The Grow Awards 2025 🏆


4 years ago
Sun Hut Big Easy 145 - 4.7' x 4.7' x 6.5'
Sun Hut Big Easy 145 - 4.7' x 4.7' x 6.5'
Room Type
weeks 1, 19
weeks 10-12, 14-15, 19-20
weeks 9-12, 14-15, 18
Grow medium
10 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
38.1 cm
14 hrs
22 °C
60 %
22 °C
10 L
Plenty of challenges out of the gate. Mites were from the breeder. Had a lot of research to do consider it is my first grow. My intention was the come home with auto seeds and this person convinced me to "take a clone home". So I came home with this one. Also, gifted me a sick auto that had spider mites. Little did I know how easily they could spread to this clone. Have learned a lot about types of mites. "Super cannabis mites"- which is what these are and different types of organic and natural Mitacides to use in the future and IPM which I will work on getting ahold of. All shops are sold out of all the organic treatments here. Annoying. Dr. Zymes will be one I am looking for. Anyone have opinions on this one or sources for where I can buy that are more affordable let me know. I am "back-filling this log btw". in hopes that I will join this community and give and have support for #organiccannabisgrowing in the future. As someone who is disabled and suffering from the progression of serious illness at this time, it is quite a challenge growing a very temperamental plant as well as trying to get my grow room ready (the plan was to have it ready BEFORE starting to grow anything. Sometimes people push their ideas on ya though and I am totally responsible for giving in to that. Haha. It will work out however it needs to.
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
14 hrs
22 °C
60 %
22 °C
10 L
Nutrients 1
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Learned about "heat stress" and companion critters. Keep the EDU coming. Homemade SPIDER MITE Spray (recipe from an orchid grower) 1 Liter / 1quart spray bottle 1-2 tbsp peppermint Castille soap (plain worked well for one batch too) 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol PH H20 (mine was 6.3PH) If you use Lemon Essential oil remember it is Photosensitive! Lemon EO 90drops The citric acid helps kill creatures of this type. However, with any essential oils, it is good not to expose sensitive plant cells (or human skin cells for that mater) directly to sunlight/ grow light right after. If you are going to need the plant to be in light leave out the Lemon Essential Oil. I always purchase "bergaptene free" EO from Mountain Rose Herbs , However, I noticed this was still photosensitive for the plant.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
10 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 1
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Humidity was all over the place after moving to the tent. I am new--can't say that enough so I had to learn about temperature rising and needing more humidity. Nighttime happens --need to turn it down. This is why I have ordered an InkBird Automatic Humidity controller and an InkBird temp controller too for when I will need that. takes a lot of my plate when that comes. It had rave reviews too. I look forward to less running down to check on it. Got rained on once. was a mini sprinkle but NOT GOOD. Mr. Science in my basement. Pretty sure toward the end of the week I am noticing some Nutrient Lock-out. The soil won't dry. I will bring in a 60W bulb to put on the bottom of the pot and maybe bring fan lower down from the canopy to below to help move air better in the lower section. This is what I ordered. You can buy them separately too. A grower recommended them and the reviews are great.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
1 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 1
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Now---tap tap tap---time to wait for recovery from lock-out and time will be the test. :)
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
1 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 3
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 - Down To Earth
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 2.604 mll
This week has the most recovery from Mites, heat-stress, Nutrient lockout, and overall lack of knowledge on my part. I have had some disability issues to contend with so it has been hard to get my tent ventilation installed and I just hope she can continue to be patient with me. Yes, my grow is small but it is all I can physically handle right now. I hope that where I have moved to I can find better medical care and get my body back to some kind of mobility and be able to enter into this new venture the way I REALLY dreamed of doing it. The goal was to be able to know my source, clean organic, and economical. As well as to be able to grow companion herbs with my plants so that I can also grow herbal medicine (I already make herbal preparations just want to learn to farm them now) . So, I am hang'in on by a thread and pushing through progression of muscle disorder, severe chronic (uncontrolled) pain, and wanting so badly to be the best I can at this with the limitations that I have. I would LOVE to have a few cannabis varieties growing here on one side of the tent and shelving set on the other with herbs and veggies. If I try auto the veggies won't hate it when that 12-12 comes. One the other hand if I get another small tent for 12-12 I can grow whatever medicine strain I need and not wory whether it is auto or photoperiod. Ah to dream. haha. This plant makes me happy even though she is imperfect. <3
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
1 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 3
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 - Down To Earth
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 2.604 mll
Tons of new growth this week and noticing that the soil is drying out faster now. I can feel some roots at the top and I think repotting will happen in a few days. My "big" vent fan will need to be added so I hope after surgery the end of next week I will be feeling up to the task. Starting to smell amazing in there and I love it. I still have to get an IPM in place but have a hard time getting info from people on an organic routine that really works for them for prevention. Not sure what that is so hard to find. The cost of products really stuns me too. wow. worth it I think if I can keep her healthy. especially because my house plants tend to get root gnats and I would hate for them to find their way down to the tent. I am treating those with a low dilution of peroxide, which works well. Not sure how healthy that is for living soil tho. Hesitant to try it if I would need it. I have named her Audry 2 due to her incredible fast growth after all that trouble in the beginning. thank goodness for recovery.
