Day 24 - Well from preflower to flower in a day, so I am going to assume stunted. Sad, as I was hoping for a big yield as she usually does, but that's ok! Looks nice and healthy other wise, and will continue to hope for that stretch
Day 26 - Love the look of this plant. That is todays update
Day 28 - Still stretching but going into flower pretty well. Nice and healthy looking and have only needed to take off two leaves so far. Everyday at lights on, gets a nice watering. Lowered the pH to 6, and using CalMag every second watering now.
Excited to see what she does in flowering, still love the look of how she is growing, even though she may be small
This rain weather has causes my humidity to stay between 60-70%. My dehumifidier shows up on Monday, just intime for flowering.
Oh yeah, raises the lights 3 inches as the Strawberry Nuggets was starting to show signs of lights too close