a nice healthy looking plant! 😎
Very nice diary. One of the better I have seen. Nicely done. Plants are looking great too. Thanks for the update. Best wishes on the rest of your grow.
@BudKingsGrow, You're welcome. Of course, will certainly try to keep up the good vibes. I've enjoyed my interactions with you more than with any of the other growers. Thanks for taking the time to post/reply with elaborate and articulate words. Best wishes my friend...
What ingredients are you using in your Carbon Dioxide generator? I was a homebrewer for a long, long time, and I was curious what type of mixture and yeast you were using.
@BudKingsGrow, thanks for the reply. Maybe visit your local homebrew shop and by some light dry malt to use instead of sugar. Sugar has very few nutrients for the yeast. Dry malt will give you a more vigorous fermentation and better Carbon Dioxide generation. The dry malt and yeast will last longer as well. You can also buy dry beer yeast and the homebrew shop.
Yoooooo! Looking at your pot you could take a 1/8 bit and drill holes under the side before it goes down into a flanged bottom. I’ve done it for a couple outside plants. Either way she looks like she is making a good fight!!! Positive vibes coming her way from my
Bonsai LSD 💃🏼
@TeflonDonFarms, Thanks Man! I was thinking about trying to rip the entire base off, drilling holes and setting it in a plant saucer. I make a half-assed attempt earlier today, but didnt have time to get a screwdriver or something in there to pry at it. We will see what I can figure out lol
@BudKingsGrow Your plants look pretty damn good man, I just put the same exact kinda co2 generator in my tent, I was wondering, have u noticed any dfferences in your plants growth?
@Sleepy, Glad to help! Remember that growing Ganja is fun!! I always hate it when we get too technical and turn things over from enjoyable to just tedious hard work!! Find your balance, and pair that with your passion... Mary Jane knows your heart, and your grows will go accordingly 😀 Cheers!
@Sleepy, You'll find all sorts of varied opinions on the matter of CO2... And yes, There is a "Perfect" application where in which you plants will get the most out of having boosted CO2... But, I have found that my ladies love having the extra CO2 to drink in! I would not say it a massive difference, just enough for me to notice it!! And with this style of generator being so cheap... Why the heck not?! 😀
I'd recommend changing it out once per week. You can go 2 weeks between wash out/change, but I find 1 week is good.
@Tazard, Thanks Tazard! Shed deserves all the credit though!! I started Her off with a simple LST of pulling main stalk to the side of pot. Then I realized the ornamental pot She was in had no drain (I swear when I looked at this pot before planting that it had a drain but I got no runoff!) and She struggled with being in very wet soil until basically week 5. Very slow and meager growth up until She got big enough to consume moisture in pot from top to bottom evenly. Once Her root-core was solid, She has exploded and filled in the canopy from the LST early on. A bit of defoliation here and there, but other than that, it has been all Her 😍
@Herbalize, Really really appreciate the encouragement! I do love sharing my Passion for Cannabis and hope for nothing more than leaving a legacy of positive, beneficial energy to forward Her movement - She has done so much for me that its the least I can do 😍