Yesterday I built the umbrella greenhouse 2.0. Ok, actually, my bf built it cause I have already proven not to be a decent engineer 😂 I'm pretty satisfied!
The umbrella resisted the storm! And lil Lemon Potion is growing at full speed now! It's about time, isn't it? Considering that now she's thriving, today I gently bent her. This way her soon-to-be lower branches will get more light.
Today I bent her a bit more, she's doing fine. Can't wait to see her buds!
приветствую! зайди в свой дневник, нажми на неделю которую хочешь изменить. Нажми в правом верхнем углу три вертикальных точки и выбери в списке "редактировать неделю". в появившейся странице редактирования под номером своей недели выбери "вегетация" или "цветение". Все просто! 👌😇👍 Удачи!
Ciao, complimenti. Anche io adoro stare a guardarle. La sera le guardo e sento una pace allucinante.penso che riuscire a fumare il primo raccolto (Se mi verrà fuori qualcosa) intanto che guarderò la seconda crescita andare, sarà ancora più bello. 😁 buona fortuna. ✌️