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
1 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 3
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 - Down To Earth
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 2.604 mll
Well, I continue to impressed with her growth. Prepping to repot. So hard to find a clip-on oscillating fan these days. Had to settle for one that sits on the floor. I did buy two because I have an idea of how to remove the base and maybe I can engineer something to attach it up higher in the canopy. we shall see. I also added an electrostatic media filter to my intake vent this week. The air has been cleaner inside the tent for sure. I am waiting for a charcoal filter to come in the mail which is also a big sheet that you cut from and that should block the light out as well. Hopeful. right now those red clips you see in the corner of the tent in the one pic is the intake and it has a 90 deg hard metal HVAC tube on it to turn it away from our basement area. That way when 12/12 time comes for flowering I will be able to block out the light from getting into there. I am still working out all the logistics. soil meter (10$) Electrostatic filter media Cut to Fit Carbon Pad for Air Purifiers
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
1 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
This week has been disheartening that is for sure. To go from a healthy plant that took to transplanting with ease and then to find that there is another mite infestation was just frustrating. Then the guy I got this clone from writes me after seeing me pose on Instagram he has been dealing with red mites and russet mites for a while now. Probably came with these too I am guessing considering the growth was abnormal from the beginning. Considering this is my first grow I was shocked she was still alive but I am hopeful she can recover. I am planning to give her a kelp foliar spray to help her immune system and give her a little boost and then let it dry. Then I will be forced to try a different approach for mites. I was hoping to have an enzyme spray to use but haven't gotten it in the mail. The hydro store locally might have one but I have been to ill to drive there. I have some "SMITE" on hand but that stuff has failed me on more than one occasion already. I must choose wisely because whatever I use I can't then use anything else for a few days. When I went down there today 8-23 the damage had doubled from yesterday. All the leaves near the main stem are showing damage now. It is as though the Azamax made it worse. I don't get it. Something made it worse. UGH. LED Illuminated Magnifying Glass (3-Lens (2.5X + 5X + 16X)
Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
10 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
Took me FOREVER TO decode the signs of WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PLANT. I could be wrong. I AM NEW. <sigh> So, I had put two 60w light bulbs on each side of the pot to help dry soil out thinking it had "nute-lock" due to overwatering. Why? A person at a local grow store helped me come to this conclusion. BUT--this is after treatment of Azamax spray and drench. = sad plant. waiting a day and started with just Plant Therapy foliar spray. Poor thing looked even sadder and curing leaves were even sadder looking. Curlier and crispier. NOT overwatered. Was told turn the overhead light up---but I had it at factory recommended settings. Bad idea. Also, too hot at the pot for living soil. People DO not know how to grow in living soil, for the most part, I am discovering. Hard to find the right info but this is my first grow so it might end in a dead plant and I hope starting from seed and not a sick plant to begin with will make a huge diff. I am super sick this week with pain due to chronic illness and med changes which has put me almost unable to take care of the grow and it scares me for the future of this gal. I Just want so badly to finish outfitting the tent and get this gal on her road to recovery if possible. <sigh> I had no idea this was so hard. KELP tea Via and via Coot's Recipe: Take 1/4 cup of kelp meal and cover that with about 1/2 cup of water and let it completely re-hydrate. Once that is done then pour off any excess water and use that for a kelp meal tea. Take the hydrated kelp meal and puree it as much as possible to make a kelp meal paste. You'll want to do this in small batches and store in the refrigerator in the coldest place which is usually in a corner. When you need to apply a kelp meal tea than add about 2 tsp. to 1 gallon of water, shake until it's completely dispersed and this is a safe concentration for spraying the leaves and you would probably want to double that amount to apply to the soil. That's it! Coot
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Aromagurlstarted grow question 5 years ago
Help. Heat stress? Russet mites for sure. Can she recover? Please look at grow diary 9weeks. I am so new at this and had such trouble with CBDream. Such a touchy medicine plant. Was a weak clone to begin with (now i know) but I could really use advice about recovery.
Leaves. Curl down
Aromagurlanswered grow question 5 years ago
My bad with the lights on the soil. I read bout living soil and roots. I cooked the roots. :( so sad. I was wrong about too much water. Thought nute-lock but no.(that's why i was trying to dry soil) It was actually the mite treatments I think that were the cue de gras. It recovers in a day or so. back to having a healthy smell again and leaves start to look better. sensitive stomata? LIGHTS: turning light intensity up & adding lights for heat on fabric pot was BAD. So, looked at Spyder farm recommends 60-90%. Went one cycle with 80%. last PM. Will check today. can go back up to 85%. Seams to do well there. (before Russet invasion) I have heard of stretching due to light being too weak or far away. When I looked up forums -THANK YOU- (growweedeasy) & articles I learned that long lanky growth can be heat stress too. Too many similar visible symptoms can mean same things. FYI: Removed fan on soil. Hope the one oscillating isn't too much (windburn).
Aromagurlanswered grow question 5 years ago
Thank you so much! I thought Nitrogen tox too but this is living organic soil(water only). I did give a kelp foliar spray 7 days ago and noticed nit-tox I thought? Residual signs I think now? with living soil not supposed to ever have run off or flush. The organisms in the soil will die. The soil has dried out to "moist" which is "healthy" for microbes. I agree that I DX wrong with most of this. I think multi-things R wrong. I am just so new and no experience. I noticed when spraying "Plant Therapy" for russet Mites the plant reacted right away by curling more yesterday. Sat and observed for 10min. It was immediate. Had that clawing right after Azamax too. (most of you are right I think--too many things going wrong at once) If I make too many changes I won't know what helped the plant'. I know too much heat on roots for certain now after reading up on living soil, root issues and watering practices or living microbes.
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 5 years ago
This doesn't have the outward leaf curl that is common with heat stress.. This can be heat stress.. But it's not the high or the low we worry about so much as the fluctuations.. If your Cannabis is somewhere in the ballpark of 20-30 degrees it can most likely Acclimatize to it's growing space..... I was pleasantly surprised on my last grow with the ability of 4 plants to handle heat stress well in excess of 30 degrees with minor amounts of supplement Co2. A tall and lanky plant is in my opinion and sign of not enough light... If you have high heat and low light then it would do the exact same thing.. If you had high light and high heat.. Your rates of transportation(water intake) would increase. Cannabis can handle exceptional amounts of light.. Your misunderstanding what you are observing..
Week 10. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
10 L
3 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
It has been a long haul with figuring out what is going on with this plant. She is very sensitive and I am NEW . VERY NEW. So, hard for me to tell if the mites are gone. I mean, you do have to know what you are looking at through the scope for it to matter. makes me feel like I will never have enough coaching or reading on growing my own medicine without wasting 1000s of dollars. wow. Kill'in me here. I want to at least be able to grow a healthy plant. She may NOT be it and I also want to know when it is time to give up on her. I find that the hardest advice is to take from other growers who are not growing in living soil. LIVING soil is a whole nother game changer and things are done VERY differently than growing with liquid nutes of any kind even if they are organic. This is one thing I am learning the hard way when it comes to getting advice. Makes it hard that's all. Well, off to get rest.
