The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Purple Haze & Wedding Cake -Balcony grow

5 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
70 %
20 °C
0 L
Nutrients 3
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 1 mll
Here we go 🙌Another outdoor season approaching with warmer weather and an empty balcony with roughly 9 hours of sunlight. I look forward to this grow and seeing how the Wedding Cake Auto by Orig. Sens. Seeds will do outside. It's also my first time growing a strain for a second time. Exciting yeay 😃The purple Haze is new to me, but she sounds and looks amazing. I hope I can apply some of my learnings to the outdoor conditions and improve my quality from last years result of the summer of hell. Both are currently residing on my kitchen table under a cheap plant light. I will grow them inside for a little and slowly get them used to outside. Currently in Seedling week Put the seeds in a coffee cup with a hydrogen peroxide-water solution, wrapped in a wooly scarf and covered with paper towel for 24 hours on Monday lunch time. Quick info on the solution: 1 ounce/28ml hydrogen peroxide 3% in 1 pint/473ml water - google for this article as reference: How Does Hydrogen Peroxide Affect Seed Germination? 24 hours later, the Purple Haze seed already showed an open little spot with its tiny tap root pushing out. Both seeds went into a paper towel which I moistened with the same solution and then put in a ziplock covered in dark and warm spot. The ziplock I left a little open for little air coming in. Another 24 hours later they both had a 1 cm long root showing and were then transplanted in a transparent cup with Biobizz Light Soil. The transparent cup I use, to actually see how their roots develop and how much water is in the soil, but I must put the transp. into a darker cup, so no light can get through to the roots. I moistened the soil with a very thin solution of Biobizz root juice and PHed water. 24 hours after potting them, they both have broken the soil, yeay 🙌 I will wait another week from today and then call it Day 1 of Veg. Haven't decided on a pot size yet, tending to 8l again, maybe 12. Update End of Seedling week & week 1 Veg: Both have arrived and survived their first week as seedlings. It didn't go too good. The light I had installed in the Box was a cheap blurple plant light, they started stretching really fast. So I had them in the 12:12 tent during the day and for another couple of hours under the blurple until their new light had arrived. Under the new light I had them a little too close and they showed first signs of heat/light stress. The outer edge of the leaf started to slightly claw up and inwards, you can see it on the pictures. So I adjusted the distance and they are doing fine now. The Purple Haze I gave a little green wired helper, so she can hold herself with the leggy stem. Day 1 & 2: They got watered with 100ml each with 0,5ml fish mix, heaven and activera. Nice little leaves forming, they seem to have recovered... Waiting for the weather to become better and more stable to repot and then adjust them to outside. Will be a little while though. Day 4: Both have just recovered from being a bit light-stressed and now purple has a little wiggle in her leaves. I don't think I have to worry. Still waiting for better and more stable weather before I can repot them... Day 6: They finally got repotted, small roots were coming out the bottom cup. The small box is now properly crowded until they can go outside. Hopefully the weather turns around soon. Happy outdoor season everyone ☀️🍃
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
12 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 2 mll
Week 2 and on Day 9 they had their first visit on the balcony for the day. The night they spent behind the balcony door since it's still goes down to 8C. They look happy and healthy. I have sprayed all plants (not hose two) on the balcony with a neem oil washing liquid mixture as a precautious thing. Last year I had spider mites on the small plants which sucked. They will most likely get a treatment as well. Second day today in the sun, they are loving it. Currently at the 4th node, waiting for a little more growth to top them... That's the plan but I might change my mind. Thinking as they are autoflowers and outdoors, they might not recover well? Day 12, they got both topped above the 4th node and then watered with 1l each and 2ml Fish, Heaven and Activera. I was debating a lot with myself, if it is wise to top outdoors and la la la. I wanted to give it a try, so I know in the future :D Hopefully this time I will make a successful quadline, as in topping above the 4th node and removing the 2 bottom nodes then training to the outside pots. I hope I have time and they stay in veg a little longer. I also noticed their stem is now a good bit fatter at the top bits, either the breeze or again Biobizz Heaven doing its magic, probably both :) Day 14 - Both look well after topping, Purple Haze seems to be doing better as in size and growing. To follow the quadlining, I removed the bottom two nodes of both. I let them recover for a day or two and then start forming the quadline X. Yeay, I hope the weather stays good and they both recover well. Poor little things. Purple Haze had some small little suckers sitting on her small top nodes, I removed them. It looked like 3 little aphids, and one transparent mini fly was sitting at the next leaf, the joys of outdoors yeay. I will spray them with a little neem oil soap mixture tomorrow night. Today they need to recover ☀️
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
12 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 2 mll
