This was a very stressful week as there were too many variables at play all at once; even my camera refused to cooperate for the first few days. The freshly transferred plants were starting to droop and I was unsure if it was transplant shock, nutrient burn, or because of the incomplete grow tent. My first batch of nutrients were mixed into a gallon bottle and was weighed by a friend using his scale; this set was enough to last weeks. For this new batch however, I didn't have my scale and used the table spoon as my measuring tool; needless to say when my TDS meter finally arrived, both runoff and the remainder of the mixed nutrients read 2800. Fortunately my light setup seemed to be inefficient still and the plants weren't drawing much nutrients and only ended up with a very light burn on the older growth. All pots were flushed back to recommend levels and the light lowered until the lux values read appropriate. This week ends my daily comments and I'll stick to this end of the week format going forward.
Привет бро, подскажи ты снял крышку со свей ЛЕД лампы?
Слышал, что нужно убирать светорассеиватель, чтобы свет был эффективнее.
Увидел у тебя на видео, что рассеиватель у тебя на лампе.