
FIRST GROW Autos Outdoor

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
15 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
5 years ago
A new week start, the weather should be cloudy rainy and maybe storm during the week, I hope it won't affect too much the Ladies 🙏 I give them 1l5 water + 2ml bio heaven and fish mix every 3/4 days and just water once a week. Last week was very hot, but I think this one will be colder so I won't dry too much the plant. UPDATE DAY 25 BAD Bad weather since day 24, I decide to apply LST method to one of the ladies just to have a test with the tech and see the result. I watered the plant on Monday with nuts, I will probably wait for a couple of days before the next watering. The grow keep going well I think hope the Grey sky and the rain will disappear as soon as possible , it's my first grow so I don't have any idea, feel free to comment if you have any questions or suggestions 💡😉
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Grow Questions
KISSOUstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hello, For the first time I start grow plants 😊 I would like to know if its usefull or not to apply Biobizz Bio-heaven? I use it since week 2 with additional fish mix from biobizz. Thanks 😊
Feeding. Other
CannabisFighteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Привет! Heaven очень хороший стимулятор! Обезательно используй его !
KISSOUstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hello everyone, I want to ask you a question, I wonder if it is time to start the nutrients for flowering (bio bloom and top max) at this stage or if I should continue those for growth for now.
Plant. Other
Feeding. Other
Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi there! My basic rule is to give veg nutes until the flowering stretch is over and then switch to bloom nutes. Normally during stretch the girls want good amount of N and K still and only when bud production really starts they want that P and K and not so much N anymore but some still.
KISSOUstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello everyone I have a question here the plant (on the right) turns yellow we can see it in comparison to the other This plant has been flowering for 3 weeks and is 53 days old. I use the nutrients from the Biobizz range, I water twice a week with it. Why yellow leaf? 😳
Leaves. Color - Yellow
MrBlocc420answered grow question 4 years ago
Looks to be a lack of nitrogen or a nitrogen deficiency with the yellowing from the bottom up and the overall yellowing of your plant , A cannabis nitrogen deficiency will cause the older, lower leaves on your plant to turn yellow, wilt away and eventually die. The plant typically appears pale or lime-colored. The yellow leaves of a nitrogen deficiency may show signs of brown, and they will usually become soft and sort of “fold” in, before possibly turning crispy but ultimately falling off on their own. Hope that helps
KISSOUstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hello everyone I would like to have advice this is my first time as a planter and I wonder if the plants are ready in my opinion no but they have soon reached the maturity advised by the breeder. Thanks for the support 😎😁❤️
Buds. Other
1 like
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Привет, брат! 👋 Производитель твоих семян заявляет о 8 недельном цветении растения, для того чтоб называть его спелым! 👆 Я посмотрел твой дневник и ты верно ведешь отсчёт недель цветения! Цветение у тебя началось на 6 неделе роста! У тебя сейчас уже идёт 5 неделя цветения! Считаем 8-5=3 . 3 недели тебе осталось до снятия урожая! Это значит что ещё 2 недели ты кормишь удобрениями и 13 неделя роста у тебя будет неделей Flush! Ты промывать её будешь всю 13 неделю и в конце снимешь урожай! Она будет вполне спелой девочкой! Она и так уже красавица, а станет бриллиантовой! 👌 Удачи, друг! ✊😇
KISSOUstarted grow question 4 years ago
I think this plant is ready but I'm not sure at all, I add video and pics, please can you tell me what you think about the maturity of the buds, should I harvest now?
Buds. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
I would say she isnt ready yet, girls put on a lot of weight in their final couple weeks. Patience will reward you. Cheers
KISSOUstarted grow question 4 years ago
I notice today this little black balls in the flowers, they fall easy but I don't know what is it? Can someone please help me 😅😕
Other. Bugs
Ned_Growsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Caterpillar poo, have a close up inspection of your flowers for small green or brown grubs they can be small and hard to see especially the green ones, an indicator is the small black balls of poo have a real good look around those areas and inside the bud as well they tunnel holes into the stem of the buds. hope this helps. Peace & Happy Growing.
DoDrugs420answered grow question 4 years ago
Its bat poop, don't worry, it usually doesn't make any harm and it will fall off with the wind or with a little shake at harvest. Usual thing to happen outdoors. Usually they fall on the soil under the plant and serve as fertilizer, but if they stay on the plant it may trigger the plant to produce more thc as a form of chemical wars, thc vs bat poop, who will destroy who... i had to take about a thousand of those in outdoor crops while trimming. So worry not m8, but it wont hurt to take them out as they appear. Gl growmie
Fusionanswered grow question 4 years ago
Couldnt see anything from your pics. But if isn't dirt being blown on your plants and these things move then will want to get yourself an organic insecticidal soap spray. In evening spray bottoms of leafs.

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90ak47commentedweek 84 years ago
Elle sont tres belles bonne continuation🌴🌴🌴
DoDrugs420commentedweek 103 years ago
wonderfull grow
DoDrugs420commentedweek 103 years ago
I love it!!!Keep it up.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 103 years ago
Slayin it, the best of the best.
Ferenccommentedweek 104 years ago
Enjoy! @KISSOU