the left "nemo" is much further along than "v" on the right. began tapering back on both nutrients, after this last compost tea feed nemo is getting flushed, just RO water and finish by heavy 16. V needs another week to develop then 2 weeks to flush and finish. will probably chop nemp im 2 weeks between day 67-70 of flower, based on trichome color. after initial harvest on nemos tops im going to re-weave "v" tops thru scrog fpr better airflow, light use and allow them to fill and finish with the lower buds of nemo at probably day 77 or so, its slower rolling, much more haze pheno, both leaf shape, bud structure and smell. Nemo is much more blueberry, finishing sooner, smells like blueberry candy and has wider fan leafs.
@BigDaddyK, I added a lot of humidity bowls/glasses around plants, and lowered speed of exhaust fan from max to min. generallu humidity has gone up 10-15% on avg this week (high 60s at nght time light off, ranges from 35% low now with light on to high of 55% during light) still not ideal RH but its certainly better for veg. this plus heavier nute feed is increasing speed of plant growth also reducing signs of stress on plants. this weeks been a really solid recovery week so far
I made some really awesome hash using ice water extraction "bubble hash" using some larf, and trim. It is honestly one of my favorite things about growing. Especially blueberry genetics like this, the fan leafs are so greasy and resin coated it spins out EXCELLENT hash. Been studying a lot of frenchy cannoli's technique, and this has been the best hash ive ever made so far smell and visually. can't wait til it's dried proper and I can sample some! will post some pics maybe on here.
thanks! I have seen others grow HSO to great results, excellent breeder really quality packaging too. I am having a lot of fun with this first run, still have 6 more fems from them and I know my next run will go even better with what ive learned this go round. I'm happy these 2 have made it threw their fragile seedling phase and have worked into true veg growth, every day new leaf set or big size increase. super healthy color, and stems are thickening up. I'm looking forward to training these ladies later on
@Zannabis7, Thanks! This is my first grow in coco but not my first grow. I grew outdoor in soil, and indoor in hydro both for larger scale ops I was a drone not the head grower. I have been around a long time, smoking and trimming for friends mainly, hands on some good seeds and decided to start it up. all advice is appreciated, I have been around a while and know a bit but i am still always learning. week 2 updates live now
Hey man, great grow! I just started the same seeds for mine so I've been following along pretty closely.
How tall is your tent? It looks like a similar size to mine so I'm curious to see how you will handle the stretch. Definitely will be staying tuned. Nice work!
@Skill_Murray,tent side is 3 ft by 1.67 by 5 ft tall. as far as stretch, it should stop around week 3, till then just tuckin and folding under scrog to keep even canopy. gotta keep it 18 inches from light for best results in my experience
@bobo420,thanks! it came a long way from the start, I have def put some time in to training it to get it to that bushy state. stretching like crazy in flower having fun trying to contain these little monsters. They wanna fill the entire tent
@DeathEvil, I do pop off some here n there early, but those act as solar panels to boost growth for first few weeks of flower during the stretch. I start my defol at day 21, end of week 3, you can see start of work in my most recent week, it'll continue to get pruned of fans and excess growth, any lower shrimps that wont bud all lollipopped daily here on out
thanks! yeah it's funny #4 "blue nemo" was my last to sprout and had some stress early from silly little stupid mistakes i made, but nemo has bounced back strong and is my healthier heartier of the 2, def drinks more water and dries quicker, its roots have gotten strong, I'm really enjoying the heavy 16 so far.