I fell in love with this strain after I was introduced to it by two incredible growers. it's Xanax in weed form. Got my seeds from msnl, they're buy one get one so I got 20 for the price of 10 (not to mention the bonus free seeds =) )
Iv been trying to smoke strawberry cough for awhile now and I have never seen it. I want to try grow hydroponics soon so I will follow your journey best of look
I love strawberry cough! Its the only strain I can smoke without getting anxious feelings. I hope your grow goes good, I'd love to hear and see how it ends. I've heard it does great under sea of green settings.
@Experimentgreen, I like to think of it as Xanax in weed form =) I don't know if I'll end up using a net or not but this will definitely be a sea of green by the end. <3
also, please note, the app is pretty buggy and those nutrient levels are incorrect. I've tried a bunch to fix it but it always ends up making up new numbers for me