what a gorgeous cat!!! and the plants are wonderful! best of luck with the grow! I have 2 cats as well but I have to keep them well away from my plants. Since I have fan extractor, fans, lots of air circulating, cats will rub against things and their hairs will become airborn and land in between the sticky trichomes and that is (for me) really really a turn off 😆
@huntsolo yeah man, beautiful cat. I love cats.
my cat eats them leafs too. only the ones ON the plant tho. never on defoliation day. (those I give to my rabbits)
I remember seeing a video of Soma from Soma's sacred seeds. he was showing Remo (urbanremo) his rooftop garden in Holland at his house when the his cat did the same to one of his plants and urbanremo was freaking out warning him this gastly beast was chopping away at his herb. Soma turns round with a snake round his neck and he couldn't care less, of course. but he said something that stuck with me. he said he has always had cats and all his cats have always done it. after that many others have said the same.
this is only my second cat and the first cat I was just a kid, want into gardening yet so idk but in 1 for 1 on my cats nibbling fan leaves. doesn't even bother me. I totally let him do it. unless the plant in only young or clones and stuff.
happy growing, happy trails✌️