The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Cultivo Cabron

5 years ago
Personalizada Light Emitting Diodes/95W
Personalizada High-Intensity Discharge/250W
Personalizada High-Intensity Discharge/400W
Room Type
weeks 4-10
Grow medium
10 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
6 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
100 PPM
63 %
21 °C
19 °C
1 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 5 mll
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
ENGLISH: The first week of growth of my little ones has passed, I am very satisfied with the growth rate and progress of the girls, I am experimenting with a led lamp that had 95w stored and I am very satisfied although I have the feeling that my HM lamp 250w provides a little faster growth. the first girl to go out was Tutankhamun. she was in a hurry to bring her leaves to light. then it was followed by Anubis, then Lennon and the last American pie, Kryptonite was also in the newspaper but at the time of passing it to the substrate his rai suffered a break so in this week he managed to get Cookies USA from pyramid seeds to replace his space and today it has already been passed to the substrate waiting for it to come to light, each one receives a 50ml irrigation enriched with rooting, vitamins and enzymes, following the table provided by the HESI manufacturer, I hope they increase their growth rate to a the third week switch to HM 250w to prepare them for flowering. I hope there will be no complications later, that's all for this week, I hope you are well and have a good week! ESPAÑOL: ya pasó la primera semana de crecimiento de mis pequeñas, me encuentro muy conforme con la velocidad de crecimiento y el avanze de las chicas, estoy experimentando con una lampara led que tenia guardada de 95w y estoy muy conforme aunque tengo la sensacion que mi lampara HM 250w aporta un crecimiento un poco mas rapido. la primera chica en salir fue Tutankhamon. se notaba apurada en ya sacar sus hojas a la luz. luego fue seguida por Anubis, luego Lennon y al ultimo American pie, dentro del diario estaba tambien Kryptonite pero al momento de pasarla al sustrato su rai sufrio un quiebre por lo que dentro se esta semana logre conseguir la Cookies USA de pyramid seeds para reemplazar su espacio y hoy ya fue pasada al sustrato a la espera de que salga a la luz, cada una recibe un riego de 50ml enriquecido con enraizante, vitaminas y enzimas, siguiendo la tabla entregada por fabricante HESI, espero que aumenten su velocidad de crecimiento para a la tercera semana cambiar a HM 250w para prepararlas para la floracion. espero que no hayan complicaciones mas adelante, eso es todo por esta semana, espero se encuentren bien y que tengan una buena semana !.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
9 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
59 %
21 °C
19 °C
1 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 5 mll
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
ESPAÑOL: Hola chicos !, espero que se encuentren muy bien. En esta semana hubo un notable crecimiento de las chicas, todo va super bien !, aun no comienzo a aplicar fertilizante de crecimiento, pretendo aplicarles ya en su primer transplante a maceta Airpot 10.8 litros que sera dentro de una semana para luego ponerlas a florecer, esta semana añadi 1 ml de cal-max de grotek para para aumentar ec a 0.4 ya que trae una pequeña dosis de nitrogeno para darles un empujoncito. esta semana tambien se incorporo la Cookies Usa en reemplazo de la Kryptonite que no sobrevivio y que por lo demas es una chica muy fuerte... saco sus hojas a la luz en un par de horas despues de ponerla en sustrato, maravilloso ! eso es todo por esta semana amigos ! INGLES: Hi guys! I hope you are doing very well. In this week there was a remarkable growth of the girls, everything is going super well!, I have not yet started to apply growth fertilizer, I intend to apply them already in their first transplant to a 10.8 liter Airpot pot that will be within a week and then put them to flower, This week I added 1 ml of grotek cal-max to increase ec to 0.4 as it brings a small dose of nitrogen to give them a boost. This week Cookies Usa was also incorporated to replace the Kryptonite that did not survive and is otherwise a very strong girl ... I bring its leaves to light in a couple of hours after putting it on substrate, wonderful! that's it for this week folks!
