Day 14 and the Cali snow is growing pretty well. I upped the maxigro to .5 tsp per gallon and started them on a little armor si so they can build some strong branches. Still running them on 24 hour light and 24 hour irrigation. They are going to stay under the blurple lights for a few more weeks until I can get them in the big room under the quantum boards. I'm hoping they will flower around 4 weeks but my autos seem to enjoy staying in veg so we will see what happens.
You should enter and leave it to the judges to disqualify if they see fit. I love the innovation and out of the box thinking you got going with this setup! Kudos to you!
Bonjour mon ami, vos plantes sont des monstres, j'espère qu'un jour j'arriverais à produire des plantes aussi Belles, bonne chance pour le concours, Peace and Grow..🙏