
Auto Blackberry Kush

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 4-6
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
9 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 5
20 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
7+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Cheeba_Inu Cheeba_Inu
5 years ago
The Blackberry Kush is growing well despite it's leaf deformity, and is spreading out wide with the LST I am performing on in. It's stems and buds are as dense as the FB Blackberry, even though it's leaves are more dispersed and scraggly. I am going to focus on controlling it's upwards growth over the next few weeks as it is stretching rapidly and do not want my lights to get overgrown. Both plants seem to be loving the coco. No sign of darker colors yet, but it is still very early in flowering with mainly pistils present (as opposed to stacked calyxes.) I will post more updates during the week, especially if the flowers are putting on weight. Thanks for reading, and stay safe! 🌱👍 Day 33: Auto Blackberry Kush is showing a nice pink/purple color already, in it's early buds. It should show some nice colors as it grows!
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Grow Questions
Cheeba_Inustarted grow question 5 years ago
The Blackberry Kush has been experiencing some twisted, deformed growth since it first germinated, while my Fastbuds Blackberry has been growing strong under the same conditions. Autofertigated buffered coco, 15-20% perlite mix. Runoff also 1.1ec. Just an issue of genetics?
Leaves. Twisted
1 like
ijustdontgiveafanswered grow question 5 years ago
ok, in this case i agree that it shouldn't be an EC issue, so then i'd go with genetics.. Only if you see the same behavior with more grows in the same environment, i'd start looking into a possible root cause, but sometimes those one-offs just happen. happy growing!

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Ajwardy18commentedweek 35 years ago
I did experience something similar on my outdoor grow and it turned out to be wind burned. After looking through I did see that you sprayed your plants when lights are on and the water droplet may off rolled off the leaf and the streaks causing by the light itself, another could possibly be a PH as you did state it drifts from 5.8/6.2 which may off locked out a specific nutrient to causing the roots to lock or bound. And if your leafs are twisted and forming around a 90 degree angle then you're looking at broad mites, it doesn't seem like a calmag problem as calcium effects lower leafs to twisted whilst forming rust spots and magnesium causes the center leaves to yellow. One other I can think off may be a boron deficiency
Cheeba_Inucommented5 years ago
@@@@Ajwardy18, thanks for sharing your experiences, I really appreciate it! I ruled out a lot of these issues such as wind burn, but I am now narrowing in on upward PH drift causing boron lockout. I think the symptomatic plant might be more genetically predisposed to the issue, and I had been using GH pH drops for a lot of my testing and I am honestly not that good at reading subtle color differences. I recalibrated my PH pen last night and found the reservoir had drifted up to a 6.6 over 3 days, probably from a 6.3 when the nutrients were mixed. I was misinterpreting the drops as being a 5.9-6.2 range. That would be enough to cause boron lockout if it has been happening throughout the grow! I definitely should have known better, but at least I am aware of it now and have corrected it! I am going to double check the pH a few times a day over the next week and see if I can begin to correct the issue and get healthier growth back. Happy growing! 👍🌱 Edit note: after 4 days of definitely spot on PH and EC, inflow and runoff, there really hasn't been a change in new growth. So I am reverting back to genetics or a mystery condition only affecting this one plant 🤷‍♀️🏻
Treighfunkycommentedweek 94 years ago
Looks awesome my friend. I'm still about a week behind you but my plants are not looking quite as luscious yet ;) Great job on this grow. Looking forward to next week. 👍
Cheeba_Inucommented4 years ago
@Treighfunky, thanks! They have really grown like crazy, and now I feel like I have to get a bigger tent if I ever grow more than a single plant at a time! Your plants look nice and healthy, and are coming along well! 🌱👍
Pajersey13commentedweek 94 years ago
damn! looking right! good job mang
Cheeba_Inucommented4 years ago
@Pajersey13, thanks!
Treighfunkycommentedweek 65 years ago
Looks fantastic so far. I'm growing the same strain and about 2-3 week behind you. I'll be checking in on this grow to see how things progress for you. Best of luck 👍
Cheeba_Inucommented5 years ago
@Treighfunky, thanks! Yours is nice and healthy, looks like it's coming along! 🌱👍
StoneyMelonycommentedweek 35 years ago
Hey bro i did have had the same problem with my DP blackberry kush, Strange twisted growth. My other plants did fine so i think genetics. i did get rid of her. Hope this helps
Cheeba_Inucommented5 years ago
@StoneyMelony, thanks for the heads up! It helps me not feel crazy, like I am missing something for the poor plant. I feel like this happens more when breeders breed for consistency in the unusual/recessive bud colors, but screwy traits and mutations become more common in the strain. At least the Blackberry by Fastbuds will fill in all the space this one struggles to take up!