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
14 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
100 PPM
62 %
21 °C
19 °C
1 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
Root Complex - Hesi
Root Complex 5 mll
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
ESPAÑOL: Hola nuevamente chicos !, espero que se encuentren muy bien. Las muchachas ya cumplieron su tercera semana de vegetacion, estoy muy conforme con el tamaño y las caracteristicas que han desarrollado cada una de ellas, esta semana no ha sido muy diferente a las dos anteriores en caracteristicas de cultivo, lo unico que cambio fue que decidi quitar por esta semana el Cal-max de Grotek debido a que las chicas o almenos la Lennon comenzo a mostrar signos de sobrefertilizacion (par de hojas tipo garra) lo que es raro porque solo era una EC de 0.4, pero debo decir que el sustrato tenia una EC de 1.2 inicial entonces dedusco que Lennon prefiere una dieta liviana en fertilizantes. Asi es como uno va conociendo a sus chicas a medida que pasa tiempo con ellas. para el dia de mañana hare el transplante ya a la maceta definitiva que sera una airpot de 10 lts a todas las chicas menos a Cookies Usa, a ella la transplantare cuando vea que tenga un tamaño adecuado. Sorpresivamente las chicas ya huelen mas o menos al caracteristico olor a marihuana, por lo que debido a al lugar que vivo (departamento) debo controlar al maximo al olor para no atraer curiosos. eso estodo por esta semana chicos ! INGLES: Hello again guys! I hope you are doing very well. The girls have completed their third week of vegetation, I am very satisfied with the size and characteristics that each of them has developed, this week has not been very different from the previous two in terms of cultivation, the only thing that changed was that I decided remove for this week the Grotek Cal-max because the girls or at least the Lennon began to show signs of overfertilization (pair of claw-like leaves) which is rare because it was only an EC of 0.4, but I must say that the substrate I had an initial EC of 1.2 so I deduce that Lennon prefers a light diet in fertilizers. This is how you get to know your girls as you spend time with them. for tomorrow I will do the transplant to the final pot that will be an airpot of 10 liters to all the girls except Cookies Usa, I will transplant it when I see that it has an adequate size. Surprisingly, the girls already smell more or less the characteristic smell of marijuana, so due to the place I live (department) I must control the smell as much as possible so as not to attract curious people. that's up for this week guys!
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
23 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
55 %
21 °C
19 °C
10 L
0 L
45 cm
Español: Hola chicos espero que se encuentren muy bien !, esta cuarta semana de vegetacion está llena de novedades, para comenzar ya el dia martes 23 realize el transplante al macetero definitivo y las chicas (tutankhamon, anubis, lennon y american pie) lo recibieron bastante bien, todas aumentaron su crecimiento explosivamente. el dia de hoy, domingo 28 realize el transplante a Cookies USA y espero que sea igual. Debido a que el sustrato tenia un ec de 1.0ms decidi esta semana regar solo con agua pura sin ningun aditivo y me ha ido bastante bien. hoy tambien domingo 28 comence el LST a Anubis, Tutankhamon, Amerinca pie y Lennon. a Cookies USA le comenzare el LST la proxima semana. Tambien esta semana cambie la luz led de 95W 3500k a una luz de Haluro Metalico de 250W en cooltube para preparar a las chicas al cambio final de potencia de Sodio 400W y brindarles un espectro mas azulado. Tambien puse un filtro de olor para disminuirlo lo maximo posible debido al lugar en donde vivo. no quiero atraer a cueriosos !. Eso es todo por esta semana amigos!. Ingles: Hi guys, I hope you are very well! This fourth week of vegetation is full of news, to start on Tuesday the 23rd I made the transplant to the final pot and the girls (Tutankhamun, Anubis, Lennon and American Pie) received it quite well They all increased their growth quite explosively. Today Sunday the 28th I performed the transplant to Cookies USA and I hope it will be the same. Because the substrate had a 1.0ms ec, this week I decided to irrigate only with pure water without any additives and it went quite well for me. Today also Sunday 28 the LST began to Anubis, Tutankhamun, Amerinca pie and Lennon. Cookies USA will start the LST next week. Also this week change the 95W 3500k led light to a 250W Metal Halide light in cooltube to prepare the girls for the final change of 400W Sodium power and give them a more bluish spectrum. I also put an odor filter on to reduce it as much as possible due to where I live. I do not want to attract the horny! That's it for this week folks!.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
28 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
283 PPM
50 %
21 °C
19 °C
10 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
TNT Complex  - Hesi
TNT Complex 5 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
ESPAÑOL: hola chicos ! espero que se encuentren muy bien. Esta semana las chicas ya se preparan para comenzar la floracion. Esta semana las cambie a un armario de 100x100 y a una luz de sodio 400w 12/12 para comenzar la floracion. las chicas formaron una estructura bastante resistente excepto COOKIES USA que tiene casi 2 semanas de desventaja en comparacion con las demas. realize el ultimo riego con fertilizante de crecimiento y sus aditivos. las chicas por el momento tienen un aspecto muy saludable y espero que se mantengan asi durante toda la floracion. eso es todo por esta semana chicos ! ENGLISH: Hello guys ! I hope you are good. This week the girls are already preparing to start flowering. This week change them to a 100x100 cupboard and a sodium light 400w 12/12 to start flowering. the girls formed a pretty sturdy structure except for COOKIES USA which is almost 2 weeks behind compared to the others. Perform the last irrigation with growth fertilizer and its additives. the girls are very healthy looking at the moment and I hope they stay that way throughout the bloom. that's it for this week guys!
