Spyder7commentedweek 35 years ago
Looks like your getting some steady, healthy growth. I'm also growing the same strain in the same sized pot and same soil (my second time with the soil, strain, and growing). I got so much out of the soil that I misjudged its nutrient needs, and skimped thinking it would really finish in about 7 weeks.
It took closer to 13 weeks, the first time. I'm on day 6 with it this time, grow number 2 but with proper nutes this time, and like both of my Early Misses,yours is a dwarf too. This time I even tried forcing it to stretch by delaying bringing the light down, but instead it simply grew a bit lanky to 2" then stalled around day 4 and began to droop on day 5. At that point I lowered the light. Its indica and ruderallis genes seem to win out,
Last grow I LST'd it in week 3 and it responded really well to LST. That may be the only training technique I use this grow. Its a very forgiving strain, to a point, and the only real disasters I've seen were where things like Miracle-gro or excessive feeding were done and the plant stunted from it,
But if you keep to half strength nutes, keep the light and humidity in check and where they need to be, it will reward you at the end, From a 150W UFO LED (63W from the wall) I got about 30 grams in 2 gallons of the same soil, with almost no nutes. Both the strain and soil are very capable, though you timed the first feeding well.
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