she's not getting a lot of photons thru the smoke and ash from forest fires all around the area. it's been the thickest i've seen in my 65 years here but a wind direction change is in the forecast and should get a bit better soon. she's still showing signs of the wilt disease but no actual wilt so i'll continue to give her the fungicide weekly. other than that, no news is good news.
@Inganjawetrust, thanks!
it's been cooler than normal here this summer...i think the lack of 90-95f days has helped. still the hottest month ahead but i'll have to use the stepladder to check buds for mold in october i reckon 😀
@DRunKenMONkey271, every year around this time i start wanting a greenhouse....with lighting and heat and a/c and humidity control...and a light dep. cover...and a t-shirt that says "CONTROL FREAK"😉