29/09 - 1.5l to largest , 1l to the two smaller, smaller two go a top dress of 1/2 tsp bat guano and bloom microbes hoping to stop the brown spots. Just running the new light on bloom switch (extra 63 watts of blue/red/IR) because its hot as heck here right now, tent is getting up to 30 even with that.
30/09 - No water letting them dry out today.
01/10 - The two are getting worse brown spots and yellowing of new leaves, dont want to buy cal mag so i put some ProMix bone meal on and worked into top of soil and ProMix tomatoe fert (2-8-4) 2Tbs of each too each plant, even the one thats looking good, slow release so not to worried about burn but hoping reacts quick enough to add calcium. Added what I had left of an amino foliar spray to the water for the two affected plants. 2L to largest 1L to other two.
02/10 - No water today, things look the same.
03/10 - Well, things aren't looking good for the two sick girls. Got home after work and opened the tent, the necroses on new leaves had almost doubled I would say from what it was yesterday, very yellow leaves as well. The one on the right (that has been a slow drinker this whole run) seems to be much worse as well. I removed quite a bit of affected foliage but now i'm not sure that was the right thing to do. I left leaves with minimal spots but pure yellow and covered in spots all went. On a brighter note, the biggest plant in the back is going strong. She had bone meal added in veg state, the only one to get that, so im becoming more confident the issue is calcium defficency at least. If not paired with other things.
04/10 - 1L to big one, 500 ml to the other two, looking like things havent gotten worse anyway.
05/10 - 1L to largest 500 and 300 to other two, little more perk in the sick girls leaves.
When running into issues with yellowing and necrosis, is it better to leave the affected fan leaves of to take them off? Worried removing so many might have hurt me more than leaving them and trying to just fix the issue.
I think youre fine by removing the yellow leaves as they will have nothing to offer the plant going forward. I had a bad cal mag problem on one of my grows and i removed the dying leaves as the provided nothing in terms of energy for my plant and i still had a great yield.
Hope that helps.
@BunkNugs, Two didn't end up so pretty and taste like pine instead of fruit. But i've heard nothing but good from my friends about both nugs and the healthy ones have a great fruit smell. I'll definitely be popping one in my next run.
Hey man i have an oregon peach flowering right now and the leaves have curled slightly since the start almost... must be the strain cause the plant is healthy as ever and budding nicely ... i do find all of the leaf stems and alot of secondary branches are pretty thin but she seems happy about it
@BunkNugs, I havent found much in the way of information on the strain and first grow as well, so going in pretty blind haha. The newer growth has less curl so resuming regular watering. Nice to know it may just be the way she be! Its hard not to stress ! haha
@Canna96, Thanks man! First time having fun with it, interested to see the difference between the soils, the one in pro-mix's premium potting mix is looking much greener than the others already, fingers crossed its not too much!