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
10 L
3 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
Debate: new growth is bright lime green with a yellowish tint. Tons of new growth which is great. However, the stem has this woody look to it was a texture that works it's way up the stem. I am debating whether this is residual damage left from Russet mites or a possible Sulfer deficiency that has developed during all of the pest treatments. Called Dr. Zymes hotline because have heard great things about their customer service and wanted to use their non-toxic product. Can be a soil drench that can get these buggers in the soil, stem, and foliar. Plus, the way it works bugs never get used to it. They said they will call me back to help me. I hope so. I don't have great luck with these things. The lady at Dr. Zymes told me to give the plant a break based on the little white things I am seeing on the back of the leaves. She said "if you haven't seen any wiggly bugs in a while more than likely you have no bugs ATM and are over-treating the plant". She recommended giving the plant rest for 5 days before using Dr. Zymes as IPM . Foliar spray and Drench. She could be right but both times I hit the plant with Sulfer it loved it which makes me think it has a deficiency of some kind. Brings my head back to the Azamax I used and right after treatment all new growth was bright green and clawed. Soil PH was all of a sudden 8. (used to linger around 6) . Strange. If the PH is truly 8 then I need to find a way to use some living soil techniques to raise the acidity to help her to absorb the proper nutrients from the soil.-----AND UPDATE: No problem I have found it. Toward the end of the week I was reading "grow your own soil" and it was telling me to add "organic material" . Time for a buncha top dressing of compost. I added some coffee grounds for some added acidity. IT WORKED! The sulfur sprays killed any signs of the russet mites and helped with sulfur deficiency. ----Great! So, much happened this week. She went from looking spindly to being a busy gal on the top. Finally taking up nutrients again and now time to get ready for flowering. She is stunted overall but it is what it is. I am just out of surgery as of Thursday so I am not in the best of shape to stoop in the tent to do these foliar sprays. Good thing the nice lady at Dr. Zymes said that for now I should leave the plant alone and let it be. She said if I don't see bugs in the scope they are probably not active or alive right now. wait about 5 days before hitting it with Dr. Zymes again. She was going to have someone at their office that knows about "living soil" call me. I felt happy about that and really do hope someone does call me. I have little energy right now and my vision was affected by this surgery so sorry if there are typos or strange stuff when I posed. I'll be back to seeing straight in a week or so. The surgery was on my face so sometimes it affects vision from what I gather. (sinus and migraine functional surgery. ) nothing cosmetic ya'll. I am sooo not that kinda hippie. haha. HERE IS THE DR. ZYMES ELIMINATOR: Here is the Safer product I tried that I understand is great for mildew. I was told by the people at the grow store not to use it as a soil drench. The Safer product you need a surfactant to use with it. I got an organic yucca. Okay well, that's it so far this week. more later. If anyone wants to know bout any of these products which I will hafta use as prevention in the future just let me know.
Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
20 °C
10 L
3 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
Didn't get as many photos this week since I was mostly unconscious from surgery but I had to post these. FINALLY, she is growing. It has been so many hurdles and stretching out her veg has been a challenge. NOW she is looking really bushy and being a first-time grower I have no idea what becomes flowers and what will stay leaves. wonder how many tops I am going to care for and if they will have enough breathing room. Anyone have thoughts on that. This Cbdream has been nothing but questions especially with so many challenges (pests) from the beginning. I will be glad to move on to flowering but I really hope there are no Russets lingering because I understand they love to eat flowers. Ugh. I will get some more pics in the upcoming weeks and give her a wonderful foliar spray and soil drench before heading into flower. Check my tent for leaks and then off we gooooooooo. A bit nervous for it. After all this don't wanna screw it up. Okay guys. Tell me it's not that hard ......LOL.
Used techniques
Week 13. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
52 %
16 °C
10 L
3 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
This week was the return of the borg. I thought I saw a few signs here and there. Didn't have my IPM really figured out yet because it is hard to find people who will talk IPM and organic living soil. (I did finally and now I am swimming in great knowledge) However, this week ended in the beginning of a Dr. Zymes, very tiring, foliar spraying marathon. / drenching.
Week 14. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
60 %
16 °C
10 L
3 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
It really was a good thing to discover that the mites were climbing the stix. That makes it quite probable that the bulk of the mites are procreating in the soil. Making sure to do a drench with the next Dr. Zymes treatment.
Used techniques
Week 15. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
58 %
23 °C
10 L
3 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
The recommendation of Tanglefoot (link below) was the best advice in addition to SULFUR. The sulfur is making me sick but saving my plant. I will have to get the proper protective equipment for myself but the mites are slowly knocking down in population. It is amazing. I started with Safer brand Sulfur product 12%. This week it was every other day to really knock those guys down a bit. It did huge wonders for some of the deficiencies the plant AND the mites were just barely there too. Wow. I was waiting to get to the Hydro store to grab micronized sulfur (approx 99%)so I could make a more concentrated dilution with yucca as sufficient. I read tons of info in some agro articles for organic farming on sulfur usage both in the put for drenching and also for dusting and foliar spraying. This is the Safer brand product I started using that worked very well. Is not OMRI so partly why I went with micronized sulfur when I found that and also because the dilution can be higher if needed. More on that to come. Midweek report: Very little in terms of Mite damage. A few Tacoed leaves and mostly just nutrient deficiencies are super visible now. Added pellet sulfur that will act on the soil through time. But needed to effect the PH right now so for the nutrients and some PH benefit (know now that it is a myth that coffee GROUNDS acidify soil, according to some organic growers.) I added a top dressing of fresh coffee ground to the top of the soil for nutritive benefit as well as Kelpmeal for recovery. About 3 tbsp of Coffee grounds btw. She is looking better every day. Observations: When I took the lamp off her roots (pot) she was hesitant to pick up water. When i increased the airflow by adding a second intake and added the warmth back to the root system she started drinking again. So, I still stand by this strain liking her roots nice and warm. I am positive with how big she is getting that the air just needed to refresh faster since I am not using an actual intake fan. Amendments are coming: Once she started drinking and growing again (PH---unlocked some fud for her) . I was able to water again and did so gingerly. 2 pints with Growers recharge and 50 percent diluted coffee. As soon as this kicked in she was even happier due to the acidity. it only raised the soil to about a PH7. Good enough for her stems to feel less like wood. Leaves to start to green instead of stripes. (I had no idea they would fix themselves like that--probably defoliated too much based on leaves I thought were damaged--hey this is all so new to Conclusion: Temp intent has gone up quite a bit. daytime is now at 77deg. Temps outdoors are cold so my gas furnace is kick'in and the basement heats more than the house. Humidity is low down there (contrary to the usual basement sitch) so I have two humidifiers going on ea side of the tent. working well with the Inkbird auto system for humidity. Added a second intake to blow cool air on the Meanwell driving (Spiderfarmer LED light) Very hot up there right now. is now the intake fan for the extra intake. Pix to come. Bonide micronized sulfur is saving my plant in Veg. Dr. Zymes will be part of IPM going into flower. If you can vaporize sulfur that is okay to do in flower from what I understand. Helps with preditors and also mildew. This is the tanglefoot I used. Use a very strong plastic wrap for under it. if it won't stick just tape it with a low tack tape so you can get it off after. Getting this stuff off your skin is rough. They say to use baby oil or an or oil extract (I had goo gone on hand but don't leave that on your skin. not good for ya. wash with lots of natural soap. ) wearing gloves is highly recommended. I used a plastic disposable knife (the blunt side) to apply. works great and then you can throw it away.
