Getting about 12hrs full sun a day
Replanted into 90ltr pot with dogmo organics soil 23.6.20
22.6.20 2ltr water bottom sprayed with optic foliar
23.6.20 2.5ltr bottom
In morning. Drank it by the afternoon so transplanted into 90ltr pot
7ltr with recharge. Mammoth P and gnatrol plus 2ltr water from the bottom
24.6.20 sprayed neem
24.6.20 2.5ltr water bottom
24.6.20 defoliated
25.6.20 4ltr worm tea. Recharge mammoth gnatrol plus 2ltr water top
26.6.20 3ltr water top
27.6.20 50cm
28.6.20 optic foliar overgrow
28.6.20. 4ltr top. 4g bactrex. Mammoth p. Recharge