Week 7 of flower. After this pic shoot I sprayed another misty treatment and added a 6th fan to the room as i She shows some signs of white powder on her leaves but it's harder to spot because of the milk treatment lol. Since I re-positioned this plant she is doing much better with more air circulation now that I've added a few more fans to the room. Her buds are long and nasty hard can't wait to smoke.😎
Many ways to skin that cat. Weights looking good and a washer is available to most people to use. Love the redneck nature of growing. Seeing the "systems" being sold that are a bucket and a few pipes with a pump and then charging silly money is a killer. Many great pioneering growers. Nice job.
These girls do grow odd.lpl I have another going now which has been through the ringer with root rot in the tank but recovering now. Both I have grown started as real mutants from seed. Last one went to harvest and smoked nice but didn't get very big. Full of trichs too. Hoping this one comes through too. Grow like cabbage in veg.lol
Yours looks nice and healthy.
???? Topped before even 2nd nodes are out , will she survive the shock?. Not seen this before so early. Surely her roots are not out enough for any benefit this early ?.
@Canadian_Bud,this is why I love this site. Seeing stuff being done that on appearances looks insane/inexperience driven and then seeing it is a method that is for a reason . Been a hrower for decades and done so.e things but thisnlady had me about to send a message about when you can safely top. I am glad i saw it was you doing it and felt confidence to ask the logic ect.. will be o this as a spectator. Thanks for the response
@Ganjagrandaddy,Well she lives another day, the roots on this are 12 inches or more, It's amazing how fast these roots grow getting sprayed every 15 min with nutrients/02