Used techniques
Week 16. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
58 %
22 °C
10 L
3 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
When I sprayed her at the beginning of the week with the micro-sulfur I also made a 2-pint mixture (same dilution) and gave it to the soil. I based my decision to use micronized sulfur because it is more readily available to the plant through soil than the pellets. The pellets work more long term. I read this article published in the Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. In the vein of organic farming. I added a small (very small due to the 1/2 gal I was mixing up) bit of bentonite clay given the info in the article) Not sure that made any difference. As a Clinical Aromatherapist by trade, I always have this on hand but it is very expensive for body applications so probably won't be adding again. This was a really tough week watching nute lockout damage increase. not really knowing what to do about it to make a huge change from alkaline soil to a more acidic friendly environment. (I am just learning and am an avid study as well as a Virgo so things tend to be all out with me) Lemmie share some of the info I have gathered from Knowledgeable books, and PEOPLE. I will list some resources below. What lowers PH: Elemental sulfur Pellets in the soil will lower it slowly over time. Micronized mixed with PH water will lower it faster (more easily absorbed by the plant quicker--especially when 10% bentonite is with it. (It really worked) Epsom Salt foliar or feed or amending. Epsom is= "10% magnesium and 13% sulfur – one reason it’s also referred to as magnesium sulfate". Adding apple cider vin or white vin to a gal of water. Different sources vary as to how much. Remember tho that vin is PH at around 2.3 approx. Very acidic so I went on the cautious side with the amount. however, I do think it was too much for my plant in terms of change too fast. My soil FINALLY made a change from PH8 all the way to 6 but the plant is slowing growth and having trouble adjusting. I think some teas will help with this. Microbial life must be established again. Adding organic material to the soil will help with PH that is too alkaline. Microbial life must be intact for this to work is my understanding. Mine --I have a hunch is in dire need of help for some reason. Azamax made sure of that months ago. That was when it went WAY up after a soil drench. before that things were fine in that department. So, ORGANIC MATERIAL= compost, mulches, etc. CONCLUSION: As far as I can tell she went through hell weel again this week. Rapid temp shift when we got cold weather and the furnace heated up our basement without my knowledge at nights (gas furnace) . My alarm went off down there and I am sure it got above the Limit for this gal (above 83 deg) . She was showing signs of heat stress and I didn't even realize it. Then her PH swerved quickly from Alkaline to acidic in the 5.8 range with the vinegar treatment. Another STRESS on her. All these changes caused different nutrients to either be in deficit or in excess and it shows in her leaves. She has really taken it well and the fact that she is still alive is amazing. Will she survive another week or even make it to flower? She really is my "learning plant". Poor thing. My biggest take away for IPM would def be #DrZymes , #Tanglefoot , and #micronizedsulfer and lastly #cleanroom techniques. (for now) more to come. This is the micronized sulfur product I got to use. Super cheap at the grow store. 9$ for 4lbs. Please read all directions before applying. The next part of IPM this week will be a Dr. Zymes Eliminator Foliar spray and wash off the inside of the tent. All the particles of sulfur will go. I can't go in there right now due to the enclosed space and tiny particulates being airborne from wind movement. I am torn because the sulfur is what is keeping the bugs away but gotta flip to flower. So the IPM has pretty much been an alternation between Micro-sulfur spray and Dr. Zymes with tanglefoot at base of the trunk and clean room techniques to ensure no re-contamination. I Clean the room about 2 times a week= fans, walls chords - everything with a bleach mixture , peroxide or zymes. Sources: BOOKS: Grow your Soil By Diane Miessler - Elaine R Ingham Marijuana Garden Saver: A Field Guide to Identifying and Correcting Cannabis Problems by Ed Rosenthal Marijuana Grower's Handbook: Your Complete Guide for Medical and Personal Marijuana Cultivation by Ed Rosenthal A HUGE THANKS TO: Practical gardening tips for practical gardening. Strictly organic Integrated Pest Management. Specialize in advising cannabis growers. Hablo Espanol INK WELL AUTOMATED TEMP AND HUMIDITY MONITORING SYSTEMS
Week 17. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
58 %
22 °C
10 L
3 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
Beginning of the week Sunday 75.1deg daytime - lights on 59.4percent humidity IPM= 1/2 gal micronized spray with yucca. 1 tbsp in pH 6.3 H2O Monday: 11 pm at night right before lights on after foliar spray. Watered her with pH 5 ---Added 2.5 quarts + growers recharge microbes too. Wed: Soil is PH 7--better but the leaves are drooping clawing and dry. even some of the new growth looks very sick. ---NOTE: could have been N-toxic but I wouldn't have known that then. VINEGAR WATER ;( 3 pints pH 3. 1-pint Dechlorinated tap water with a pH of 7.3 with 1/2 cup white vinegar to obtain this acidic pH. 23" tall :-( of stem to the very tallest top showing lack of nitrogen ( how can it have too much and too little) , boron and potassium A tid bit of info (not from me) twisted growth, brown spots (yes I see all of these) ..... "But the reason most growers see #borondeficiencies is because boron is best absorbed at lower pH ranges. When the pH gets too high, your plant may exhibit signs of a boron deficiency even if it’s physically there near the roots. In soil, boron is best absorbed by the roots in the 6.0 – 6.5 pH range (in soil, it’s generally recommended to keep the pH between 6.0 – 7.0, but boron specifically tends to be best absorbed below 6.5). A plant with a boron deficiency may look like it has a #calciumdeficiency ( because boron is needed for the plant to properly use calcium. New growth is affected the most, and may look like it’s been burnt or scorched. A boron deficiency is often accompanied by an apparent #potassiumdeficiency ( or #nitrogendeficiency ( , as these nutrients are needed for the plant to use boron. With a boron deficiency, upper #cannabisleaves display abnormal and/or slowed growth. Growing tips may not grow properly, may display twisted growth, and may die off. New leaves may wrinkle or curl. " #cannabisgrowingdeficiencies Thursday: SOIL PH 6 Looking rough though. Clawing leaves and many leaves falling off. Took off 45percent of foliage and put in top of pot. put the "live mulch" on top of the soil to dry out. Need some hay to cover that. Kelp Tea Foliar Spray (via Coots recipe- from FRI: added elemental sulfur pellets to top of soil--mixed them into top layer along with live mulch that I had added yesterday (leaves that were defoliated) --sprinkled about a 1/8 - 1/4 cup of unbrewed coffee grounds on top and then mixed that in too for top dressing. Growers Recharge 3 quarts of water SAT: Removed all leaves from mulch - Saw a lot of Canoed leaves today. not sure if they are from spider mites ---read could be from NIT-tox too so I thought better be safe than sorry. IPM: Micronized sulfer spray for russest mites: FOLIAR SPRAY 1/2 gallon and 1 quart onto the plant. Sulfur slurry made with 1tbsp and 1/2 tbsp micronized sulfur 1 tsp aloe gel 100% (mt rose) and 1/4 tsp yucca root extract rewrapped the tanglefoot today too. used shop vac to remove any remaining spray from bottom of tent and debris and also cloroxed the bottom of tent and walls and outer entry area. TURNED on LIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. Plant had dark from 4pm till 12am again. Living soil PH is 5.8 still. NOT GOOD. Hope all the detail wasn't too much. Have some friends suffering with mites and PH issues too who are living soil growers and I just hope that with all the struggle I have been going through being disabled and still hang'in on to this learning experience there is someone out there that might benefit from seeing all this info here. I learned so much through seeing the strain I am growing here on grow diaries and also from looking up on the internet issues with nutrient problems and most of all from asking questions from other LIVING SOIL ORGANIC growers out there that KNOW about the microbiome and how to work in the conditions favorable for a plant to grow in a working environment like that. I am finally getting some of it right and only through my misfortunes and follies. It just takes a while to catch on. especially for someone like me who has never grown anything more than sprouts on my kitchen table. I am a practicing herbalist and certified Clinical aromatherapist so when we get to the herbal medicine making part i have got that part down. The drying and curing. No prob but this has been the second most challenging thing I have ever done. Second to becoming a nationally accredited yoga teacher and at the same time having a spinal implant put in. that program I took the first part of 3 parts twice to rehab for the spinal surgery so if I can do that I keep telling myself I can work through the pain in my garden to help this plant and keep on learning. Thx fellow growmies for reading if you did. best growing energies to you all. <3 There was new growth when I checked the plant at 1am just form having this much rest.
Week 18. Vegetation
4 years ago
55.88 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
58 %
22 °C
10 L
1 L
48.26 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
She is looking rough from all the PH flux and burned leaves from the (horrible thing I did) vinegar water I gave her in a quick attempt to bring the PH down. NEVER DO THIS. If you would do this don't do it in the dilution I found a gardener offering up online. My goodness! (1/2cup to 1gallon) . Crazy! On Sunday, at the beginning of the week, I decided to wash the plant with a weak solution of #doctorzymes and then go with a foliar spray for recovery. Some of this foliar spray thankfully was recommended to me by one of my mentors. #plantrecoveryfoliarspray Humic acid concentrate, Aloe vera (100% gel) 1/8 cup into 1/2 gal foliar container, Water-soluble Kelp fine powder 1/4 tsp (organic) *Applied after plant wash had been applied and mostly dried. Description:2:30pm PH 6 Pot is liftable but still heavy. Soil is damp. 1" in with my pinky Leaves are starting to turn green. Growth is still slow. Monday The main vent fan is still on low but I have a feeling if I turn it on med to high to increase airflow and thus CO2 potential that the plant will do better with respiration. I am so new at this that I have NOT found a happy place for the settings yet and my plant suffers as a result but this is my "learning plant" so she is definitely a spectacle. . the curve is great but I study every day most of my days and It feels as though I am back in school. LOL. Reading what is going on with her by all the things she is saying through her leaves, smell, saturation of her soil, and PH of her super soil is something I am just barely starting to understand. Tuesday PH of the soil was 5 (hm. Acidic?) ---PH isn't regulating because the microbes aren't staying alive= dead soil. Soil was drying due to increased airflow and also temps in the house went up due to temps outside going down. Furnace creates a pretty hot environment down there in the basement. 3 Quarts saturated the soil but no run off which is the goal of attempting "#livingsoil". Added #growersRecharge at higher dilution than usual. As suggested by the manufacturer. 1/2 tsp per 1/2 gal #growtentventilation #newcannabisgrower #controllinggrowtentclimate # added yucca extract to the water for better absorbtion Wednesday It was IPM day (part of my schedule anyway) 5 days since treatment with foliar. no signs of #russetmites . #doctorzymes foliar and let dry and then #wettablesulfur as a barrier hours later and hours to dry before the light came on. Don't normally do them on the same day but she is looking sulfur deficient and this does always help with that #micronutrient issue. Thursday Soil PH=7 The pot is medium to heavy in weight. Not much new growth at all and looks nitrogen toxic which is strange. Floppy leaves and that dark green is very, very dark green. strange that even the burnt leaves which are now "crispy" are infused with a very dark green color. they are dying yet the plant is giving them whatever nutrients she is picking up at the new PH. Still not a living soil if the PH is fluxing all over the place. geesh. I will get it ! I have faith. 