Looks like it's really gaining traction now and overall looks really good. You're doing everything you can for this girl and I'm sure she appreciates it. When I grew my blueberry it was also short, stocky and dense making it difficult to water as well as LST or even HST. The branches got thick quickly and were short. However, it later spread out but the bushiness of all the branches and leaves often got in the way of flowers. I'm curious how yours is going to behave and how you deal with it. My next grow of blueberry I think I'm going to get more aggressive sooner in its growth cycle to try to spread it out more, if that's even possible. The branches were tight to the stalk. It still did fine and put out a lot of buds but I think it's got more potential as the lower ones were smaller. I'm sure this one will reward you later with lots of buds too. Keep up the great work!!
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