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Royal Bluematic

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
5 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
60 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
After 3 and half days, sprouts started to rise from the Jiffy. In the first days after having them planted, I made some fixes regarding light distance (60cm found ok with 250W hps), humidity and proper temperature maintainance. Also, 1 automatic timer ruling the light has broken, skipping the 6 hours of dark in the nigh between day 4 and 5. Had also to fill jars with more soil to cope with plant stretching occurred in the first 4 days because of the too much distance beween leaves and lights. 1 of the plants has shown bad leaves development (left plant on day 7 picture)
Grow Questions
anacletostarted grow question 5 years ago
Anyone has an idea why the plant on the left (refer to day 7 pictures) has growing 2nd pair of ugly shape leaves?
Leaves. Too few
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OutForRealanswered grow question 5 years ago
When cannabis is young and when the soil is pre enriched you can see that kind of distorted leaves but it is disappearing while the plant is becoming stronger and older. If you are talking about the new set of leaves then wait for them to be 100% formed before concluding that the shape is weird because the shape will evolve while the plant will push news nodes
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
60 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
0 L
65 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 0.2 mll
Given them 500ml of water each with Bio Grow < 1ml/L on wednesday (day 10, after taking the pic), to continue the dry and wet cycle. Given also a bit (less than 100ml of water) of Root Juice, for the last time of their cycle. Plants have reached the height of 15cm each. Sampled on the day 12 morning. Added other 500ml of water each with Bio Grow < 1ml/L at the beginning of day 13 (saturday). Applied also my first LST ever on the plant to the right. It was growing the 4th node, so i thought it was a good moment to sart with this technique. Applied also LST on the plant to left in 14th day picture. Noticed an enlongment of 3-4 cm on that plant between day 13 and 14. Progressively lowered the hps to 35 cm distance from the top of the plant in day 14, checking step by step that the temperature was not going beyond 27ºC.
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
25 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
60 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
0 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Water (aroud 800ml each with no fertilizer) on day 16 even though the soil wasn't completely dry. My wet and dry cycle is actually 1 day on, 2 days off water. On day 17, plant on the left has shown its first pistils. On day 19, fed bigger plants with 500ml of water each with less than <2ml/L of Bio Grow + some water with no fertilizer (1L in total each). The smaller has received a little amount of BioBizz Juice Root (she is still in the second week of age and the soil is very reach - AllMix BioBizz) plus smooth water (around half liter). Plant on the left leaveraged lst only to contain his height, because it has just a small branch in its first node level. I hope this will definetly develop, but compared to the right plant, it has slower growing on its branches.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
anacletostarted grow question 5 years ago
I am planning to remove the big leave (shown in day 21 - big leave picture pink-highlighted) to give more light to the little branch below it (marked in yellow). This is the end of the 3rd week and it is an autoflower, what do you think? It's left plant in pic day 21 - morning
Techniques. Defoliation
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MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey i would never remove a leaf that is still full of nutrients and energy. The light that must come to the buds is a mhytos that will never end :-(. Just google photosynthesis. The bud grows through the nutrients that are given to it that contain the leaves :-) the leaves therefore need the light. And even if many persist in the opinion that the buds do not grow otherwise or whatever 😅 I wonder why they cut the leaves off you instead of simply tying them up or down :-)
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
45 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
70 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Last week of vegetation for the two plants in front (the third in the back is 1 week younger). Two irrigation cycles: first on day 22 with rised amount of BioGrow to 3ml/L. Next is expected for today (day 25), with same amount of BioGrow, plus a very small amount of BioBloom to prepare them for the next week which will be flowering, but the soil it is still not dry. The irrigation expected on day 25 happened on day 26. Plant on the left is showing its flowering since day 24, while plant on the right is still shy on this point. The younger plant has been stepped down by its box which was keeping it close to the light. It gained at least 15cm of height in just one day since I did it.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
