I got my hands on a brand new TS-1000 from MarsHydro. My micro veg room is much brighter with the TS-1000. "IKEA Vaxer" did a great job (LM301B inside!!) but the coverage was limited. She went through her 1st topping surgery, I plan to mainline her or flux her depending on her shape. So far the lowest nodes haven't been touched, just in case anything happens at the top nodes (so I can re-build the manifold if needed).
Hi, buddy,
Thank you for sharing a new diary with our 100% organic, mostly vegan product line.
Sorry for the late entry, we are unfortunately fully occupied with the bottling process and the supply due to the extreme delivery delays of the bottle manufacturer, which have been going on since March this year.
We wish you maximum success with our products and are looking forward to the final result with your Mokum´s Tullip Grow.
If you have any questions, please contact us via the chat.