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Amniesa Lemon in the Greenhouse

Approved by Barney's Farm
5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 3
weeks 3-8
weeks 3, 8-9
Grow medium
57 L
Pot Size
Week 3. Flowering
5 years ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
1400 PPM
54 %
18 °C
20 °C
18 °C
57 L
9 L
Nutrients 2
Power Gro Growth A - Nulife Technologies
Power Gro Growth A 15 mll
Power Gro Growth B - Nulife Technologies
Power Gro Growth B 18 mll
I've grown this strain indoors for a couple of years now with hydroponics and 400 wat lights and thought I'd try it out in the greenhouse. I built the frame for Cactus growing and part of a futon mattress frame. In the rest of the greenhouse I have Skunkberry by Peak seeds. And B Bud by Vancouver Seed Co. The B Bud ( Burmberry I call it) is a sativa with a soring head high about 24% the Amnesia lemon is about 22% and the Skunkberry is about 20 %. Every thing went well this week except the weather. It's been a damp and not warm spring so far. I have a large grow tent 10'x10' that I close up every night and open each morning because of the neighbors lights. It's just fits in my 12;x20' greenhouse. I like the auto watering system because on damp days I can water less . Talk to ya later Eh! Chuck. I'm a 25 year indoor grower and have probably grown from seeds over 100 different strains. I prefer to start seeds but won't say no to a good clone. I was allowed to take cuttings last weekend of Barneys Pink Kush, Godfather Kush OG and Tom Ford. The plant looked very stressed, but I took some bottom cuttings. the clones are stressed and I hope some make it. If not I'll bug him again and see if the plants are less stressed for more clippings. Keep ya updated. I've also have Barneys L.S.D. started and was going to start a diary when my room finishes and I switch (once again) to grow with clones or seedlings for a new cycle looking for the thing you like and live for. I also have Barneys Dos Si Dos 33# which I'll start at a later date, stay tuned. I've wasted the last year trying a new (to me) breeder "Dr. Greenthumb" Please don't waste your time with breeder. The strains I tried were: O zone, Big Laughing, Turkish Delight and Carnage. Most of the strains were very inconsistent. O Zone had plants at finish 12in to 3 ft. it's rather difficult to keep light on such a wide range. They ranged from sorta stoned to almost blasted but not quite there. Also plants were extremely branchy or extremely leafy/bud ratio. Look but don't buy. See ya next week!
Used techniques
Week 4. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
1500 PPM
54 %
18 °C
20 °C
19 °C
57 L
13 L
Nutrients 7
Liquid Kelp 3.75 mll
Sweet Botanicare 3.75 mll
Karbo-Boost 0.3 mll
Had a good week. You sure can see a difference from last week in size of buds. I flower for 70 days but I flush for the last 14 days, for flavor. I started flowering in the last day of May. I close up my 10 foot x10 foot grow tent each night and open it each morning. It fits snugly in my 12x20 foot greenhouse. I have a 15 gallon half barrel for nutrient and depending on the weather I turn the pump on after I pull the tent roof back. I give 5 or 10 min. if it is cold and raining, but I let them have 20 or 25 min. if it was, or is going to be, hot. When I mix my nutrient I increase Karbo-boost and Big Bud a little more till I flush. Helps bulk them up. The girls get a lot of water through the week too. If it hot I'll go around with my 2 and 1/2 gallon watering can and soak the top they like a good soaking a couple times a week. You've seen the paper wasps I allow them to live in my greenhouses. They are the least aggressive of all the wasps and they pray on things in my garden that eat my vegetables. I've also found them on my cactus in the winter helping. So if they help, they can stay. They come and go through the auto opening roof windows. I've seen them come in with a green mass ball (1/2 chewed up whatever they were hunting) in their front arms and fly slow and deliberate, like a WW2 bomber, then find a place to land for a few minutes to catch her breath and then slowly fly, with many turns to gather height tp get back to her nest. Fascinating to watch. I've been stung a few times, all my fault, like one time I put down my hand to steady myself, not being aware a wasp was there. Yea it hurt. You see my cactus. Yes some are peyote. I had 3 greenhouses full of cactus a few years ago. It use to take me about 5 hours to water all the cactus. POT TURNED LEGAL IN CANADA so now I grow Cannabis. But I sold one greenhouse to a neighbor and kept the cactus I was most interested in, in my other greenhouse. It's 6 feet x 12 feet where I plan to make regular seeds this fall. I'll put some of my clones in there with my NORTHERN LIGHTS male I started back in January. Because the seeds were in the freezer for so long they really took some work to get some seeds to come out. once they stuck their white shoots out they stopped growing. I sweet talked to them and they started growing again, but slowly. I had to brake the shells off of 4 of the seedlings. this was the best male, most compact. Very sticky to rub. Good old N.L. smell to. I don't care fore the N.L. buzz so I gave away the females. See ya next week. Chucky. Thursday- Dehumidifier was full this morning. 70% humidity and 19 C. in the tent when I opened at 8 a.m. Friday Dehumidifier was almost full. 55% & 19 c. I'll put in my 2nd dehumidifier when my indoor room finishes in 10 days.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Chucky324started grow question 5 years ago
Can a Feminized female plant except male pollen. I'm guessing yes. But ??? I'm planning to make seeds in a different greenhouse.