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Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
40 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
500 PPM
48 %
21 °C
18 °C
10 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
Bloom Complex  - Hesi
Bloom Complex 5 mll
ESPAÑOL: Hola chicos! espero que se encuentren muy bien. Las chicas van muy bien ! ya cumplieron su primera semana de floracion bastante bien. inmediatamente en esta semana las chicas fortalecieron sus tallos y ramas de una manera impresionante lo que me indica que se preparan para sostener unas flores bastante gordas. sigo realizando la tecnica LST a las ramas nuevas que van saliendo. se van adaptando muy bien pero algunas chicas (LENNON y ANUBIS) se resisten muy fuerte al LST e intentan volver a su crecimiento habitual. esta primera semana ANUBIS y AMERICAN PIE comenzaron a mostrar signos de deficit nutricional por que lo decidi darles un poco mas que al resto aprox 0.2-0.3 EC mas. todo lo demas va muy bien ya salieron los primeros pistilos marcando el inicio de la floracion ! con la lampara de sodio 400w he tenido algunos sobrepasos de temperatura por lo que tuve que agregar un intractor para intentar estabilizarla. es es todo por esta semana chicos ! nos vemos la proxima para mostrarles cuanto han avanzado ! hasta pronto !. INGLES: Hello guys! I hope you are good. The girls are doing great! They already completed their first week of flowering quite well. Immediately this week the girls strengthened their stems and branches in an impressive way indicating that they are preparing to hold some pretty fat flowers. I keep doing the LST technique to the new branches that are coming out. They adapt very well, but some girls (LENNON and ANUBIS) resist LST very strongly and try to return to their normal growth. This first week ANUBIS and AMERICAN PIE began to show signs of nutritional deficit because I decided to give them a little more than the rest, about 0.2-0.3 EC more. everything else is going very well since the first pistils came out marking the beginning of flowering! With the 400w sodium lamp I have had some temperature surges so I had to add an intractor to try to stabilize it. that's it for this week guys! see you next time to show you how far you have come! see you soon !.
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Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
650 PPM
45 %
20 °C
18 °C
10 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
Bloom Complex  - Hesi
Bloom Complex 5 mll
ESPAÑOL: Hola chicos espero que se encuentren muy bien! las chicas ya cumplieron su segunda semana de floracion ! y estoy muy contento de como van avanzando en su ciclo. sorprendentemente tutankhamon ha comenzado a producir tricomas y a oler muy fuerte. he notado que anubis y american pie han amarillado sus hojas por lo que he decidido añadir un poco mas de nutrientes en su agua de riego. tambien he notado que la temperatura en el armario me ha aumentado a casi 31 grados por lo que estoy algo preocupado ya que me afectara al final de la cosecha eso seria todo por esta semana chicos ! que tengan muy buena semana. ENGLISH: Hi guys, I hope you are very well! the girls have completed their second week of flowering! and I am very happy with how they are progressing in their cycle. surprisingly tutankhamun has started to produce trichomes and smell very strong. I have noticed that anubis and american pie have yellowed their leaves so I have decided to add a little more nutrients in their irrigation water. I have also noticed that the temperature in the closet has increased to almost 31 degrees, so I am somewhat worried since it will affect me at the end of the harvest. That would be all for this week guys! have a great week
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
650 PPM
45 %
20 °C
18 °C
10 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 5
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
Bloom Complex  - Hesi
Bloom Complex 5 mll
ESPAÑOL: Hola chicos espero que se encuentren muy bien! las chicas ya cumplieron su tercera semana de floracion ! y estoy muy contento de como van avanzando en su ciclo. las chicas van con todo en la produccion de pistilos y tricomas en las fotos publicadas, decidi tomarlas con las luces apagadas para apreciar el verdadero aspecto de las chicas, y sinceramente siempre me ocurre que en la semana 2-3 mis chicas amarillan desde abajo hacia arriba desconozco la causa asique si alguno me pudiese guiar lo agradeceria bastante. tambien he notado que la temperatura en el armario me ha aumentado a casi 31 grados por lo que estoy algo preocupado ya que estoy seguro que es un factor muy importante a considerar. esta semana añadi 2ml/L de Hesi Boost para potencia la floracion de las chicas. Apartir de la proxima semana comenzare a regar con pk 13/14 de hesi para progresivamente para engordar al maximo esas bestias ! eso seria todo por esta semana chicos ! que tengan muy buena semana. ENGLISH: Hi guys, I hope you are very well! the girls have completed their third week of flowering! and I am very happy with how they are progressing in their cycle. the girls go with everything in the production of pistils and trichomes In the published photos, I decided to take them with the lights off to appreciate the true appearance of the girls, and honestly it always happens to me that in week 2-3 my girls yellow from the bottom up I do not know the cause so if anyone could guide me I would appreciate it quite. I have also noticed that the temperature in the closet has increased to almost 31 degrees, so I am somewhat concerned since I am sure it is a very important factor to consider. This week I added 2ml / L of Hesi Boost to enhance the flowering of the girls. From next week I will start to water with pk 13/14 of hesi to progressively to fatten those beasts to the maximum! That would be all for this week guys! have a great week