45 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
70 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
0 L
25 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2.5 mll
Day 29, irrigation with 1ml/L of BioBizz Bloom and 1ml/L of BioBizz Grow. Day 32, irrigation with 1.5ml/L of BioBizz Bloom and 0.5ml/L of BioBizz Grow. Done some defoliation on the bottom side of the plants on those leaves yellowing. At the day 33 I had to add a serious dehumidifier in my box the humidity was stuck above 70%, arriving also to peaks of 85% during the night. The small humidifier I had before was totally useless. On day 34 I noticed that fan leaves at the bottom which were yellowing were also showing something looking like phosphorus deficiency (see second pic of day 34), even though i am not sure if this is normal at this stage of the growing as this is my first grow ever. I decided to apply a mini root flushing to all the three plants (as all of them were showing the same issue) by giving them ~7L of still water each to the two inside the bigger vases, while to the smaller I gave ~4L. After that I prepared a mixture of 1ml/L BioBizz Grow and 2.5 ml/L of BioBizz Bloom (that should add phosphorus to the soil) and i have irrigated plants with that. Let's see what happen next
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Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
65 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
55 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 2 mll
Fed them on day 37 with 1ml/L of BioBIzz Grow, 3ml/L BIoBizz Bloom, 1ml/L BioBizz Top Max. During the last week plants have suffered some temperature oscillation, reaching peaks of 30ºC (HPS + hot weather is a bad combo). Day 39, prepared a mixture of 1ml/L of BioBizz Calmag, 2ml/L BioBizz Grow, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 2ml/L BioBizz TopMax. Let's see now what happens to the shown nutrient deficiency (expected to be nitrogen deficiency). Day 41, mixture of 2ml/L BioBizz Grow, 4ml/L BioBIzz Bloom, 2ml/L BioBizz TopMax, 1ml/L BioBizz Fish Mix. To the younger I gave instead 2ml/L of BioBizz Grow, 3ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 1ml/L BioBizz TopMax, 1ml/L BioBizz FishMix
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
anacletostarted grow question 5 years ago
What kind of deficiency these leaves are showing? Can this be lack of nitrogen? I am using a lower amount of BioBizz Grow these days (1ml/L), passing to BioBizz Bloom and Top Max as they are in the middle of the flowering stage. In case, should I integrate with more BioBizz Grow?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Calatheaanswered grow question 5 years ago
Well I guess it's either a nitrogen deficiency or a magnesium deficiency. The symptoms are almost the same (yellowing leaves, older growth first (nitrogen and magnesium are mobile -> can be transported to newer growth) Since you are feeding with BioBizz grow and bloom only, I believe the girls need some extra Magnesium. 1-2ml/l of CalMag (any brand) should be fine. This is only my recommendation: You could increase the amount of BioBizz grow (which is nitrogen) by 1ml/l to eliminate the risk that it is a nitrogen deficiency and simultaneously feed the girls with CalMag. If leaves turn dark green, reduce the amount of BioBizz grow. AND you should always consider that: - nutrients could be locked up in the medium (plant has no access to them) - Ph is too high or too low -> reduced or no uptake of certain nutrients Hope this helps Happy growing
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
65 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
55 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 3 mll
Day 43, fed thw two older plants with mixture of 1ml/L BioBizz Grow, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 3ml/L BioBizz Top Max and 1ml/L of BioBizz Fish Mix. The younger was irrigated with 1ml/L BioBizz Grow, 3ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 1ml/L BioBizz Top Max and 1ml/L of BioBizz Fish Mix. Moreover, I have defoliated plants from yellow fan leaves at their bottom. Day 45, mixture of 1ml/L BioBizz Grow, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 3ml/L BioBizz Top Max and 1ml/L of BioBizz Fish Mix to the older plants and 1ml/L BioBizz Grow, 3ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 1ml/L BioBizz Top Max and 1ml/L of BioBizz Fish Mix to the younger. The two older plants are showing different speeds of flowering, even though they have been planted in the same moment. My hypotesis is that the one ahead with flowers owes its speed to the fact that it grew developing less sprigs, hence concentrating energy and nutrients. Can't guess further at the moment, this is my first grow ever. Day 47, the olders had 0.5ml/L BioBizz Calmag, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 4ml/L BioBizz Top Max and 1ml/L of BioBizz Fish Mix and 0.5ml/L BioBizz Calmag, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 2ml/L BioBizz Top Max and 1ml/L of BioBizz Fish Mix to the younger.