Other. Other
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
Yes but the seeds won't be feminized seeds. Just regular. 🤟😜
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
104.14 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
54 %
18 °C
20 °C
20 °C
57 L
9 L
Nutrients 8
Liquid Kelp 3.75 mll
Sweet Botanicare 3.75 mll
Karbo-Boost 0.5 mll
Its supper time I'll be back. Hello. This week went smooth. It's powdery mildew season outside, my zucchini, squash, cucumbers and pumpkin, all have it. I spray everything with half an ounce of apple cider vinegar to1 quart of water. I've been trying to keep the humidity down and be proactive about it. Treat the root zone with cal mag. Spray something on the leaves (not fungicide). The buds are fattening up. Still a few weeks to go. I flower for 10 weeks, and flush for the last 14 days. I'll add more later. Have Fun and Chuckles! I mentioned in week 3 I had the chance to take some clones from 3 stressed plants. Barneys Farm Pink Kush made it through, but the Godfather Kush OG and the Tom Ford Pink Kush didn't. Luckily when I phoned him he said " Yea come over, I want to get your opinion of my plants anyway". So I'll keep ya updated. Chuck. Wow, he gave me a small plant of Tom Ford Pink Kush. A bit of welling and dealing. And I got 1 cutting of the Godfather Kush OG. So one more try at that one. It was a hot and windy day here 29 c. in the greenhouse. Chuck. It's monday and I change my nutriant water, and put time into the plants. Pruning, trimming and training. With experance you can see what needs to be done to get what you want. Chuck.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
106.68 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
54 %
18 °C
20 °C
20 °C
57 L
19 L
Nutrients 8
Liquid Kelp 3.75 mll
Sweet Botanicare 3.75 mll
Karbo-Boost 0.5 mll
Hello All. I found some powdery mildew 2 days ago. I went to the grow store Monday and just happened to get some White Wash, frequency changed water. Knocks it right out. In the garden too. I put a disk fan along the roof line, just to keep the air moving. So far the Amnesia Lemon hasn't showed any signs of p.m.. I had to tie up a lotta buds this week. The Skunkberry has dense buds. And the sister of the featured plant was getting heavy too! The Burmberry stood up. I noticed a few yellowing leaves and so added some extra nitrogen, they musta liked it. I was going to this week, take 3- 10 to 12 inch clones I have in veg and place them in the grow tent to start them to flower. and in about 3 weeks I'll put the Dr. Atomic Northern Lights Male and the flowering clones in a different greenhouse and make some seeds. Oh boy! can't wait. I've grown for so long wondering about making my own. O.K. Talk to ya more later. Chuck.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
106.68 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
54 %
18 °C
20 °C
20 °C
57 L
19 L
Nutrients 8
Liquid Kelp 3.75 mll
Sweet Botanicare 3.75 mll
Karbo-Boost 0.5 mll
Hello. After I took the video I flushed the plants and had back flow into the 15 gallon barrel. Measured the ph and it was 6.2 Good enough. Just checked my calendar where I've written my info for years, (grow diaries is new to me) I saw this is almost the end of week 7 for me (Thursday was the first 12/12 and then I count from there) With the tents help I started flowering on May 28. I'll start my flush (with 1 ounce of Hydrogen Peroxide to 5 gallons of water) after 8 weeks and harvest after 2 weeks of flush. I'll give it some dark days only if it's wet and rainy, a black tent in a greenhouse gets too hot. I've found some more powdery mildew this week. I 've bought a product called White Wash. It's frequency changed water. Knocks it right out. We need some hot days here to kill the spores. In the video you'll see the plants (girls) that have volunteered to have sex with the male Dr Atomic Northern Lights I have under my lights, 20/4 that i start my vegetables under in the early spring. The girls and the male will be put in my smaller greenhouse around August 1 and will be put back in this greenhouse to finish to seeds. I'll keep you informed. Talk to ya later. Chuck.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
