I’d say another week, maybe a little more before harvest.
Been feeding my plants RO Water only and I see the trichomes starting to build up. Buds are getting fatter and frostier compared to last week for sure.
Starting to really smell like gas. Super sweet candy like smell.
Man beautiful grow! I'm on my very first attempt at growing anything ever! Really could use any tips you might have! It's a Notorious T.H.C. From Humboldt Seed Company! Cheers and Happy Growing!!
@Cthoff, Thanks for stopping by and for the tips! Probably in a few days i'll be defoliating a bunch more, Just did it in little chunks.. Yeah there's gaping in my lights i'm looking into some small supplemental lights to fill in those areas! Thanks man for the tips!!
@Nor_Cal_Kannabliss, it looks like you know what your doing my friend! Your plants are looking healthy but like you said, very bushy. I would start defoliating where you can gradually over the next few weeks. Since defoliating too much at once can shock the plants.
But you need some light in the middles of the plants. Other then that I have nothing else to say except good job and keep it up :)