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Vanilla Frosting

4 years ago
Phantom PHB2010 II 1000W Digital Ballast High-Intensity Discharge/1000W
Phantom PHB2010 II 1000W Digital Ballast
Phantom PHB2010 II 1000W Digital Ballast High-Intensity Discharge/1000W
Phantom PHB2010 II 1000W Digital Ballast
Room Type
weeks 13-14, 16-17
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
155 PPM
82 %
27 °C
27 °C
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.326 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.326 mll
Day 1: Well this is my 3rd grow but its like my first one all over very first time i have started from seed and also switching up from soil to coco only starting part of the seed till i see if this way will work before risking my entire pack of seeds :) gonna try to skip the paper towel part of the process cause nervous about harming the sprout so gonna go from the soak to the Coco Coir Seed Starter - 42 mm Transplant Soil Discs and see how it goes from there if they start sprouting up i will then pop the rest of them, well one of the seeds sank so went ahead and transferred all 4 to the starter discs got the VT300 on in the 36”x20”x62” Tent gonna keep it on 24-0 till they start to sprout then will switch to 18-6. Day 2: Went ahead and put the plain water i'm using in there so it can stay at same temp as conditions in dome. Day 3: Woke up today and seen at least 3 of them have popped there sprout so tried to cover there exposed sprout with a small amount of medium while they correct there position in there hole :) but so happy they popped hope all continues to go in the correct direction in days to come. Day 4: Well today went to go look in and the cotyledons have started to come up all seems to be going in correct direction still. When i got home from work tonight the last one had popped through still had the seed attached but gently removed it and all looks good lowered the light a little bit and increased the brightness of light slightly went from 40 to 50 on veg and went from 15 to 25 on bloom thinking i might switch lights from 24-0 to 20-4 till there ready for the fabric seedling bag but might just keep it as is. Day 5: well the one that had the seed shell still attached when it came up still hasn't opened its cotyledons noticed had a little bit of the shell holding them together so got that taken care of now will see how it looks when get home from work. Day 6: took a spray bottle and sprayed the inside of the dome to increase humidity now that is in proper range, made up a gallon of water with all the nutrients then diluted a portion of it so the ec was in correct range not to hurt the seedlings, that one little plant still hasn't opened up all the way after part of the shell was holding it together its partially opening but we shall see. not sure what happened but went in to check on plants and one of the seedlings had fallen over about half way up what had grown above surface so put a little stick and kind leaned the little girl up against it will see what it looks like in morning :( sad day and it wasn't even the one that had the shell issue. woke up the one that bent in half don't think she is gonna make it looks dead to me and the one that still hasn't opened all the way is heading in that direction as well i think well this is just a horrible last couple days. went ahead and pulled the plug on the one girl her put little sticks in the other 2 there looking kinda weak this is horrible, think i'm gonna lose them all :( well got home tonight the one seedling that hadn't opened up still hadn't and also fell over like the first one so i just tossed it only got 2 left but think there ok Day 7: started up a couple seedling bags to move the remaining 2 into there when i get home from work went ahead and started up 4 more starter pods as well, will start 4 more seeds when i get home from work tonight hope i will be able to correct whatever i did wrong last time to cause me to lose 2 of them.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
87.5 PPM
76 %
26 °C
27 °C
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.326 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.326 mll
Day 8: put the 2 remaining seedlings in there seedling bags had an issue during transplant so we shall see if they take, will be starting 4 more seeds today hope i don't screw these up as well starting from seeds is not as easy as starting with clones that is for sure, nothing new to report so back to the waiting game :) Day 9: well still moving along nothing new to report. Day 10: well one of them is looking like it might make it but the other one left from the first 4 doesn't look good, seen sprouts trying to pop up through the surface again lets hope these ones fix there position and make it, well three have sprouted above the surface the one seedling from last week is still on a downward trend the other one is looking good and growing. Day 11: three of the 4 new seeds are all going along one still hasn't popped up yet but does have a root growing think its just having an issue correcting itself in the hole we shall see, and for the one seedling from the first 4 seeds it was dead dead so went ahead and trashed it so only got 1 left from my first 4 seeds :( will see how the new 4 go with any luck i can keep them all going from here on out. Day 12: nothing new to report all still moving along will probably look to maybe transplant one or two of the seedlings that have there root coming though the pod. Day 13: put all the seedlings in there new seedling bags now its a wait and see if they make it still have one not transplanted yet since it was a little slow to come up but atleast its broke through the surface will keep an eye on it and see if its gonna make it or not. got home tonight from work and the last little one started opening so maybe it will make it kinda worried about the ones i transplanted just hoping they take. Day 14 well woke up today and have lost one of the seedlings the mutant one at that others look like there heading downward as well this is looking bad. filled another 3 cup up with water and set them on the heat mat if i need to start up the last 3 seeds :(
