The plants seemed to recover very well this week from the nutrient burn last week. I did a defoliation on some of the odd nodes of the Dominican Republic to free up some wasted energy. The ppm was still reading a little high on each so I didn't feed them and just flushed them back to appropriate values. My grow light was finally cleared through customs and I added it to supplement the light issues which the plants seemed to respond very nicely too. Halfway through the week I applied some foliar spray and it really improved the colour and health of the plants. Lastly I topped each plant to resume progress on the mainlining and they should each reach 4 healthy lines within the new week.
Привет бро, подскажи ты снял крышку со свей ЛЕД лампы?
Слышал, что нужно убирать светорассеиватель, чтобы свет был эффективнее.
Увидел у тебя на видео, что рассеиватель у тебя на лампе.