Day 120 I’m a day late with my update but I was high on my LSD. Probably could of let them go a few days longer but the bong hits still get you good. Anyways, I gave everyone a drink with nutrients yesterday. Took another quick look at the trichomes and I appear to be close on a few of them. Might be able to harvest a few come the weekend and get high on them too
Day 124 sorry for lack of updates recently. I’ve been a)too tired to do so b) too lazy or c) stoned off my ass. Anyways I watered everyone on day 121 and yesterday. Not the prettiest of pictures I know but they are close to finish and what I get in the end is what matters. Might be taking down a few in the coming day or 2 if the freeze dryer is available. Found out soon I guess
Day 125 and she came down tonight. Hope to have a smoke report tomorrow or next