My stealh growspace is only 55cmx55cm, so I had to modify the tent I bought. Cutting down the length of the aluminium bars, making the tent a little loose. The hardest part was bending the top bars precisely, to fit the new and smaller frame. Did it with a hammer, a candle and some pliers (and a friend), which worked out fine.
All Gear:
GHE FloraTrio (micro, bloom, gro)
airstone and JBL ProSilent a400 water pump (using both outlets for les bubbles maximal, tu comprend?!)
300m^2/h ventilation w/ carbonfilter
Viparspectra v450
Small fan
Demineralised water
(No humidty or temp control this first grow(except for vent and fan))
First week, germinated by planting the seed directly into my medium(hydroton pellets) with the water bubbling right beneath, creating a very humid and oxygenated environment.
Not the most effective way of germinating, but it worked, and I think I might keep doing that. Also, no training whatsoever (which I'm NOT going to continue doing). Next grow I'll use LST to control the plants height and light penetration, which both became a problem this grow.
This was my first grow, so everything was pure experimentation, since I found that there is SO much misinformation on the interwebs. After finishing this grow, I learned that googling for answers about your plants health, is like googling for answers about your own health; you most likely end up blatantly misdiagnosing your situation. Keep things simple, the plant will tell you if it needs something.
Also, google scholar helped out a lot, if u like reading.
@@heneedsumilk, ho okay ^^ yeah it's a nice mix. Personally, as the water is bad in my region for hydro, I use bottled water, pretty cool too (until the pythium appeared this week because the heat ^^)
@skyzohpanda, ahhh I see. I had the TDS toggled instead of EC. But yea, I did about 10L of demi-water, and then 2L of 350ppm tab water for every change. Worked out fine for me, no need for RO-water even though its definitely the best choice.
@@heneedsumilk, hey, on the datas in your grow conditions, there is 0.16 EC, but thanks for your answer. I didn't know that we could grow with only demineralised water.