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Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
65 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
55 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
Only water to all of them on day 50. Noticed leaves yellowing in just 1 day. Day 52, fed the olders with a mixture of 1ml/L BioBizz Grow, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 4ml/L BioBizz TopMax, 1ml/L BioBizz FishMix. The younger had instead 1ml/L BioBizz Grow, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 2ml/L BioBizz TopMax, 1ml/L BioBizz FishMix. Day 54, older plants had 0.5ml/L BioBizz Calmag, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 4ml/L BioBizz TopMax, 1ml/L BioBizz FishMix, while the younger was irrigated with a mixture of 0.5ml/L BioBizz Calmag, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 3ml/L BioBizz TopMax, 1ml/L BioBizz FishMix. Day 56, same mixture of day 54, except that the older plant ahead with the flowering stage has been flushed. Planned to be cut next sunday, 1 week from now.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
55 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
Day 58, only water for 1 plant which is towards to be cut. The other older had mixture of 1ml/L of BioBizz Grow, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 4ml/L BioBizz Top Max, 1ml/L BioBizz Fish Mix. The younger had 1ml/L of BioBizz Grow, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 3ml/L BioBizz Top Max, 1ml/L BioBizz Fish Mix. Found a lot of yellow and curled leaves on the older, probably due to hot temperature (30ºC in the box of the last couple of days). Removed them. Day 60, mixture of 0.5ml/L of BioBizz Calmag, 4ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 3ml/L BioBizz Top Max, 1ml/L BioBizz Fish Mix. Only water for one of the older plants. Day 62, reduced the amount of BioBizz Bloom to 3ml/L. Mixture of 3ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 3ml/L BioBizz Top Max, 1ml/L BioBizz Fish Mix. Still only water to the plant that will be cut soon.
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Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
55 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 1 mll
Day 64. Water to older plant going to be cut (just waiting trichomes turning brown) and mixture of 1ml/L BioBizz Fish Mix, 3ml/L BioBizz Bloom, 4ml/L BioBizz Top Max to the other two. I like the colors the plant next to be harvested got to its leaves (day 64 - flower pic). Redone same mixture of day 64 on day 66, but adding also BioBizz Calmag 0.5ml/L. Temperature are drammatically increasing inside the box as the summer is arrived. Mixture is stable, alternating the adding of Calmag. I finally harvested on day 69 the plant in front on pictures. Smell was really great and also i am pretty satisfied on the amount of yield. Almost 170 gr of wet weight. Let's see what remains at the end of the drying phase and after stems' removal
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
55 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 1 mll
Plants remained in two after last week's cut
Grow Questions
anacletostarted grow question 5 years ago
The younger plant has developed flowers in an enlonged shape. The plant herself has grew a lot during her cycle (plant on the left day 72) and I can't understand the reason. Maybe some stress due to the hot temperature in the box during the veg (30ºC as peaks sometimes).Any idea?
Buds. Not fattening
Plant. Too tall
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Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 5 years ago
This is definitely due to heat stress, it looks like it's going to foxtail. Unlike genetic fox tailing, which is considered “good,” this kind is the opposite. Foxtails forming from light overexposure do not display much damage, but in reality, chances of the herb losing potency after repeat light stress is high.
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
55 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
water 1 mll
Day 78, flushed the two remaining plants. Day 79, collected buds of the first cutted plant. 42.2 gr is the net weight, way better than hoped at the beginning (~35gr). Pictures are posted. Day 83, cut the younger as it was completely bent. The younger has developed foxtail buds, as described during previous weeks
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
75 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
55 %
25 °C
19 °C
11 L
1 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
water 1 mll
Only one left. Irrigating with only water. Waiting for trichomes turning brown
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Week 13. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Relax predominance after smoking. Wish I could harvest when more thricomes turned brown, but plants have been at their limits.
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Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
166.67 g
Bud wet weight per plant
50.67 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
My three plants (Tom, Jerre, Uga) have generally suffered heat inside the box with half of the cycle made with 30ºC of temperature. Buds grew a little bit dilated because of it. One of the three (the younger, UGA), developed buds in a foxtail fashion and the plant itself grew tremendously high (genetics? temperature? who knows). Pretty satisfied of the yield, well beyond my best initial expectations as first time grow
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Growingkittencommentedweek 95 years ago
Looking good! Keep it up! 😺
Gertrudecommentedweek 65 years ago
what beautiful nettle plants, great for a risotto!
the end.
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Royal BluematicRoyal Bluematic
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