somethign is causing leaves to droop and a bit floppy at top... is light too intense? did you just water?
The leaves look a great color, otherwise... if you recently watered, that would cause what i see and ignore me... if you don't let top ~1" dry, start doing that, as you may be overwatering it. feel weight of pot when 1" of soil is dry. that's a great indicator to water again.
if it recently grew into light and started getting a bit soft at top, raise light.. othwerise ignore this part of the suggestion.
Week 1 of bloom! ah! okay, this is likely adjusting to new lights... give it a day or two before doing anything. it looks healthy and awesom... after 2-3 days if it still is droopy-dog under your bloom lights, try to eliminate the other 2 suggestions i gave above... pick most likely route after that.