
2x2 Closet/Outdoor Auto Grow

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
19 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
TNB pH Down - TNB Naturals
TNB pH Down
0.156 mll
4-4-4 All Purpose
7.812 ml/l
Commented by
Travazaurus Travazaurus
5 years ago
Utilizing Marijuana Mommas feed schedule for Gaia Green Dry organic nutrients. Water sourced from a lake side natural spring filtered by heavy limestone deposits (7.5 ph at source). Will PH to between 5.8-6.2. Took a few days of dialing in new grow setup. 2x2x4 with a AC infinity T4, household sits around 30% RH, purchased new ultrasonic humidifier which was suited for up to 400 Sq Ft and not 16 sq ft. Faulty hygrometer showing tent at 50% RH and temps at around 20 Celsius. Swapped to another hygrometer, temps were actually around 17 Celsius and 90% RH, humidifier removed and set on high in bedroom containing grow tent. Tent RH boosted with wet face cloth to vary between 45-60% RH. Exhaust fan set on low. TIMELINE 18-19 April 2020: soaked seeds in solocup of non PH’ed fresh lake water for 24 hours. Moved to damp paper towel and ziplock bag, Blueberry showing small tap root already. Placed on warm surface for 24 hours (PS4 Lol). DAY 0 20 April 2020: Checked seeds, 2/2 both taproots showing. Blueberry has straight Taproot approx 0.5” long. Amnesia has a tap root encircling it approx 1” long, good to go. • Light intensity: HLG 135 QB dimmed to lowest setting (60 Watts) • Seeds each placed into 5 Gal fabric pots amended with Gaia Green 4-4-4 all purpose (2 tbsp/Gal media). Coco used is Canna Coco compressed bricks (40L) that were expanded with non PH’ed tap water (Expanded to fill 3 x 5 Gal pots to about 85%) mixed with 10-15% perlite (ran out) DAY 1 21 April 2020: Amnesia sprouted from coco. DAY 2 22 April 2020: Blueberry seed helmet visible just below coco surface. DAY 3 23 April 2020: Amnesia showing first set of of tiny shaped leaves. Blueberry’s through the coco surface and helmet gently removed. No sprouted round leaves yet. Light turned up to 80w to provide more heat in tent during daytime lights on. DAY 4 24 April 2020: No changes, light schedule changed to 19/5 to emulate northern summer light conditions. DAY 5 25 April 2020: Both seedling fully sprouted and opened up to the light. DAY 6 26 April 2020: Light dimmed to around 70w as generalized LUX reading exceeding ideal range for seedlings. DAY 7 27 April 2020: Both Seedlings look healthy with good vigor. Both seedlings have first set of small leaves and can see a second tiny set developing.
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MaryJaneUSAcommentedweek 65 years ago
Keep the lights on at night throughout the morning and then put them to sleep during the day.
Travazauruscommented5 years ago
@MaryJaneUSA, they’re outdoors now but dark period was 12 to 6 pm. Thanks,
TheCodecommentedweek 15 years ago
Damn maan NICE😎! And that HLG light😲! Cmon luving it Already😍!! BuT I think the tent will be to small for those 5 gal pots ,would have been better marshydro Grow Tent 28''x28''x64'' more space you will need!! Or you have another tent after the veg? Because I have same light v2 3500k in Tent 28''x28''x64'' with 2.9Gal 2 pots and still havent mastered to harvest to full potential of the space I have and the light i Have, I only get 0.37 g per W and i should pull 2.0g per W can you imagine? Killer Lights but amateur grower still have so much potential to make for much bigger harvest just need to perfect it more n more hhaha and already I want i little bigger tent lol! 😵 Okey man sorry for confusioon haha, Good luck with your delicous grow and i will peep time to time to look how much you will pull with the girls! PEACE.😎😏
Travazauruscommented5 years ago
@TheCode, thanks brother. I do own a 38x38x72 And second HLG 135 v2 but unfortunately for the current space I have available, the 2x2x4 was my only solution that could still Fit within the Clothing closet itself . Although not ideal, this is the cards I’ve been dealt due to a homeowner’s fiancée moving in. Worst case scenario if things get really really crowded I can transition the plants outdoor for flower and start vegging some photos while the autos finish.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 123 years ago
I love it!!!Keep it up.