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DBA Solo Cup run

5 years ago
Cob Light Emitting Diodes/250W
Cob Light Emitting Diodes/250W
Room Type
weeks 3-4, 6
weeks 4
weeks 4-6, 9
Grow medium
0 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
0 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
79 PPM
85 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
0 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 1
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
So we are going to rock the solocup challenge with Dutch Blue Auto. I've grown the strain out and feel shes a perfect candidate. Beautiful branch structure and tight internode space. Little stretch and not a heavy rooter. She should make for a good cup of flowers. We cut some drainage holes along the bottom of our solocup. Than filled her up with 16 oz of pro mix hp and a touch more added mycorrhizae. Than pre moistened the soil with straight ph balanced water to 6.3. Once the medium was all prepped and set, we gently dug out a ditch. When we made our ditch we made sure not to compact the soil inside. Compacting the soil makes it hard on that fresh tap root to penetrate. Resulting in slower germination times and possible loss of seed. Once inside we than buried it with our excess medium from digging the ditch. Now it's on to the humidity dome. We got it all cleaned and sterile. Than misted the walls to bring that rh up. Got it to 85% and that's where we will keep it. Probably looking at 4 days and we will have new life and a new sprout joining our garden. Until than happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
79 PPM
51 %
20 °C
23 °C
22 °C
0 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 3
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 1 So our lady bursted to the surface in exactly 75 hours of germination time. Just over 3 days time and shes ready to go. @Spliffseeds 🙌 keep up the good work. Your beans scream viability and that's just what they have. Screw the cotlydon leaves she said let's get er done! We caught her with photo bombs as she was turning upright. As she opened her cotlydons wide. She was already sporting a pair of single blades. Let's get the party started. We will allow her medium to dry and than top her up with ph balanced water to 6.4 with 1 ml per liter bio root. We are going to feed this lady straight out the gate. But we are going to do so in control and moderation. In order to maximize our auto. She should be dry n ready for that tomorrow. As she went in pre moistened but no where near topped up. We are going all the way in a 16 oz solo cup. We will be topping,mainline training... and just about everything uve read not to do. This is not our first rodeo. So challenges like this keep us on our toes. Also helps get u to another level as a grower. The precision needed helps dial in ur gardening ability. Love it! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. End day 1 She straightened right out, and got those leaves a nice vibrant green. Other than that all the action was below are medium. As she is developing her root system growth above medium will be minimal. Should take about 4 days for her to stretch her legs. Than the growth above ground will start to take off and flourish. Name of the game is always patience! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 2 So we had a bit more stretch than we like going on with this seedling. So we dropped our light 6 inches to 30 inches from above her top. Was playing it safe but u guess to safe lol. Oh well it happens and we will easily live with it. She needed water so we topped her up this time. Slowly filling to runoff. Using ph balance water to 6.4 with 1 ml per liter bio root. Ensuring not to flood our small medium and turn it to muddy muck. If ur medium gets muddy chances of your seedling damping off is much greater. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 3 So I decided to take this project outside... lots of room out there and free light so why the fuck not. Little more stretch cause of the transition but shes still alright. Not too lanky. Cant wait to start some work on her.... I'm amped. Its 17 degrees outside currently with a bunch of wind. Lol what a day to pick to throw out. Oh well. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam! Day 4 We've been having crazy low over night temps the past couple days. This lady took those 7 degree celcius hours in stride. Didnt seem phased by it at all. That being said I did relocate her to a new location. To get her more solid light hours. With fewer shaded hours. We will move her 1 more time once shes a bit stronger. This will be into our best full sun area. So she can bask all day, and marinate under the almighty sun. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 5 We top dressed her cup with a handful of earth worm castings. Than watered her with straight ph balanced water to 6.4 with 1 ml per liter armor si. Let's fatten this little girl up lmfao. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 6 After another super low temperature night... this girl started to show a bit of purpling in her newest growth. We are almost at the end of this cold snap. THANK GOD... Growth should really pick up with the better weather. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
315 PPM
42 %
20 °C
23 °C
14 °C
0 L
Nutrients 4