1pm 1Q W Epsom Then 8pm 2 pints with recharge (1/2 tsp per 1/2 gal dilution) Also 10ml humic acid (bottle calls for 20-30ml=went lightly) Friday At 1pm --Happened to go into the tent to check things. usually, wait till right before lights out. (3pm) there's new growth today.--not a lot but more than just stagnant lockout. The pot was very light to lift and it almost felt like it didn't have any water at all.---at 1pm. I felt strongly that even though she had a lot of daylight left I had to give her water NOW before rushing out to an apt. I happened to have some water nearby that was acidic (meant for those really alkaline days with a tiny bit of Epsom salts in there for minerals and will help with PH) so I gave her one quart pH 5.5 with the epsom salts in it. #epsomsaltsforplants One teaspoon per gallon dilution for the Epsom. it has helped in the past for her. 8pm went back into the tent during lights-off and added 2 pints with #growersrecharge (1/2 tsp per 1/2 gal dilution) Also 10ml humic acid (to help with the absorption of nutrients and balance PH #humicacidforcannabis (bottle calls for 20-30ml=went lightly) Saturday - end of week 18 I watched a few specials on how to use the type of PH probe that I have. I haven't been exactly doing it right and thought I could get a more accurate idea of PH if I did it the way they say to do on several gardening sites. they recommend taking 3 readings and averaging those together. They do recommend putting distilled water into a "hole" where you stick the probe in but my roots are thick and no "hole" will be dug in a small pot such as mine. #readingph #phincontainers #indoorgardeningph #usingprobeforphreading #phprobe #properphreading #soilphprobe So, here are my readings doing it this way (not much different) PH readings 5 5 6 PH 5.3 avg Lets talk wettable sulfur: This is a post from my instagram White crystals everywhere! No it's not snow. Haha. Don't say the "S" word. Pls. 😕. Lol. #wetablesulfur #micronizedsulfur #IPM Being a #newcannabisgrower the #russetmites I've been fighting for months have been challenging me & my gal. I've tried many organic pest remedies & still they came in waves. #drzymes came highly recommended. They sent me samples! Go to their website 2oz #freesamples! part of my IPM ATM. That white powder 👀is bonide micronized sulfer. affordable & effective for #mites #pd etc. After 2 applications no SIGN OF THE BORG. what I didn't understand is HOW it works.⁉️ IT changes the pH on the leaves but it also is an irritant to those tiny little monsters and their eggs. Leaving the dust on the plant & surrounding area, top of the soil 2, deters them. It irritates their bodies. It hurts their eggs👍. So, don't wash it off. I made that mistake. Now I understand I can go more days between spraying. I know I can't use it during flower after the first two weeks so I'm pondering what's next. #Doctorzymes can be used up to the day of harvest and even as a bud wash. Yahoo! I'm also excited to be using tanglefoot. It brought down the amount of damage I was seeing right away! I extremely thankful to Marybeth at doctors Zymes. @mbsipm I could not have come this far without her.🙏I finally figured out a lot of the damage was #nutritionaldeficiencies. Easy target for #pests! PH in my soil was not in range. (6.5-7) from using Azamax =soil drench. My soil was healthy, and then it was dead. Now that I'm studying the #microbiome concept it's time to get my soil back from the dead. Would that be zombie soil?👻 The plan: compost teas + beneficial microbes+proper airflow and environment +mulch.. Etc. Learning about proper amendments to balance the ph as it wavers. I made a huge mistake moving the PH down too quickly and burnt all my leaves. She is in recovery & has quite a thin canopy. been in veg for a while. Her footprint is huge in my 5x5. I'm patient with my #learning plant.#opalsapothecarium #organiccannabisgrower #spoonie #michigancannabisgrower I found Bonide Sulfer 4lbs at my grow store for 9$. (lasts a long time) WORKS! Still have week 19 to post--things are looking up. 😎
Used techniques
Week 19. Vegetation
4 years ago
55.88 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
59 %
22 °C
10 L
1 L
48.26 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
LONGEST VEG EVER IN HISTORY. LOL but hey--I am learning a lot and even if she never flowers I am here to say I can't wait to pop my auto flower seeds after this. whatever the universe has in store for this plant. Her trunk is pretty tough and the training came out awesome. I will take away everything with new eyes and it has all been breathed in. Been reading this great book called "build your soil" More to come.... Even though I had to take some time off due to health issues I wanted to finish out this log.... Sunday--NOV 1st Added 1 tbsp Dolomite Lime to top of soil/compost and mixed it in gently as a dry Amendment top dressing. hopefully, I can avoid acidity happening as I water. Usually when I water the pH will go from 6 to below five for some reason. This should help along with some paper mulch I will be adding I think to help keep the soil moist and the beneficial alive. Took off any leaves that look like they were dying or yellow and falling off. Watered: 2 qts de-chlorinated water PH 7.49 Soil PH 5,5,6 (avg is 5.6) before watering PH after watering 6.5 NOV 2nd, 3rd Soil PH is maintaining 6.5 NOV 4th IPM: Micronized Sulfur (preventing Russet mites ) 1 /2 gallon of spray all the leaves, top of soil, branches and pot. let it air-dry this time. then turned fans back on. Observations: saw some canoed leaves before beginning the spray. hard to tell if they are mites or nute-deficencies. Lot of damage from previous issues so I have to look past that at new growth. NOV 5th IPM: Removed tangle-foot at base of stem to let it air out and heal. Will replace in a few days. Making the call to flush “organic living soil” is a hard one. One of my mentors and well respected growers in the industry has talked about this in podcasts, Mary Best Sanchez. There is quite a bit of build up on the outside of the fabric pot. Because I am back posting my notes I can say with a lot of clarity NOW that the build up of sulfur and other salts like epsom etc was crusting over on the bottom of the pot and all around causing root aeration issues. The plant was “root bound” due to long veg period and needed to BREATHE! ! That