106.68 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1600 PPM
54 %
18 °C
20 °C
20 °C
57 L
19 L
Nutrients 8
Liquid Kelp 3.75 mll
Sweet Botanicare 3.75 mll
Karbo-Boost 0.5 mll
Hello. It's been hot this week. I'm about 4 days from flush and I'll try to flush for 2 weeks. I've seen some fungus gnats, but I try to run a very healthy greenhouse. I've seen 3 different types of spiders helping me out this year. 2 different types of jumping spiders, several harvesters (Daddy long legs) and a bunch of small web spiders. I think a nest of web spiders hatched near by, their webs are about the size of your palm. And of course Paper Wasps. I allow to live in the greenhouse. (check out week 5 for more on that). >I going to make my own seeds this year. I want my females to be about 3 weeks ahead of the male on flowering. The male is under lights and checked every couple of days for flower sacks, NO preflowers sacks too. As i have said before that's a male Dr. Atomic Northern Lights. Going to be crossed with my Amnesia Lemon, Burmberry and Skunkberry. What I want is the Burmberry to have more solid buds. > Amnesia lemon has not had any powdery mildew this year nor has her sister had any. I've gotten some on the other 2 strains. I'm trying frequency changed water " White Wash" works great, knocks the pm right out. I'll see if I'll use it again I'll be able to tell on the smoke and taste test when it done. That's all for now. Chuck.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
106.68 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
1600 PPM
54 %
18 °C
20 °C
18 °C
57 L
19 L
Nutrients 1
Flush 1000 mll
Hello. It 35 c. in the greenhouse today with 5 fans running. Stinkin hot in there. I hope the heat doesn't melt my THC crystals. It's suppose to be as warm tomorrow too. > I have not seen any powdery mildew on either Amnesia Lemon this year. >I have started my 2nd flush today. I' try for 4. But might have to cut a little earlier because>>> > AAHHH, I found a small patch of spider mites on the Amnesia Lemon. I only have a week to go so I decided to turn up the fans instead of spray. Yes they will progress, but slowly and they cant spin their webs in the wind, so it slows them down. And I don't mind smokin dried spider mites (isn't it extra protein). I'm blaming the house behind me, I looked through the fence and they have about 12 large pots growing cannabis, imagine that. >Starting to get some color on the Burmberry and the Sister Amnesia Lemon looks ready to be cut down. > I'll take some more pictures just before harvest and during and after. It took me 2 days to cut it down last year. I wet trim. I grew Dr. Green Thumb seeds Big Laughing last year. They made decent buds but they were not very strong, disappointed. Thought I'd try some stuff that did well inside and see what they did in the greenhouse. These plants were taken as clones, near the start of the year 2020. I moved them in the greenhouse when it was warm enough and did some training then. I started to flower them at the end of May. The tent worked great at forcing flowering at the brightest time of the year. Less chance of problems then trying to flush on a cold October day. I hope I helped makes it clearer in what I'm doing. Chuck.
