Jeez these girls are starting to bulk up. The soil was looking a little dry. I put her in the shower and gave her a full wet down so those roots have a chance to stretch out. will start adding Overdrive this week and some molasses 💪
@wheedtobeus420, Thanks buddy - I appreciate the kind words and yes, I do enjoy "rooting" for others success and spreading the "good energy." So true, patience is the key with the ladies. Best wishes!
@Zannabis7,thank you! Youre so awesome always rooting everyone on. I appreciate the good energy and love. Now if only some of these beauties were ready to smoke. Patience is key.
Need to get a humidifier to get your humidity in the 40's
1000w bulb 15 inches away!?! It's gonna crisp! I'd suggest a CFL for the next couple weeks
85 degrees is far too hot. What sort of air intake and exhaust do you have?
@MaximusVerde,thanks for the advice but this is the second round I've put into this environment. The lights are prolly a little further away at this point. The humidity ranges as my water schedule goes. I had a humidifier and it didn't really make a difference and just leaked all over my floor. The intake is 4 inches and my exhaust is a carbon 6 inch exhaust that also cools my hps. Thanks for the advice but these babies are doing beautiful. I grew outdoors for a couple years and my temps range into the 100s at times during summer. They are more resilient then you think. If you always grow in a warmer environment they are used to it. My flowering girls is very close to the light and no burn. You gotta talk to you plants and listen to what they say. Thanks for checking out my grow thou. Best of luck on yours.