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 8 Her foliage is really starting to fatten up. Her stretching stopped for the most part since relocation. I decided to kill of the excess stalk with some LST. That will make her base more stable. Also help stop her from being desimated by some decent size winds. She took to it great and was turned up from the first bend in a couple hours. Right back at growth and ready for her second bend. We than locked it all into place with garden tie. Today it's currently 26 degrees celcius and 42% rh outside in my region. Not shabby at all and this little ladies loving it. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 9 Last night she was thirsty so we gave her a top up. We gave her a feeding ph 6.4 ,1ml per liter armor si, 1.25ml per liter bio root, and .5ml per liter bio weed. This morning she was praying and booming with life! The bit of training really helped shorten her up and give her better stability. She be able to handle outdoor winds much better. It's currently 28 degrees and 38% rh. Not the greatest moisture levels for the little lady. Doesnt seem to be bothering her much though. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 10 Lady got her first treatment today! We used a canola based spray to get the top and undersides of her leaves. We also gave her medium a nice treatment with the mix as well. Once the spray started to dry we washed and misted her clean. Today was a hot one averaging at around 30 degrees Celsius. She seemed to love that summer sun. Just soaking it right up. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 11 We gave her a misting just after sunrise. That will give her a nice refreshing wake up call, to start a big day of growth. It's already 28 degrees celcius outside. With a rh of 44%.... its early morning. It's supposed to hover the mid 30's all day than tail off to about 19 degrees over night again. Atleast there is consistancy in weather now. Knocks on wood. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam! Day 12 I gave the girl a nice misting in the morning as the sun was rising. It was 21 degrees celcius 63% rh . It has now since got to 24 degrees Celsius but 80%rh ... just needs to rain already. It will get up to a high of 31 degrees Celsius today but feel like 35 + with the humid x. I also did some more finger work to bring her back to the middle of the cup. Tied her in place to stabilize her. Looking for another productive day outta this girl. She started another leaf set ,and fattened up her first 3 bladed set yesterday. What will we get outta today. I will be misting her again at sunset. I will upload some more shots from than. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 13 Gave this lady a good misting In the morning. It still hasn't rained and conditions are getting super hot and humid. Right now its 30 degrees and 71% rh. Sticky and smuggy out. At that this ladies water levels are getting low and shes due for a top up. We are supposed to get heavy rain and thunderstorms around 3pm today. We will gauge the need for watering after that occurs. If it doesnt happen... like the past few days. We will be out there with our watering can doing a feed. She straightend herself right back out again. But now her main stalks stability is twice as strong. She really fattened up her foliage, as she continues to marinate in and love all her sun exposure. She continues to respond great to our lst and our morning and night mistings. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 13 night Yay it rained! Lol not... it drizzled for 5 minutes at best and just made everything worse. So once again it was on me to give this little lady some fluids. I decided to give her a feeding of 1ml per liter of armor si, 1.25 ml per liter bio root. Solution was ph balanced to 6.4 . Than I gave her the routine misting cool down and that was that. It's still 30 degrees(was 35) but supposed to drop to about 20 degrees over night. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 14 Today started off with a misting in the morning. It was 22 degrees celcius out side but gray. Nice and cool but not much in the way of sunlight. By noon it started raining... A very long anticipated rainfall ended quite the hot humid drought. Its remained raining with decent size winds. This lady is taking the gusts of wind like a champ! We will check up on her tonight and do a little update. Until then happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 14 night Sry bout pics tonight... trying to capture her in the winds was fun lol. Shes remained strong through the harsh winds and rain. True soldier right here. Tomorrow supposed to be the same. After these winds her stalk should beast right up! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
16 hrs
21 °C
315 PPM
60 %
20 °C
19 °C
14 °C
0 L
Nutrients 3
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 15 We've had a couple gloomy days in a row. Low 20's celcius with rain and lots of wind. Shes weathered the storm well. Her stalk has remained sturdy despite the heavy gusts of wind. Growth continues fairly steady even though conditions outside have been so up and down. Supposed to be gloomy like this until friday... tomorrow it's supposed to get quite a temp drop over night down to a mere 11 degrees. Thsn back into the pressure cooker to sweat it out for the weekend. Not the greatest forecast of events but let's see what she makes of it. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 16 Temps over night was only 10 degrees celcius.... weather continues to be so up and down. Temps are back up to 25 degrees Celsius now. Only gunna drop down to 16 degrees tonight. Back to the summer scortcher tomorrow. Her growth continues steady. One of her newest fans came in much smaller than the other side. Hopefully over a little bit of time the growth will balance itself out. Newest growth coming in does not seem to have the size difference. Time to closely monitor the growth a bit. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 17 It's currently 27 degrees 42% rh outside. It's super sunny with nothing but blue skys. She was praying when I came out to check on the fastbuds outdoor garden. Just absolutely marinating in the Rays. With a string of weather like this. We should be in for quite the growth surge. We are feeling a lot more seasonal now.Temps are only supposed to drop to 19 degrees tonight. With a tiny chance of rain. Just a refreshing mist I presume. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 18 Got out there and watered her with ph balanced soloution to 6.4 with 1ml armor si, and 1.25 ml per liter bio root. Later in the day when there wasn't as much sun exposure and she had a good drink. I treated her with a canola based spray as part of her ant bug brigade. We washed the excess of her leaves after a short period. Keep her leaf pores good and clean. Solid day of growth again. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 19 Shes out there just soaking up the sun... it's a beautiful day. Temps are currently 23 degrees Celsius with 62%rh . The high is only 28 today so shes going to be nice and cozy. She responded wonderful to yesterdays treatment. No burn or damage at all. Looking forward to a big day of growth, and mabey more training work this afternoon. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 19 evening I topped this lady, and defoliated and cleared lower growth. Than gave her another lst session. Working on her consistent but in smaller doses. Been treating her good so far. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 20 Shes already bounced back and turned herself up over night! Strong little lady right here. Beautiful day outside 29 degrees Celsius 45% rh and real sunny! Hopefully the good weather will help with the recouped time as well. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 21 Went out to check the garden this morning and SOB! Some vermin was munching on my fucking leaves. Did a intense check for harboring Caterpillar or grasshopper nymphs. Found nothing.... my dumb ass dog that loves to get into shit was out there yesterday. Could have been a small yap from him but unlikely. Going to be on the super watch out now. Just recently treated her to so need to lay off a few more days atleast on that end. See what happens. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
11.43 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
315 PPM
51 %
20 °C
22 °C
20 °C
0 L
Nutrients 5
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.5 mll
Day 22 Gave the lady a good misting this morning. Shes due for a watering and I'm going to up her nutrient diet. I will update the chart tonight once feeding has been done. Its 27 degrees Celsius 51% rh currently. High of the day is 29 degrees and it will drop to 20 over night. Shes going to love it. I did a treatment for Caterpillar on my pots and table pots are currently on. Put molasses traps under the table to put the defences up. But there was no new damage and nothing dead or caught. Hopefully isolated instance but now we have upped our PP regime. Muhahahaha. Looks like shes ready to start up the growth jets again! Hopefully another sunny day is just that she needs. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 23 Her cup is getting quite light and dryish to the finger test. So tonight she will receive a feed with a much fuller diet. I will update the chart later today once feed has been completed. It's super hot today.... 33 degrees Celsius with a rh of 42%. She's looking un fazed and soaking up the huge sun shine! Bright, bright day out today. Nice amount of breeze pumping... making it a bit more comfortable I suppose. We will definitely be ending her day with a cool misting. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 24 In order to give her a bit longer wet to dry cycle. I opted to wait till today to give her a feed. Its currently 31 degrees celcius 50%rh , which is todays high. It will drop down to 21 degrees over night. We are going to feed her in a few hours. Than end her day with a nice mist to cool her down. Lord knows she will need it. Lots of sun and decent sized winds. Good day for some stalk building. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 25 She got a good feeding yesterday of 1ml per liter armor si, .5ml per liter calimagic, 1ml per liter flora micro, and 1ml per liter flora gro ph to 6.4 . Super hot but sunny day, but it will be great for growth. Did a bit of defoliating This lady is looking like a thing of beauty. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 26 Going to be another scorcher today! So I was out at sunrise giving them a nice refreshing mist down. The feeding the other day and the string of sunny days. Has really let her flourish. 38 degrees celcius is the high for today... time to melt.... Definitely end her day with another misting. Shes been loving the higher temps anyway... lots of wind comes in where she is. Making everything more tolerable. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 27 Lots of sun again today for the younge lady! Itll be much cooler today. It's only 28 currently and the high of the day is only 32 degrees celcius. Its supposed to drop to 20 degrees over night. The relative humidity is 40% and supposed to get closer to 50% as the day progresses. Couldnt ask for better I guess. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 28 Damn what a scorcher out today. Its currently 35 degrees Celsius 43% rh . Just absolutely cooking outside. It's supposed to drop to 23 degrees over night... I cant wait. Shes really went through her water supply, and shes getting pretty dry. Will top her up this afternoon with water with 1ml armor si ph balanced to 6.4. Than cap her day off with a good misting at sunset. Though it's been hot... we've managed to keep her rather comfortable. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