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
87.5 PPM
76 %
26 °C
27 °C
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.326 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.326 mll
Day 15: well my one from the first batch of seeds still going looks like it will make it onto veg unless i make a mistake somewhere which causes me to lose that one as well as the others i have lost, have 2 of the 2nd batch of seeds left but neither looking like there gonna make it much longer but we shall see, and i started my last 3 seeds lets see how round 3 goes maybe i can correct the mistakes made so far and stop losing them gonna go with paper towel method after they finish there soak then will move them to there started pods after they have grown half inch or so maybe this will help at least they should have more energy to push them through the start of there life without all the energy they have had to use to pop and then correct themselves in the pods fingers crossed. Day 16: started the day with another loss. got the 3rd round of seeds in paper towels inside a container with a towel covering it inside the black bag to keep all light away from inside will check them around midnight tonight at the start of the new day. Day 17: 2 of the 3 seeds have popped inside the paper towel one still hasn't just waiting for them to be long enough to then put in the pods and hope that 3rd one pops. 1st seedling i still going and the 2nd seedling still isn't doing much but hasn't died off so still have hope it will rebound. got the 3 sprouts planted and in the dome with the other two that one is still holding on new set of leaves coming in so might have a shot and the other one still going looking a little sad but will get that worked out. Day 18: well first plant is going good 2nd plant is still going in the right direction and the last round of seeds just waiting for them to pop up. Day 19: had a shell connected to one got that off gonna keep it moist in case there is still some attached, another one starting to come through. Day 20: nothing new to report today Day 21: nothing new to report
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Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
110 PPM
76 %
26 °C
27 °C
76.2 cm
Day 22: transplanted #1 to its 1gal transplant pot, have some more coco started flushed it some gonna let it sit then flush again tomorrow. Day 23: moved the 1gal outside of the dome and added a humidifier to the tent getting ready to move it over to big tent probably next monday. Day 24: nothing new to report. Day 25: nothing new to report. Day 26: nothing good to report. Day 27: lost another one today Day 28: 2 more killed so that leaves only 2 out of 11 seeds
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Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
280 PPM
76 %
26 °C
27 °C
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.391 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.521 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.521 mll
Day 29: getting ready to put the plant in the 1 gal in the big tent got it all set up and lights up and running maybe tomorrow. Day 30: treated the big tent and the plants with neem oil. Day 31: watered little plant but not big one. Day 32: watered big plant. Day 33: well made a couple little stands to keep the pot up off the bottom of the saucer. nothing really to report Day 34: made up a new batch of water with a higher ec see if i can help with what there lacking. Day 35: nothing to report
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Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
280 PPM
76 %
26 °C
27 °C
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.391 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.521 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.521 mll
Day 36: transplanted #2 into its 1gal. started up some more soil for some other clones gonna pick up to fill in the rest of my tent in about a week. Day 42: nothing to report.
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Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
280 PPM
76 %
26 °C
27 °C
76.2 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.391 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.521 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.521 mll
Day 43: moved into big tent Day 44: nothing to report. Day 45: increased brightness on led to max veg and increased channel 2 to 60%. Day 49: nothing to report still just moving along will give a more detail update of size in next weeks log.
1 like
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
930 PPM
59 %
26 °C
4 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.391 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.521 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.521 mll
Day 51: nothing new to report. Day 52: increased the ec level in the water. still only using the TC900-s haven't turned the MH light on yet Day 57: NTR
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Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
1000 PPM
59 %
26 °C
4 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.391 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.521 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.521 mll
Day 59: Not much to report. Day 62: Nothing to report.