Hi week 3, today is Day 25. The last days the weather has been rather bad, so it was a lot of bringing them inside in the tent and back outside and so on... A bit annoying and also visible in their progress. I am currently thinking, that the topping and removing of nodes to form a quadline/X outdoors was not too smart 😬I can see super small pistols and calyxes forming, that means pre-flower is starting soon. Ideally I would be able to grow both arms to the side of the pot, I am positive we can make it 😁Let's hope for great weather ✌️So today I added some green wire and metal hooks to the soil to spread their arms and nodes to the outside. I hope no arm or shute breaks this time. Another night indoors, poor things, it must stress them, but it was 8C only and that's a bit too cold. Today is sunny though and they enjoy outdoors. After being outdoors for an hour I was watering them and guess what, some bugs paid a visit already 😡 I scratched them off gently, they were sitting neatly inside a future flower! Such little fuckers!!! Tonight is the night they all get a good spray. I have some Aptus Dislike from last year. When getting closer to the wedding cake (she's the bug lady), she gave a really strong smell already 😱 Probably that's why she's so attractive to all those suckers... Can't wait for some flowers to bloom on my balcony, to invite some ladybugs and other little helpers.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
12 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1 mll
Week 4, Hi ☀️ Outdoors is exhausting 😁 Everyday I check for bugs, remove single aphids with a toothpick and spray them every other day with Aptus dislike. Oh man. It definitely shows on them, they both look rough. In regards to the training, both have fat stems, which is good for them but bad for the training. The Purple Haze is quite large in height and the node distance between 3rd and 4th node is big. That makes levelling the nodes of both stems to an even canopy, extremely difficult. The fat stems also. The hooks and wires are barely enough to hold them down, without bending the whole stem. Wedding Cake is more flexible, still has fat stems. Node distance is better than with purple. Either way, they are growing and bring me joy, even though I had to get used to not seeing results as quickly as indoors. Peace ✌️
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
40 %
12 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Welcome first week of Flower, they both have arrived, even though Purple Haze is more developed and shows more white hair already. I must say, so far this outdoor grow is weird. The training is different, they both grow fat stems and didn't bend straight but at an ankle. And the bugs, I can't stand it and I sound awful :) I had another invasion of white little bugs under the leaves, my guess, the beautiful spider mite 😷 They got another proper spray of Aptus Dislike, no matter the buds. I tried avoiding spraying the flower, but I plan on washing anyway. I cannot understand how someone would not wash their outdoor grow... Wedding Cake grew a funny long main arm, must have to do with the bend in her main stem, one side seemed to have gotten more whatever, nutrients, energy? Purple Haze has a sweet smell, rubbing the stem smells promising. Wedding Cake smells exactly like my first grow, I can't wait to smoke her again 😍 My last moan, the weather 😝 They had several visits inside behind the door, stormy rain and little sunlight. Poor things. The next days will be better ☀️✌️
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
15 cm
16 hrs
22 °C
40 %
12 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Week 6 and second week of proper Flowering. Wedding Cake is still stretching and the training worked beautifully on her. Purple Haze on the other side is a fat-four-main-cola-lady. Her leaves are huge, her stem is fat and not flexible and she is fattening up much more than Wedding Cake. She's basically 4 fat main colas, that's all. Wedding Cake I can still beautifully train and her canopy is flat and even, so all bud sites should get the same amount of light and food. Speaking of light, the weather sucks again, barely no sunlight and lots of rain. Some bugs are back, I guess that's just a normal with outdoors. Hoping for better weather ✌️🍃☀️
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
15 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
40 %
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Week 7, today is the last Day, Day 49 🙌 This week was blessed with lots of sunshine and hot weather. They got a good 8 hours of sun every day this week and it shows beautifully. I gave up on getting annoyed by the ever existing outdoor bugs and have a small bottle of Aptus Dislike mixed with some water handy outside. As long as they don't get too heavily infested, I don't worry anymore. They look much rougher and more sturdy than their Princess sisters inside 💕 Both show no overfeeding and have beautiful green leaves. Purple Haze' stem is thick and a dark purple by now and she shows purple on the bottom of her sugar leaves. Wedding Cake is still behind in bud thickness but she stacked up quite nicely this week. Both are smelling proper already, which is a delight and thanks to heavy greenery, flowers and vegetables on the balcony, nothing to worry about too much. Purple Haze is smelling sweet like sugar and Wedding Cake shows the exact same smell as the last time I grew her. Can't describe it, sorry, but it's yummy. I didn't have to water them too much last week with the bad weather conditions, maybe once. This week the sun is making them drink a lot more. I feed them on half the recommended dose. I did some systematic defoliation with both. Purple Haze is so crowded with her leaves, that I'm worried she might get moldy easily. I didn't want to take a lot of her bigger leaves though with the bad weather last week. So I thinned her out a bit between her buds. I might take some more leaves, now that they don't have to worry the weather. Wedding Cake, I removed some inwards pointing leaves, all in the same spot. Happy for next week ❤️✌️
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
15 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
40 %