Used techniques
Week 10. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Hello. Amnesia Lemon is a very good sativa strain. The featured plant is a good producer of medium buds, loaded with flavor and THC crystals. Of the 4 seeds that opened, this one tasted like the lemon skunk I use to have and the reason I bought this strain. It has a very strong, happy and relaxed buzz, I would guess about 21% and high CBD. After a couple of hours I feel a bit sleepy and normally (at bedtime) I go right to sleep. So I smoke this one after supper. This plant is very branchy and the branches are not strong enough to hold up the buds, they always head for the floor at about the 6 week. The plant I all Sister Amnesia Lemon (same seed package) has heaver buds but has more of a sativa growth pattern., it grows larger and longer branches. The buzz is a strong up head stone with a head rush if you stand up to fast after kneeling for a while. About 22% and low CBD. I smoke this one in the morning, gets me up for the day. This plant tastes like a spicy Hindu Kush. The other 2 plants tasted and smelled and tasted of Bubble Gum. Both good producers and had a good buzz, but I was looking for the lemon taste and smell. Both plants were powdery mildew resistant. I had P.M. on the other strains but not the Amnesia Lemon. I will try this strain in the greenhouse again next year. Stay tuned. I wet trim, so the wet weight is the trimmed branch of buds put on the scale. Plant 1, the north plant produced 1507 g, the south plant produced 1607 g. Sister Amnesia Lemon produced 1564 g. I had to check the negative effects emoji or I wouldn't get a smile on taste and effects. But Amnesia Lemon Doesn't have dry mouth, red blasted looking eyes, Yes, but no dry mouth. Final Totals: Amnesia Lemon Plant 1 North Plant 343g - Amnesia Lemon Plant 2 South Plant 397g - Sister Amnesia Lemon 401g
Show more
Spent 50 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1557 g
Bud wet weight per plant
370 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Happy, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Cream, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Hello All. I took a lot of pictures. Hope you don't mine, but I had fun. I think everyone likes to see large harvest pictures. It all started back in early January when I took clones of my favorite plants. It was a cold winter here this year, for these parts. So it was mid March when I got the plants out in the greenhouse. The spring was damp and cold too. I found powdery mildew in the garden about 2 weeks before I found it in the greenhouse. I got it on the Skunkberry and the Burmberry, But not on either Amnesia Lemon or the Sister Amnesia Lemon. I was very pleased about that :) I found some spider mites in the last week and a half. I decided to turn up the fans instead of spray. Yes they still spread but very slowly when they can't spin their webs. I didn't find many when I harvested. Everything else went well this season. I found a male Dr. Atomic Northern Lights that I liked. So I'll try to make some seeds with the Amnesia Lemon, Skunkberry and the Burmberry. I'm trying to fatten up the Burmberry. I'm interested to see if the Amnesia Lemon gets fatter buds and carries the P.M. resistance to the seeds, I'm hoping. The tall Sister Amnesia lemon in the middle did cause a drop of production from the plants on either side of it. They were in more shade. Something to work on for next year :) The Skunkberry had the most P.M. I used a new produce that I'm pleased with, it's White Wash frequency altered water. Knocks the P.M. right out. I found that if you put a large tray under where you are spraying you can catch the run off. I could use it a couple of times with no change in effectiveness. It must be the Scottish in me. I try to reuse or recycle as much as possible. Cuts costs, and help make me feel like I'm doing good and helping the planet. My feeding schedule was: I had a 15 gallon half barrel and pump with hoses and nozzles. I filled the barrel with nutrient solution and watered by minuets, 15 for clod days and 25 or 30 minuets on hot days. After 3 or4 days I added water when the solution got low. Mixed new solution once a week, and cleaned the barrel and pump. I also took the hose in the greenhouse and soaked them till run off once a week and measured the ph. I saw a few fungus gnats, but the spiders and nematodes (from my compost I added when I mixed soil) sure help to keep the numbers