So I couldn't check on her and today I found she has become a whole different plant! I mean look at those leaves! She has REAL weed leaves now wow I'm so impressed 😍. Just in about 48 hours she grew a whole new pair of very good looking leaves. I'm so happy I didn't kill her!
This week the weather won't be good, it will rain almost every day until Saturday. Today I made a little umbrella for the plants with a transparent cloth and some sticks. It came out pretty good.
Looking at old photos of Auto Amnesia I realized that Lemon Potion CBD is about a week late. But she's growing, so nothing to report.
Nothing to report, the weather is absolutely
awful. According to the weather forecast it will rain until next Saturday (the 13th). I hope she will manage to get enough light anyway. You will find a photo of today's weather so that you can suffer with me.
Unfortunately, the shelter collapsed, thank god I didn't study architecture 😂 since they need shelter, next week I'm going to buy a couple of transparent umbrellas. They should do the job.
Anyway, I'm shocked by the growth she had in the last 7 days. She started as a scrunchy monster and became a good looking healthy plant. Yes, she's late and probably won't produce much, but it's a success for her to be alive ahahah.
приветствую! зайди в свой дневник, нажми на неделю которую хочешь изменить. Нажми в правом верхнем углу три вертикальных точки и выбери в списке "редактировать неделю". в появившейся странице редактирования под номером своей недели выбери "вегетация" или "цветение". Все просто! 👌😇👍 Удачи!
Ciao, complimenti. Anche io adoro stare a guardarle. La sera le guardo e sento una pace allucinante.penso che riuscire a fumare il primo raccolto (Se mi verrà fuori qualcosa) intanto che guarderò la seconda crescita andare, sarà ancora più bello. 😁 buona fortuna. ✌️