This poor girl is having a massive struggle due to me over doing it on the slow release feed 😔
Checked run off and it was 2.2 ec (1100 TDS) 😨
Im hoping as she gets bigger she will start to handle it better 🤞
Have also found thrip on all my plants in the tent so sprayed them all with 1 teaspoon of fairy up liquid to a ltr of water and now have damaged leaves!!!
I am now adding predators (lady birds) to treat this as have used sprays before for thrip and haven't worked for me and really dont want this pest harming the plant or potentially me!!!
I've topped this girl, done some LST and taken off just 1 fan leaf that was blocking light this week.
PH 6
Looking frosty! I need to get my hands on some Zamnesia genetics. I keep seeing a lot of beautiful phenos coming from their cultivars. What are your thoughts on Zamnesia as a breeder? If you don't mind me asking.
If i told you id have to kill you 😂
Basically its canna coco A&B for base nutrients then Canadian Express for additives but it works great for me..
No deficiencies in the crop at all and handled every little boost really well.. prob could of gone more tbh
Also i dont use all their range..
Canna all the way through until week 6 and cut out base nutrients and add 5-7ml per ltr of head master and mighty bloom enhancer for a week then back to normal feed for a week and then ripen for a week.. water then ✂️