down. I like to put my buds in a paper bag to dry and cure. Inside I hang the buds for 3 days before putting the buds in paper bags. But it was so hot in the green house that 2 days was more that enough before putting the buds in the paper bags. The bags sat in the greenhouse for 3 days and then went in to the basement to finish. The old hippies told me that they use to put their buds to cure in the middle of a bushel of straw. I seems that the drying buds gives off a gas, that when trapped around the buds helps to take away the bitterness and raunchiness' of the uncured buds. The bags also help in wicking away the moisture of the drying buds, just like the straw did. After a week I check to see if it is dry enough. If the buds are dense the bag might need to be rehung for a few days to finish. I prefer a dryer bud. I like to hear a light crunch when I put a bud in my pipe. I like to hear a light crunch when I put the bud in a grinder. > Amnesia Lemon- Plant #1 North plant=343 g. >Amnesia Lemon - Plant #2 South plant=397 g. > Sister Amnesia Lemon - Middle Tall Plant=401 g. Winner :) > Skunkberry - Southern Middle Plant=316 g. > Burmberry - Plant #1 North Plant=239 g. > Burmberry - Plant #2 South Plant=294 g. > Total= 1990 g. or 71 oz. or 4.4 lbs. In Conclusion: This was my best grow ever! Big thanks to Barneys farm, for great seeds. I've got LSD started and I will try that in the greenhouse next year, 5/5 for mold and pest resistance. I'm very happy with the results. I was concerned because I have 2 rental houses behind me and one of them had a big backyard party at my week 5 of flowering. You could smell the grow by then and I was hoping I wasn't going to get ripped off. I looked through the fence a few days later and saw about 12 large plant pots, growing cannabis. I'm very happy. Cheers Chuck. > November 3 Added pictures of the seeds I made this summer.
Grow Questions
Chucky324started grow question 5 years ago
Hello Is there a contest rules page? Can anyone direct me to it? I've looked and can't seem to find it. Thanks. Chuck.
Other. General questions
1 like
Chucky324answered grow question 5 years ago
Hello These answers were not very helpful. It seems that when you go into a contest you have answer grow questions for more points??? but where are the rules and why are they hidden.


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Ancient_Geneticscommentedweek 102 years ago
I believe everyone would like to produce what you do, I say what I really think, so I'm not flattering you, there are a lot of fantastic growers here in GrowDiaries, but in my opinion you are in the top 5, only Honey Bananas are a little below 6 to 6.5 /10, everything else looks PROFESSIONAL. 10/10 👍👌
Chucky324commented2 years ago
@Ancient_Genetics, Thanks Buddy Your the best. Chuck.
Ancient_Geneticscommented2 years ago
@Chucky324, I can only say WOW , 27 years ago 😲😵😄👍. Good luck with your grows.👌
Chucky324commented2 years ago
@Ancient_Genetics, Thanks Brother, very nice of you to say. The first strain I bought was White Widow from White Label Seeds just about 27 years ago. I've learnt a thing or two since then. Chuck.
Sense8commentedweek 105 years ago
hey great master, I greet you respectfully.
Sense8commented5 years ago
@Chucky324, ok my friend.
Chucky324commented5 years ago
@Sense8,Hi buddy. good to hear from you. Hope you are well. Write you soon. Chuck.
TheDoctorcommentedweek 43 years ago
Beautiful peyotes you’ve got there! Yet the other plants look amazing as well ;)
Chucky324commented3 years ago
@TheDoctor, Thanks buddy. If I let the soil dry out in the fall, they can take a bit of freezing. I've seen pictures where the peyote is flowering at 6 months old but they usually take 2 years to flower. I've had buddy's who have started them and thought they are cactus and can go into the sun and fried them. If you put them outside please secure a light piece of paper over them so they can get some bright light and not burn them. The flowers are self pollinating so you don't have to do much to get seeds once they start flowering. Chuck.
Thumbnail83commentedweek 54 years ago
Magnificent! I aspire to reach your level, so clean and well put together too. 😮☺️😁
Chucky324commented4 years ago
@Thumbnail83, Thanks Friend, I just have a lot of experience with the plant. This year in the greenhouse I'm going to try Mega Mouth from Sensible Seeds their Premium Seeds selection. It's a mango flavor so I think I'll call it Mega Mango instead. Chuck.