1 comment
Week 10. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
1000 PPM
59 %
26 °C
4 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.391 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.521 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.521 mll
Day 64: turned on the Mh light on 60% Day 68: NTR Day 70: last day before transplant to final container and flip to flower.
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
66.04 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1500 PPM
59 %
26 °C
19 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 5
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.651 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.651 mll
Day 71: Transplanted to 5gal final container and set lights to start flower, ran outta coco so gotta go grab a bag from the local store to finish off the last Vanilla Frosting and the one other plant that didn't have the coco to transplant tomorrow when they open. Day 73: got all the plants transplanted and went ahead and treated them for prevention. Day 75: nothing to report all is good.
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
59 %
26 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.651 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Grow - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Grow 0.651 mll
8/18 Day 79: nothing really to report all is going great gonna take some clones after payday when i can get some rooting gel and powder.
1 like
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
59 %
26 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.651 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 0.651 mll
8/26 Day 87: got plants cleaned up a bit took some clones off both plants see how it going. 8/29 Day 90: nothing to report. 8/30 Day 91: going strong nothing to report just watching and waiting :)
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
59 %
26 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.651 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 0.651 mll
9/1 Day 93: nothing to report so far
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Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
59 %
26 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.651 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 0.651 mll
9/7 Day 99: Going great 9/13 Day 105: not much to report
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Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
59 %
26 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.651 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 0.651 mll
9/15/2020 Day 107: Nothing to report 9/15/2020 Day 109: found an issue with some mites on one of my plants in the tent but both Vanilla Frostings seem fine and barely effected and only one had any signs but barely so picked away a bunch of fan leaves from plants in hopes to keep them from getting out of hand before end of grow. might have to harvest at week 8 of flower instead of 10 if they start spreading and increasing in numbers quicker then i'm able to get rid of them.
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Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
59 %
26 °C
21 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.651 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 0.651 mll
9/21 Day 115: my issue in the tent still hasn't gotten outta control just still working on getting it cleaned up so it don't spread to my vanilla frostings. 9/25 Day 119: still growing nothing really to report. 9/27 Day 121: cleaned up the leaves some more on all the plants getting ready for harvest at the end of next week i think not sure about trying to get them to week 10 flower but who knows could still be able to make it.
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Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
59 %
26 °C
21 °C
19 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 4
Atomic Root Powder - Dakine 420
Atomic Root Powder 0.651 mll
CalMag - Dakine 420
CalMag 0.651 mll
Nitro Nutrients Base - Dakine 420
Nitro Nutrients Base 0.651 mll
9/28 Day 122: last week before harvest wanted to go 10weeks of flower but gonna have to just cut it to 8 to prevent an issue from getting out of hand stupid freaking mites still not much signs on these 2 but other plants in tent arte showing increasing signs and its way to late to be trying to treat anymore.
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Week 18. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
very nice looking will update more as it cures and i try it out
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Spent 127 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
74.1 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects
Cream, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
will update everything even more as i get into trying it out once it has cured but this was by far my best grow overall wish i would of been able to keep them going in flower for 2 more weeks but still very happy will update this section and week as it cures. UPDATE: Both plants turned out great after cure would say plant 2 has a better smell and taste then plant 1 but both do the job nicely very happy with the turnout and look forward to next grows vanilla frosting plants


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Canna96commentedweek 95 years ago
Looking real strong 💪! Good luck the rest of the way!
Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommentedweek 15 years ago
Ended up getting a 45 seed Donation from Humboldt Seed Company as a Sponsorship! But i'm buying a 10 pack of their Freakshow now instead!!
Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommentedweek 15 years ago
Just ordered 10 of these myself! I'm doing their Notorious T.H.C. for my very first grow ever! come check it out! Gonna follow this one so I know what to expect!
Stoner_INDICAcommentedweek 184 years ago
It looks beautiful👌😍
MrJonescommentedweek 184 years ago
Great looking harvest! Looks like Your Humboldt Seed strains did great! 🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Newest Diary'-All Comments Welcome!👏🙌🙌
MrJonescommentedweek 184 years ago
👍Hump Day! Great Update and your Ladies Look Super!👍 🙌🙌👏Please Check Out My Newest Diary's👏🙌🙌
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Vanilla FrostingVanilla Frosting
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