13.97 cm
16 hrs
29 °C
315 PPM
56 %
20 °C
24 °C
22 °C
0 L
Nutrients 5
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.5 mll
Day 29 We gave her a good watering last night with just armor si. She was parched and that was just what she needed to clench her thirst. We started her day off at sunrise, with a treatment of pyrethrin mixture. Cycling the products in my War on bugs regime. As the misted coating dried I washed off the excess. That will prevent burning and help avoid pesticide toxicity. Its currently 23 degrees Celsius, windy as fuck ... and there is a severe thunderstorm warning. The storm Is only minutes away. It's supposed to last 2 hours than sky rocket back up to 32 degrees for the high of the day. It's supposed to drop back down to 22 degrees over night. Let's see what she will make of this. Sure the wind will help with stalk building. We defoliated her lower pair of fans today. We are starting our mainline training tomorrow. Those leaves would be in the way of our 90 degree bends.. and they just plain out lived their use. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 30 Started the day off with a misting again. The heat wave continues with the high of today being 35 degrees celcius 46% rh. Its currently 32 degrees celcius and the Low of the day is going to be 22 degrees. We gave her the first horizontal tiedowns to her mains. Now shes nice and looking like a T. After her newest nodes come in we will probably be topping her again. We shall see how shes moving along. Than make our decision. Going to cap the day with a little misting again. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 31,32,33,34 Been super busy cleaning and setting up a whole grow room. Than filling it up... So missed 4 days of updates unfortunately, but I took pics 2/4 of the days ... so im doing it now. We had thunderstorms day 31 and day 32. Huge wind speeds and lots and lots of rain. Day 33 was mostly a beautiful sunny day, not to hot just cusping 30 degrees. We had a small rain shower but not long and much at all. Day 34 was absolutely beautiful! Nothing but blue skies and lots of sun. She has begun to flower... so we are looking at two colas lol. Let's make em fatties muhahahaha... well I hope anyways until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 35 Nice and cool day today... it stayed at around 26 degrees celcius and a high of 28. With a average of 55%rh . Supposed to drop down to 18 degrees over night. Lots of sun all day today. Clear skys... not a cloud to block our rays. Very productive day because of it. Hoping for more of this tomorrow. We gave a light treatment again this morning. One of Our last efforts to detour and minimize pests. We used our canola based mixture to individually treat leaves. We got the majority of the plant just stayed away from fresh growth and forming budsites. We have plants around each other in different stages of maturity. Dont want to be letting loose with a mister and ravaging my flowers. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
16.51 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
915 PPM
50 %
20 °C
24 °C
21 °C
0 L
Nutrients 7
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1.25 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 36 Not too hot today... just a high of 28 degrees with a rh of 50% . But it is very cloudy out. As of now they've had great sun exposure all day. But once those clouds get over head, their full sun will diminish. It's going to drop down to 21 degrees over night, making it a relatively decent day for growth. This ladies well into the transition to bloom. So her feed is relative to that fact. We got her on a really evenly balanced diet that we started today. Perfect for the transition into flowering. Shes getting increasingly thirsty! Needing a top up around every 2 days currently. That will definitely increase as we chug through flowering. She responded great to our treatment yesterday. No burning or damage/distorted growth observed. Spliff seed cup of flowers here we come! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 37 What a shitty day out today... rain,rain,and more rain. Cloudy AF no sun to be seen. The high of the day is only 26 degrees Celsius, but feels worse cause of the 67% humidity. Not the conditions outside I want to see during flowering. Atleast it's super early into bloom. Its supposed to drop down to 20 degrees over night to end the blah day.... This Dutch blue auto solocup princess is Finessing her way through the bloom transition. Having so much fun with the solocup challenge! Keeps u on ur toes as a grower. Nursing and pampering your lady to keep her health up. Makes the bigger girls in the back that much easier! Shes been topped and mainline trained. That encoupled with the tiny 16oz cup.... spells for disaster! But this little lady is just chugging right along. Sometimes u gotta just soak it up and relish the moment! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 38 What a beautiful sunny day we got on our hands! Going to be steady 30 degrees celcius with a rh floating at around 50% . Nothing but blue skies and full sun! It's supposed to drop to 20 degrees Celsius over night. That will give her a nice cool off period. She continues to build up her budsites with flowers. Really nothing more than white stigma pom poms currently. But the structure and formation to her buds/colas will soon come. Shes steadily progressing ... so no complaints. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 39 Another beautiful day outside today! Nothing but sunshine all day, with a high of 32 degrees Celsius. Very humid out currently it's at 71% but it's not supposed to stay this high for long. Plus there is a beautiful breeze making it feel alot more comfortable. The low for the day is supposed to be 22 degrees. Let's see what's made of the excellent amount of sunshine today! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 40 Today is humid as hell hovering around 70%rh outside. The high of the day is only 27 degrees but feeling more like 36 with the humid x. It's super windy and rain will be on and off all day. There is a tornado warning in my region... hence the fucked up weather. It's supposed to drop down to around 20 degrees celcius over night. Watered her last night with ph balanced water to 6.4 . Found her on the floor toppled this morning. Cup got thrashed with a high volume of wind. I misted her off a little to clean her up.... but miraculously she wasn't very dirty. Been tapping her stalk every little while. To get the excess water out of her flowers well it dumps down. Shes still soldiering through all the abuse lmfao! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 41 Beautiful sunny day cooking up right here! Currently 25 degrees Celsius 47%rh, with a super nice breeze going on steady. The high is only 27 degrees today , NICE AND COMFY! Suppose to drop down to 16 degrees tonight to just bless us. She is getting mighty thirsty! Because of the thicker foliage in the canopy. The leaves prevented the rainfall from saturating our medium. We will be changing her diet a little. We will update the chart after the feed. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 42 Today is a little cloudy but nice and cool. It's currently 24 degrees celcius 52%rh , the high of the day is only 26 degrees. Supposed to drop down to 19 degrees tonight for the low of the day. We gave her a watering last night, and a diet change. We added Big bud to her feed as our booster. She really seemed to love that taste. As she was looking super perky this morning. Pumping up that volume. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
16.51 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
915 PPM
71 %
20 °C
22 °C
19 °C
0 L
Nutrients 7
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1.25 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 43 Today is nothing but clouds and grey sky. Supposed to rain on and off all day and just be piss poor growing weather. The high of the day is 26 degrees Celsius with a rh range of 59-71% today.... ARG. The low of the day is 19 degrees celcius. Write off day. She continues to pack flowers on her bud sites. Shes got 2 nice colas in the making... hopefully she can mustard up enough strength to give us some chunkys. Not too much structure going on to her buds yet. Though it seems just around the corner. She continues to put up with our abuse, and mother natures... shes one tough cookie. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 44 It was a gloomy morning and we had some rain. The sun has now boomed out of the cloud coverage, to really light up our garden. The high of the day is 27 degrees celcius with a rh hovering around 60%. Its supposed to drop down to 18 degrees overnight. Making this a reasonable day for flower growth/production. She continues to increase the mass of her flower clusters! Plus shes starting to develop trichomes at a much faster rate. Hopefully the big bud was just what the doctor ordered. To get some solid bud production out of this cup. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 45 Nice sunny day today! High of the day is only 27 degrees and the rh is supposed to float between 50-55 %. its supposed to drop to 18 degrees Celsius over night. Making this a wonderful day for my blooming garden. Shes getting thirsty so a full diet feed is in order for later tonight. See if she keeps up with her trend... Really pump up the volume after getting her dump. Trichome production keeps picking up! Bud sites continue to cluster up with flowers. Pile it on baby, PILE IT IN. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 46 Super sunny day out today! Lots of useable light for great flower production! Its currently 28 degrees Celsius and the high of the day is 30. Rh will be kicking at 45-50% range most of the day. Right now being 48%. Its supposed to drop to 21 degrees over night... wonderful day! We fed her today with another full diet feed of everything listed in the chart. Thirst seems to really be increasing ... So I know that cup is getting full of roots! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 47 Hot one today but real sunny! Lots of wind to make it feel much more comfortable. Its currently 30 degrees Celsius 46% rh outside. The high of the day is a sweating 33 degrees celcius. It's only going to drop down to 24 degrees tonight... to continue the scorcher tomorrow. Busy family day today do that will be all for the update. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 48 This lady got hammered to the floor by high winds last night. Luckily happend inbetween me misting my peyote clones.... We were right there to scoop her up. 5 second rule no lmfao. No damage occurred but she did need a good blow/dust off after her header. It's currently 30 degrees Celsius 62% rh outside. Supposed to hover here all day with a high of 32 degrees. Supposed to drop down to 18 degrees overnight. That will hopefully cap of the heat wave. We shall see. Was supposed to rain today but they've called it off. Little bit cloudy out but more in squalls and patches. Gets bet darker out for few minutes as they pass over head. Lots of beautiful sun rays to be had! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 48 update*** We had a massive down pour and thunder storm for about 45 mins. Gave the lady a good shake off, to remove excess water from her flowers. The sun started coming out not soon after....that will take care of the rest. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 49 Real nice sunny day today with cooler temps. Thank god. The high of the day is only 27 degrees Celsius, 48 % rh. It will drop to a low of 19 degrees over night. Making this a wonderful day for bloom. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
1 comment
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
16.51 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
915 PPM
60 %
20 °C
22 °C
17 °C
0 L
Nutrients 7
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1.25 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 50 We had a little bit of rain over night. Shook branches of this morning to clear excess water. Pretty cloudy outside currently.... it's only 23 degrees celcius with a rh of 62%. Supposed to be fairly cloudy all day with a high of 27 degrees. It's going to drop down to 17 degrees Celsius overnight. Not the greatest day for growing but definitely could be alot worse. Its not thick clouds so enough useable sun Rays are still available. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 51 Lots of sunshine today with a nice strong breeze. The high of the day is only 26 and it's supposed to hover around 24 most of the day. Its 52% rh outside today and the low will be 17 degrees. Very wonderful conditions considering the stage of growth we are in. She was mighty thirsty this morning! So we fed her with the full diet listed in the chart. Keep her well fed so she can bulk those flowers up! Shes definitely increasing her hunger to bulk up. So hopefully we see a good last pile on and then some swelling and fattening up. For the next few weeks our budsites will be way more productive... or atleast they should be if shes healthy enough. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 52 Today was a little cloudy at times... but bulk majority nice and sunny. The high of the day was 27 degrees with a rh fluctuating between 45-50%. Its supposed to drop down to 18 degrees over night. Very decent weather. Buds are developing quite the frost! Fattened up a touch. Hopefully we get a decent swelling/bulking period. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 53 It was not super hot but encoupled with the humidity it was sticky. Road about 27 degrees 60%rh all day. Lots of sun and blue skys up until nightfall. Mild showers are starting now as the sun descends. Its supposed to drop to 20 degrees Celsius over night to cap off the day. Buds are looking good. Not bad production outta the tiny 400ml cup barely filled. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 54 Terrible storms today! Raining at sunrise and it just increased in volume all morning. The rain stopped mid afternoon after a down pour. The sun beamed out at that point. Encoupled with steadily increasing winds... kinda harsh condition change ... but really helped remove the excess moisture outta the flowers. At around 6pm the storm rolled back through just a shit show all over again. High of the day was 27 degrees, and the rh fluxed around 55-60%. Supposed to drop to 18 over night and rains supposed to stop by 10pm. We shall see. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 55 Another cloudy ugly day... cool though with a high of only 24 degrees celcius today. Rh hovering between 50-60% . Little tiny rain showers on and off. None longer than 5 mins. Shaking branches after just to be safe. Going to drop down to 19 over night. BLAH. Filled up the void in our cup with some more medium for her to utilize. Got a nice shot of her roots. Shes Looking pretty good considering the less than favourable weather! Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam. Day 56 Another cloudy day today... had a touch more rain over night. We were out shaking branches off come sunrise. The high is only 23 degrees today with a bit of sun to be had. Rh is high at the moment... 72%. That is supposed to taper down throughout the day to about 60% or so. It's going to drop down to 16 degrees celcius overnight. In these conditions I really need to keep water out of the flowers. Dont want a tragedy . Regular shake downs are in order.. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
16.51 cm
15 hrs
23 °C
915 PPM
60 %
20 °C
20 °C
16 °C
0 L
Nutrients 7
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1.25 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.25 mll
Armor Si - Terra Aquatica
Armor Si 1 mll
Day 49 Had more down pouring rain yesterday evening... did lots of branch shaking again... becoming routine. Plus side lots of sun today but the high is only 23 degrees Celsius. Going to be cool all day with a rh floating around 60%. Going to drop down to 15 degrees over night. We are losing our summer quickly. Buds are fattening up and looking sweet. Supposed to have a rain free day for a change... hopefully it results in great flower development. Until next update happy growing and stay lit fam.