Ned_Growscommentedweek 44 years ago
50 yrs old, WOW thats amazing Chuck
Ned_Growscommentedweek 54 years ago
I love your greenhouse Chuck, thats a awesome setup you have and those plants look so happy & healthy. Your skillset is deffinitley up a notch from my level. Good Work Mate 👌
Ned_Growscommentedweek 104 years ago
Awesome Chuck, Absolutely Amazing 👌
JaySincommentedweek 45 years ago
Are they mescaline cactus buddy? 50 years old that's crazy.
JaySincommented5 years ago
@Chucky324, there cool buddy very interesting I love plants 👍
Chucky324commented5 years ago
@@JaySin, Hi there. The 50 year old cactus in the picture are not the type you get high on, I just like them. The flower of the sacred cactus does bloom for just 1 night once a year. The flower is 7 inches across and blooms at night . It has a sort of beautiful sour floral smell and is pollenated by moths. The blooming cactus in the picture is the tip of a 30 year old cactus that a arm broke off. It would bloom for about 2 weeks with about 40 flowers over that time. I cut the tip off and treated it with sulfur, let it sit out for a week to callous over (mans to heal) then place it on damp soil. The cactus will grow roots in a while. So that cactus and the round ones with tuffs are the mescaline carrying cactus. Good Luck. Chuck.
Dipper_Pinescommentedweek 105 years ago
what you do is. just. magic!!! Amazing... thx for info and so tasty photos! Good luck with your magic, bruh!
Chucky324commented5 years ago
@@Dipper_Pines, Hello there. Thanks for the complement. Just entered the contest of the month. We'll see if the magic works :) Good Luck. Chuck.
Athoscommentedweek 105 years ago
Each contest has its own set of rules. If you read each contest text at the top you can find them. Any in particular you are interested?
Chucky324commented5 years ago
@@Athos,Hello Yes I would to enter a contest. I not sure which one so I would to read the rules. Somewhat new around here and don't know how things work. Thanks. Chuck
GanjaTorturercommentedweek 105 years ago
Nice amount of good looking ganja. Maybe more pictures..? 😋 I wish I knew how to upload more than 1 pic at a time....
Chucky324commented5 years ago
@GanjaTorturer, Hello Thank for the complement. Sorry your having problems. What a lot of work, 5 days just to cut it down. Chuck.
Chlorophyll_Junkiecommentedweek 95 years ago
Wow! Nice buds mate! Does this amnesia lemon realy smell like amnesia/lemon? I might grow this strain in a while.
Chucky324commented5 years ago
@Chlorophyll_Junkie Hello mate. I started 4 seeds about 1 and a half ago. 2 of them had a Bubble Gum smell and taste. One had a spicy smell and taste. I finally figured it out as, spicy Hindu Kush. This one is called sister Am Lem in the diary. About 22% Strongest but smaller buds. Strong head buzz, with head rush when you stand up. The Amnesia Lemon had the biggest buds and smelled and tasted like lemon. Nice up high for a couple of hours then a little sleepy. It's about 21% Good Luck Chuck.
WhyNotA2commentedweek 85 years ago
Looking at your garden makes me want to message Grow Diaries and have them change your status from Newbie. I am happy my plants are alive at week 2
Chucky324commented5 years ago
@WhyNotA2,Hi Brother. Thanks for the complement. I've been growing for the last 25 years indoor. Started smoking when I was 14, realized I could grow something that I could get high on at 18, with bag seed. It was all smuggled in landrace cannabis back then. I'm over 60 now and still loving smoking and growing. Good Luck. Chuck.
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 75 years ago
Nice looking garden you have 🌱✌️🌱
Chucky324commented5 years ago
@Inganjawetrust,Thanks Brother. It's a bit of work, but I love it. Chuck.
JaySincommentedweek 45 years ago
Sacred blooming cactus only lives for 1 night or once a year buddy?
Sense8commentedweek 65 years ago
Hi Chuck, For some reason, I am writing to you from the chat section. There is an airplane icon made of paper at the bottom right of the screen. click on that icon. then click me on the page that opens. you will see what I wrote there for you. Regards Chuck.
Sense8commentedweek 65 years ago
hey chuck, hi my friend how are you, i wrote to you in the chat section a while ago, i guess you can't see
the end.
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