26/07/20 (Sunday)
Plants were starting to exhibit signs of light burn so I switched back to the 75W bulb. SVG never seemed to recover from having it's cotyledon damaged so I decided to take a risk and fed all of the seedlings 20-20-20 nutrients except the D.R. which I thought would've suffered shock, so I just watered it.
Decided to mist the plants with a homemade pesticide mix today because they're readying to be introduced as full time outdoor plants in a week or two so their sun basks are getting longer.
Noticed what looks like new growth from the first true leaves of the SVG, fingers crossed it's making progress.
The new growth from the SVG has split into two on both sides leading me to theorize that it's abandoned it's main stem (for now at least) and started two new stems. All other plants are working on new nodes and are showing a steady growth of .5cm a day. I've decided to revert to the 100W bulb because I believe I've misdiagnosed the light burn.
Today I left them outside for their longest sunbask to this point; 7 of their 18 total hours was provided by sunlight. The SVG now has two new 3-leaf true leaves on each new stem confirming my theory. Also starting to see signs of a minor mite problem on one of the leaves of my TT plant (Though it's new growth that wasn't sprayed with my homemade concoction.)
New growth has already begun sprouting from between the new true leaves of the SVG with no visible progress on the 'abandoned' main stem. Also had a power outage for 2 of the plants 18 hours.
Today the plants again stayed out in the sun for longer than previously making 8 hours in direct sunlight. I've decided to keep them in the grow tent for a further week because when I went to retrieve them the Jam was blown down flat by winds and had started to grow bent towards the light, so I doubt it's stem is ready for that daily beating. I raised the soil level and massaged it back into shape and it seems to be back on track. The D.R. is slowly beginning to bounce back from being stunted in the seedling tray and from it's third node (from the bottom up) of 3 leaf true leaves has turned into 5 leaf leaves. The SVG has made a major recovery and seems to be on it's way to even surpassing the others by the end of the week. The TT is officially the sturdiest of the younger seedlings and it's growing right behind the Jam in terms of node development. All in all this week was an overall success growth wise and I'm looking forward even more to week 3.
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