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Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
55 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
650 PPM
55 %
20 °C
18 °C
10 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 5
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
Bloom Complex  - Hesi
Bloom Complex 5 mll
ESPAÑOL: Hola chicos, espero se encuentren muy bien! Esta semana las chicas se han deteriorado bastante, han perdido bastante masa foliar y eso me tiene bastante preocupado. no logro identificar el factor que me esta complicando las cosas, como deje en los parametros estoy regando con la linea Hesi con una ec de 1.3 ms y un ph de 6.4. las chicas de todas maneras lo estan dando todo para seguir engordando lo que almenos es bueno. espero si alguno de ustedes identifica el problema me pueda ayudar. eso seria todo por esta semana chicos ! espero que esten muy bien. ENGLISH: Hello guys, I hope you are very well! This week the girls have deteriorated a lot, they have lost a lot of foliar mass and that has me quite worried. I cannot identify the factor that is complicating things for me, as I left in the parameters, I am watering with the Hesi line with an ec of 1.3 ms and a pH of 6.4. The girls are still giving their all to keep gaining weight, which is good at least. I hope if any of you identify the problem can help me. that would be it for this week guys! I hope you all are okay.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
55 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
700 PPM
55 %
20 °C
18 °C
10 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
SuperVit - Hesi
SuperVit 0.05 mll
PowerZyme - Hesi
PowerZyme 2 mll
Bloom Complex  - Hesi
Bloom Complex 5 mll
ESPAÑOL: Hola chicos, espero se encuentren muy bien! Esta semana las chicas han mejorado un poco, se detuvo el amarillamiento, descubri que Cal-Max de Grotek interfiere en la composicion de la linea hesi por lo que las chicas sufren un bloqueo de nutrientes, dejé de utilizarlo y las chicas han continuado con su desarrollo relativamente normal. ya estan en su 5ta semana de floracion, Tutankhamon ha producido una cantidad gigantesca de resina, Lennon esta engordando a toda velocidad y aun le quedan 6 semanas aprox. Anubis a pesar de su color intenso amarillo palido esta engordando bastante bien y su produccion de resina es inimaginable y ya solo que quedan 2 semanas y media aprox. espero que a partir de ahora ya no surjan mas problemas y que las chicas terminen su floracion de la mejor manera. esto es todo por esta semana chicos, espero que se encuentren muy bien ! INGLES: Hello guys, I hope you are very well! This week the girls have improved a little, the yellowing stopped, I discovered that Cal-Max from Grotek interferes with the composition of the hesi line so the girls suffer a nutrient lock, I stopped using it and the girls have continued with their relatively normal development. They are already in their 5th week of flowering, Tutankhamun has produced a gigantic amount of resin, Lennon is gaining weight at full speed and he still has about 6 weeks left. Anubis, despite its intense pale yellow color, is gaining weight quite well and its resin production is unimaginable and there are only about 2 and a half weeks left. I hope that from now on no more problems arise and that the girls finish their flowering in the best way. This is it for this week guys, I hope you are doing well!
Used techniques


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Lazulicommentedweek 65 years ago
your anubis looks very similar to mine 😆 i LOVE THE SMELL omg mine are in flower already its insane, are you flowering with 400watt hps? i also use 400watt but i only have 3 plants under the light i hope u get fat buds like me 💚🌲🌲
Lazulicommented5 years ago
@TorvicKofran, me too, i turn lights on at night, during the day i put the plants in a cool space (my basement) its only a heatwave for 5 days so i dont worry about the extra work
TorvicKofrancommented5 years ago
@Lazuli, Yes friend! I am blooming with hps 400w, at the moment the only problem is the temperature! I hope to solve it soon!
alchemistcommentedweek 85 years ago
Looks amazing!Im a big fan of the king tut strain.
Ferenccommentedweek 75 years ago
Impressive @TorvicKofran
DoDrugs420commentedweek 104 years ago
Spectacular my dude.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 104 years ago
Sooo lit.
Lazulicommentedweek 105 years ago
nice yellowing
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Cultivo CabronCultivo Cabron
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