It's been roughly a week since I flipped the lights to 12/12 so I will consider this week 1 of flower. Watered and fed yesterday and not seeing any signs of burn today so I am happy things seem to be going fine. Planning to not LST much from here and just letting them both fill out the tent. I still haven't been able to determine they are both female yet but I am putting my faith in RQS Fem seed claim so fingers crossed!
14/07/2020 - I noticed two colas on the RM had grown a lot taller than the rest of both plants. Decided to try supercrop/bend them over to make them level again. Accidentally almost snapped one clean off. Put some tape so hoping it recovers. Other than that, they both seem to be doing really well with feedings. I seem to be able to give them much stronger feedings than my first Auto grow without causing massive burn issues. Now I am keeping an eye on the flower development as it's not as far long as I'd expect for basically two weeks after flipping to 12/12.