along with VPD issues was stumping me this whole time. This day I flushed with ….. Almost a full two gallons of pH 6.7 two. Runoff in the saucer was almost full and I left it for humidity as recommended by seasoned growers. Hoping that some of whatever is affecting the pot in a negative way we'll wash through however the pot will need to be filled with beneficial microbes as soon as it starts to dry out. NOV 6th plant pot was HEAVY after full drench and flush yesterday. Vacuumed all the water out of the basin and cleaned tent with vacuum and then wiped down with bleach. Tons of sulfur dust everywhere. very hard to be in there. Tons of new growth. looking good in daylight. Still a long way to go. Cut off two tops due to height. --trying to even out the canopy so I can bring my light a bit closer and maybe the others will start to grow like those two “tall ones were”. I am patient and experimenting since I am only just beginning to learn how to do this. (Soil PH 6.5) NOV 7th end of week 19 SmartPot is so Heavy I can barely lift. I went around the tent trying to cover up any holes or air leaks and realize that the pre-filter on the carbon filter is blocked by lots of micronized sulfur. needs to be washed. Prepping for flip to flower little by little.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 20. Vegetation
4 years ago
55.88 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
52 %
22 °C
10 L
1 L
48.26 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
Hey Growmies. 😎This is a back post...sorry took me so long. Nov 8th (sunday) She looks nutrient deprived. Little did I know the VPN (low) was so far off after changing my pre-filter that the negative pressure wasn't allowing her to want to pull up nutrients. Has been a problem longer than I realized. I had no idea that my fan was too strong for my tent. Can kill a plant. Live and learn. So, now comes the story of nutrient toxicity because I DX wrong and gave some amendments and nutrients that she didn't need. So sad. . …. Soil PH is at 6.7 Watered about 3/4 gallon almost 1 gallon Growers recharge With soluble kelp Humic acid (20ml per gal dilution) NOV 9th RH is 52 and temp 72.5deg (RH is dropping due to increased airflow) She does not appear to be stressed this morning. Growth is still very slow but the new leaves appear to be healthy with no Brown tips. There's still New Growth appearing on the old nodes where fan leaves have been removed due to burning lower down on the stems. I'm hoping there's not much more lateral growth and more of a filling out so that I can flower.(room for the stretch) I hope the lower humidity is conducive to her growth and not going to cause Mite infestation due to stress and defenses down. On that note the tanglefoot needs to be reapplied. On about a 10-minute inspection I see no visible signs canoe leaves or might damage. The wettable sulfur seems to be stove in them off. I'm also doing my best to boost the immune system of the plant. I've been meaning to do a compost tea in order to infuse the soil with more microorganisms including both bacterial and fungi.  Still learning about “living soil” and probably making tons of mistakes but am bumbling through. NOV 10th Defoliation NOV 11th On this day she was still looking so deprived of nutrients. SHE WAS. Only not for reason of them not being in the soil. Environment was off and she was just protecting herself by not taking in the necessary food. I was of the midset to save her with soothing things which are good for “plant stress” and some nutrients. WRONG I was again. This is what I gave her that day. (A great combo but not what she needed) Soil PH 6 Growers recharge coconut water (30ml per half-gallon)  aloe juice (1/8 cup in half a gallon)  With soluble kelp  Humic acid (20ml per gal dilution)   NOV 12th IPM: Foliar spray right after lights out: micronized sulfur- 1/5 tbsp per 1/2 gallon ,Aloe Vera 2 tbsp, yucca extract NOV 13th removed some dead leaves Soil PH 6.5 pot was medium /heavy- leaving it so I can put compost tea on tomorrow evening.  Defoliated any dead growth and any tiny branches that didn't have a lot of nodes on them.  Changed the timer for the FAN to 15on and 15 off. I had upped the heat in the house to 72 deg instead of 71 and things are VERY DRY! Too dry for the temp. The VPD just way off here. Explains some of the dryness I am feeling on the leaf surfaces, slow growth etc. This climate issue has to be checked. Also, added back in a second humidifier! Brewing compost tea........
Used techniques
Week 21. Vegetation
4 years ago
55.88 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
40 %
22 °C
10 L
0 L
48.26 cm
Nutrients 4
Alfalfa Meal 2.604 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.061 mll
Recharge - Real Growers
Recharge 0.43 mll
Nov 15 Sunday Compost tea is ready - have WAY too much! 1 gallon total 3 cups compost tea. The recipe is "Growth T by Grow Lab" Fish hydrolysate 2 dry ounces alfalfa meal 1/8 cup bat guano 1/2 tablespoon and Brew for 24 hours. After Brew add 1/2 teaspoon humic acid Recommended 1 to 20 dilution or straight if a struggling plant. Asked Marybeth Sanchez @mbipm and she said to do one part tea and 10 parts water Okay Nov 16th New Growth as of 2:22 a.m. is exponential. All the nodes that we're looking as though they weren't going to grow any more leaves are showing signs of bright green tips. Some of the smaller branches look like they need to be taken off as their nodes are still yellow and burnt. They will not produce any way. The main Cola is way too thick with leaves. Will defoliatedfor easier IPM. It is definitely past time to flower. will look into what amendments will be appropriate. 11pm Climate Notes: furnace ON - TEMO is 77.4 degrees and 40 % RH (drops too much) (not good) Furnace OFF - TEMP is 75. 7degrees and 59% RH (acceptable VPD) Move the humidifiers to the opposite side of the tent from the main vent fan. Turned oscillating fan down to #1 setting instead #2 and gained humidity up to 41.6% (I'll take what I can get. Nov 17th Added Horizontal Octagonal (for lack of better way to describe) Training/supports. Working well. PHed and dechlorinated Water with Additives: 40-60 ml coconut water Kelp tea (Coots recipe- rehydrated kelp meal 1 tsp per gal for foliar spray or 3 tsp Per gal soil drench after rehydration and agitation. ) I used the soil drench application. Epsom salts . One teaspoon per gallon dilution.


