I was out of town for the week, and used watering globes and the rope-drip method to keep plants watered. Seemed to work well. The morning I left, one plant had tipped over and domino'd 3 other plants next to it. These plants are very top-heavy and (tallest grew to 6' 2" this week) and I've had to stake and use string to keep all upright. I had read about Blue Dream getting freaky-tall, and have found that this is no joke.
Lots of flowers and buds forming. Another few weeks and it'll be harvest time.
@CanadianFillmore, thanks. It's the one plant in the corner which is/was growing heads and tails above the others. Got feminized seeds from second-hand vendor, so I'm curious myself. Most are 3-4 feet, except for the 3 5+ footers