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SpliffSeedscommentedweek 15 years ago
Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
@SpliffSeeds,75 hours fam 🤑🙌 can u say viability 💎
Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
@SpliffSeeds,Cant wait 4 that master kush fam! So hyped.
SpliffSeedscommented5 years ago
@@Ttrichome, looking forward to it 😍
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Mr_Motalovahcommentedweek 75 years ago
Loving it! 😍
Mr_Motalovahcommented5 years ago
@@Ttrichome, Those pampered ladies take out a lot of time but it's most deff worth it! 😂 She's quite the looker already, looks like she'll turn out beautiful. 😍 Good luck and Happy Growing!
Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
@Mr_Motalovah,Shes becoming quite the little looker. My pampered princess lmfao. Happy growing and Stay lit fam. 🔥🔥🔥
Ferenccommentedweek 105 years ago
I love those trichomes :) 😃✌️🤪😍 @@Ttrichome
Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
@Ferenc,Thx fam! She hasn't done too bad considering the weather outdoors. Look forward to smoking her up! Happy growing and stay lit fam.
Mr_Motalovahcommentedweek 65 years ago
Looking good! 👌
Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
@Mr_Motalovah,thx fam! Always a fun challenge. Stay lit 🔥🔥🔥
GrowGuy97commentedweek 65 years ago
Looking good friend! Happy growing!✌️🏼🌱
Ttrichomecommented5 years ago
@GrowGuy97,thx fam! Stay lit 🔥🔥🔥
DoDrugs420commentedweek 104 years ago
Gotta love that Dutch Blue Automatic.
Polaskiscommentedweek 105 years ago
Great trichomes!!! Good job my friend 👏
Polaskiscommentedweek 95 years ago
Very cool! Good job on the solo cup contest
Professor_Chaoscommentedweek 85 years ago
Bad ass bro.. I just finished a cup grow myself (24 oz.. Not a solo cup) but I am now germinating a White Widow Autoflower from ILGM that I'm gonna run in an small solo cup.. I think it's like an 8 oz cup.. But I'm really just trying to find the limit when it comes to growing in small cups instead of pots.. I was thinking of doing a SOG of cup grows.. Check out my diaries.. I got a couple up there.. Bloody Skunk Auto from Sweet Seeds ZkittleZ Glue from Expert Seeds .. And I've done about 5 cup grows from bag seeds.. Infact, I just created my own feminized seeds from a bag seed.. Well, they are forming in the calyxes now.. About half the size of normal sized seeds.. Sorry for the long comment.. I just smoked a j of that bloody skunk lol.. Super lit rn.. Anyways.. Good job on the solo cup grow. I enjoy doing them.. OH!! It's super easy to make the purples and reds come out when growing in cups!!! Just store your water that youre going to use in the refrigerator!!! No need to bring the temps down in the tent if its too hard to do... like it is for me. Just water every night with the water that is stored in the fridge and in 1-2 weeks you will have massive amounts of purples and reds.. If the strain turns, of course.. Sorry.. I just went on again.. Baaahaha.. Keep up the great work growmie!!! Stay lit! 🌱🌿🌲🌼🔥💨👍✌️🖖
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