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Ferenccommentedweek 164 years ago
Great set up! Happy Growing! @Aromagurl
Ferenccommented4 years ago
@Aromagurl,Yeah I am trying to look around really interesting tiny fan leaves and thick thick main stalk.... Well she has been in veg for 18 weeks....PH seems to be alright need some boost of Calcium and Magnesium now bit still a good amount of nitrogen the first 2 - 3 weeks of flowering.... streching phase. Spicy her with some Epsom salt and some banana, orange, apple whatever they like all fruit peels... or (chicken bones and meat only if it is possible because of the smell.....) The peels are cool... "Wicked" leaves nicely removed 👌 Now leave the rest as she needs it to take the energy only do Lollipopping by removing the bottom ones but not now.... later on with time ;)
Aromagurlcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thx. Still working on the "set up". A bit nervous to go into flower due to the fact that the root zone seems to need a bit more heat than the canopy (was reading this is normal) Europe has all these great tube heaters. I am so bummed they charge like 75$ shipping to get them to me. Yipes. haha. If you have any thoughts lemmie know. thx for your comment. :) Happy Growing!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 214 years ago
Love it love it love it Cbdream 4 life.
Aromagurlcommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, I know this is from a while ago .....I've been struggling for a bit with some health issues and never got to post the end of this grow. I agree with you 100% about the Cbdream. Such a great strain. I can't wait to order some seeds and go from there to have some more on hand. YES YES YES! haha.
Smokin_Joecommentedweek 114 years ago
Hi dear! Looking absolutely fantastic now, great that after the defoliation it's bouncing back so quickly (and still looking healthy! - Remember that removing damaged leaves only removes visible reminders that they exists and not the deficiency or issue causing it. Though it does divert energy to healthy growth if you've fixed the issue causing damage) Definitely do not recommended the GardenSafe product for cannabis - I use it to GREAT affect on my roses, hydrangeas, and non-edible garden items. However I hate that it's active ingredient is neem oil and you CANNOT know what the other 97-99% of the solution is. HOWEVER: There is a solution. Just get organic neem oil and you can use it as a mist (follow directions, tsp per 36oz water [Ph!] plus tsp of soap for emulsion) and you can also safely use it as a soak.
Aromagurlcommented4 years ago
@Smokin_Joe, Wow am I horrible at using this site. haha. Thx for all your thoughts. Your spot on and I agree bout removing damaged leaves. I was hoping, as you said, that her energy would go toward new growth. They will die and fall off eventually. Sad but true. Issues are starting to get fixed slowly as I learn. I know I need to get my climate under control. I am using wettable sulfur for the Russets currently which works WONDERS both for the plant's nutrition and for the mites. A horticulturist / IPM specialist that finally fell into my life like a miracle is guiding me and I am thankful for her advice on this because they are barely there now. I tried a neem product and it wasn't cutting it. Destroyed the ph in my living soil and all the microbes too when I used it as a drench. Btw, however, was NOT pure neem oil (Azamax is the extract of the active constituent of Neem) . It isn't possible to use oil-based products with the Sulfur though so my IPM is all non-oil based ATM. Working wonders though on a plant that has suffered mites for months. Now finally recovering. YEaaaah! I am going to find the product you mentioned and put it on my wishlist so if I should need it in the future I will have it in my bag. haha. I am sure you know it is good to keep things varied for pests. The one product I had tried that might have sounded like "GardenSafe" was called Safer Brand Fungicide. (btw I wouldn't buy it on amazon. it is at lowes and other stores for about 9-10$) That is what started really making a dent in those pesky mites. It is only 12% sulfur and just like the brand you mentioned has 88% other ingredients. I hate that. So, my mentor told me to get elemental micronized sulfur and make my own and use some yucca for sufficient. Works great but it is a huge mess in my tent. Have to leave the powder on the leaves. That is part of what kills them. Eggs too! Great for PM too (although I haven't had that ) Its this product: (same with this product --I paid 8$ for 4lb bag and probably 10$ for a gallon of yucca extract so not an amazon friendly item either) Course you might already know about these but I thought I would share. Just make sure to read all safety info. Do not want to be inhaling the sulfur. even though it is considered an organic and natural element. It won't kill ya but will make it hard to breathe and some people react harshly. Some are more sensitive. Hope your growing is going well. My best to ya. (sorry so late in response) LOL
Smokin_Joecommentedweek 95 years ago
Keep it up! Best of luck with your plant and health 🌱💊
Aromagurlcommented5 years ago
@Smokin_Joe, your grow looks amazing! I started from a sick clone this time but next time I will start from seed. Hopefully with better results. This was my first time growing anything...I mean anything at all. LOL. Let alone cannabis. Thx for your support. appreciate it.
Canna96commentedweek 75 years ago
She looks strong and healthy!! Nice work!!
Aromagurlcommented5 years ago
@Canna96, Wow thx. I've been so nervous the whole time hoping I am "doing things right". LOL. Appreciate your feedback. 🙏😏
heizencommentedweek 194 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
CheckThoseTrichscommentedweek 114 years ago
Looking good! Keep up the good work Cheers,
Canna96commentedweek 55 years ago
your doing well, good luck the rest of the way!
jurassikfat53commentedweek 95 years ago
Hey there, it is safer to give not enough nutrients than too much. I am also new at growing but my plant finally start flowering 😀
Aromagurlcommented4 years ago
@@jurassikfat53, That is awesome that you have become passionate about horticulture through growing your plant. Wonderful things from small beginnings! Good luck with your grow as well. (and your EDU in botany..etc. )
jurassikfat53commented5 years ago
@Aromagurl, exact same for me, i started growing my first plant this june, then my blue dream this july and before that i never grew anything and i was not interested in grow and all but since i started growing these im thinking about studying horticulture 🤔 good luck too ans enjoy your grow 😉
Aromagurlcommented5 years ago
@@jurassikfat53, I would have to agree on that. I am using for my media a "super soil" so all I would add are amendments if needed. So far just some microbes and kelp/ alfalfa meal. Although now that the plant is needing special attention just water. (this really is my first time growing anything at all--I mean ANYTHING. LOL) HEY--Must be exciting having some flowers. :) GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FLOWERING! 😉
HAPPY91commentedweek 204 years ago
Looking great. Keep up the amazing progress. I hope for strong happy and healthy grows. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
Aromagurlcommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, Thank you! Wishing you the same friend! The best in growing!!!🙏😃
Aromagurlcommentedweek 55 years ago
Thx . Have any suggestions I am totally open. :) Appreciate the support.
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