Interalia666commentedweek 45 years ago
Plants are looking well.
You will need to re-pot into a 25ltr pot as the plants grow.
The bigger the pot (soil medium) the bigger the plant.
Drill a few holes around the outside of the pot near the base to help increase airation and airflow to the roots. I also raise my pot off the ground (which also helps keep the cold off) with a few small pieces of wood underneath. This also allows any run off water to drain away from the roots each time you water, thought at this early stage you should be careful to not overwater.
Feed very lightly, don't be tempted to feed too heavily in the hope that it will make for a bigger plant. Heavy feeds only comes after you have grown a plant a few times and intimately know exactly what she does and does not like.
Best of Luck 👍
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