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Week 8 and Day 53 today. It was a good weather mix so far, sun and heat, then rain and strong wind. They are tough. Purple is still getting fatter and some first pistils are browning. Still worried with her and higher humidity. In between buds she has lots of sugar leaves that are squishy and just wait for mold. Also those spots are a fan favorite amongst some aphids 😬 Did a slight Dislike treatment and removal of some bugs with a cotton wool bud. Can't wait to wash those buds. Wedding Cake is another story today. She's behind but slowly fattening up. Today I checked her and thought, oh what a nice swolen calyx, touch it and it's rockhard, what the fuck 🤪 I ripped it of and it was a fucking seed 😱😱😱 How the hell did she herm on me???? Now what? She's at least 3-4 weeks away from being close to finish. Purple Haze might be finished sooner, is she at risk though? Oh hallelujah 😁 Did a proper search and couldn't find any more but still, they're coming back or hiding. Exciting 🤪 we will see Day 54, Wedding Cake looks like she's foxtailing and revegging or either or... Oh man, that sucks a little... With the seed I found yesterday I'm paranoid now, everything looks like balls 😭 Do a couple of days of bad weather do this? I'm confused... and the weather is the only thing that hasn't been overly stable. I guess I will wait and do a little more research on what to do. Day 55, with the seeds I found with Wedding Cake, I researched a bit and my guess is, either there is a male plant around, which I doubt or it's a genetics fluke... So I'm watching her closely for more seeds. The seeds hide closely to calyx, with the only difference being they have no hair growing out. So I'm squishing a lot of plant material atm, not good :( I took a test sample of both, Wedding and Purple. Wow, Purple is strong, holy lord. I'm used to super gentle 10% THC & CBD and she is def. above that. Wedding Cake I tried too, even though there is not a lot of bud stacking going atm. She's there as well, but it pains my heart to not see her bulck up 💔 Is she now completely focussing on producing seeds instead of fattening up? I hope not :( Hold your thumbs, Thanks 🙏
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
15 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
40 %
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Day 57, First day of Week 9. Did some first trichome shots of both. Purple Haze shows a good mix of milky and amber trichomes, so she is pretty much done. Wedding Cake, which looks like she's at least 2 weeks away, is also already showing a good bit of milky and some little amber. Purple I will chop either tonight or tomorrow. For the lovely Wedding Cake, I hope she can bulk up a bit more. We will see 😍 Yeay and wow, they grew so fast 🙏 Last day of week 9, not a lot has changed since last week... She got a little more yellow, my guess is either calmag or a little more nitrogen... Probably calmag. Will give her a bit extra next watering. The weather is again very mixed, some rain, some clouds, little sun. She still a proper foxtailer, but haven't found anymore seeds. She will take a good bit more time. Will check trichomes again soon. Let's hope for a better and fatter week next week ✌️
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
15 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
40 %
18 °C
8 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
Hi Week 10 ✌️ It's only wedding cake on the balcony and she is doing ok. Not a lot of bud growth unfortunately but lots of trichomes all around the little foxtail buds and smaller sugar leaves. I checked her trichomes yesterday on Day 67, she is still milky with some first amber ones. So I decided to start her flush with flawless finish and I assume she will last another week. Her smell is quite strong by now, typical wedding cake smell I know from my last grow of her indoors. Looking forward to smoking her again but not very happy with her bud structure and overall growth outdoor. No more seeds found yet, I guess some more will make an appearance during trimming. We will see how she goes ☀️


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occultgreen420commentedweek 45 years ago
Hi man, nice to see your grow! For aphids, gnats, bugs & larvae in general a really great and organic remedy is diatomaceous earth - comes in very fine powder form. You can sprinkle it on the top soil now and also do a light mix with water and spray over the foliage. It's a really good tool to have for prevention also. I usually mix my soil with some of it as well. Best of luck!
starkecommented5 years ago
Thanks @@occultgreen420, that's really good info, I appreciate it. I looked into the diatomac. earth and got some. These outdoor bugs are mad, so it's good to be prepared.
cuchillocommentedweek 15 years ago
Thanks for sharing with us a new outdoor growing experience! Good luck with these 2 new beauties :)
starkecommented5 years ago
Thank you @cuchillo ☀️ that's very kind. Good luck I can use, outdoor is quite adventurous, at least to me, hehe 🤪
Bushbaby808commentedweek 75 years ago
Loving the balcony bud, some nice greenery going on there!! 🌲🌞. Shame about the little beasties but as you say if it's not that bad then it's not a real concern..... Wishing the babies good health my friend!! 👍
starkecommented5 years ago
Thanks @Bushbaby808 🙏
Bushbaby808commentedweek 105 years ago
The balcony buds are trying man but as you say only small ones!! Cracking little experiment though my friend....👍😊
Bushbaby808commentedweek 95 years ago
Fook me that was quick!!! You've only just put them in the oven and they're done already!! 😊 I'm gonna have to check some of those purple beans 👍
starkecommented5 years ago
@Bushbaby808, yes, right 🤪 I couldn’t believe it myself. Even though the trichome shots I uploaded don’t really show (it was quite wobbly on the balcony), they already showed a good portion of amber from top to bottom. Happy to see how they turn out. First test smoke was already strong ☀️
DoDrugs420commentedweek 104 years ago
Spectacular my dude.
MrJonescommentedweek 45 years ago
Great Looking Grow! Looking Forward To Following Along With Your Diary – Very Good Luck To You❗💯🌿:thumbsup: 🙌🙌👏 Please Check Out My Diary's🙌🙌👏
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