This girl was close to dead. I had to remove some of the soil and promote some more sunlight manually removing the semi-open seed. The taproot was getting a little dark and dry, so I am glad I was able to get to it in time.
The bigger SOH plant, no problems here.
The WW, no problems here either.
This girl was close to dead. I had to remove some of the soil and promote some more sunlight manually removing the semi-open seed. The taproot was getting a little dark and dry, so I am glad I was able to get to it in time.
2020-07-24: One of the Super Orange Haze plants, and the white widow both began their growth well. The other Super Orange Haze and Alien Vs Triangle x Three bears plants looked like the taproots were dried up after being planted. I've never used a covering over my seedlings before so I hadn't this time either. That proved NEARLY fatal for those two. Thankfully I was able to get to them before they were too dry and nursed them back to health. I am happy to say that all four autos are now doing great. The beefier plant is a photo plant.