Yes I will definitely let her live some more weeks, at least one. I looked at some diaries and this strain is always harvested around 12-13 weeks. I'll give her another shot of very diluted manure tea since she seems to have enjoyed it the last time. Just to give her enough nutrients to finish.
Couldn't check her and she's so fat now! Her buds are really swelling up now and forming little fatty nugs. Her leaves are still slowly drying cause I didn't have the time to brew the manure tea. If I can, I'll do it tomorrow.
Every day she's fatter and fatter. During this week she literally exploded! Being my first time I wasn't prepared for this massive growth, especially since I'm going all organic and all homemade. Like wow, really. I don't know how much she'll produce but honestly who cares. I learned so much from this plant and I'm probably going to miss her. Anyway, I still have 1 seed of this strain so maybe next year... Tomorrow should be her last day but she's going to live some weeks more for sure.
приветствую! зайди в свой дневник, нажми на неделю которую хочешь изменить. Нажми в правом верхнем углу три вертикальных точки и выбери в списке "редактировать неделю". в появившейся странице редактирования под номером своей недели выбери "вегетация" или "цветение". Все просто! 👌😇👍 Удачи!
Ciao, complimenti. Anche io adoro stare a guardarle. La sera le guardo e sento una pace allucinante.penso che riuscire a fumare il primo raccolto (Se mi verrà fuori qualcosa) intanto che guarderò la seconda crescita andare, sarà ancora più bello. 😁 buona fortuna. ✌️