**add 2 weeks for seedling and early veg stage, I didn't count those weeks when I started the diary**
Plant A which is only doing LST seems to be growing pretty well but still trying to correct rust colors on leaves. I did my mainline top for plant B but I snapped a stem trying to do my tie down. I taped with garden tape but I'm still waiting to see if she will come back or not. Finally got my ppms up but I think I might have over fed. Hoping to get it better next feeding and will be adding supplements when they arrive. Unsure of whether to defoliate A with it being an auto flower. Cheers and Blessings!
Day 4 looks like plant B's recovering but the strong side is way ahead of the wounded side
I'm getting some little red spots on some of my fan leaves. Not all but some. Any ideas what this might be caused by? Wondering if it could be pH or either too much or not enough nutes? Thanks in advance.
Looking for someone experienced with using general hyrdroponics Flora nutrient to answer a few questions. Preferably if you have knowledge of using with DWC or at least hydro grow. Basically trying to figure out why my ppm doesn't seem to go up high enough.
With DWC you should be using CALiMAGic, Armor Si, hydroguard, and diamond nectar as well. This will bring up your ppms. Check out my diary, I use GH in my DWCs. Don't necessarily use my amounts, I made some mistakes that I note in the journal.
Wanting to get other opinions on defoliation for autos. Do you do it? How much if so? From what I've read, some people do and some don't. I think the reasoning I read not to defoliate is that you want to limit stress on autos due to their determinate grow period. Thanks, cheers!
Yeah its true but if you can get light to penetrate all the way thru the inside of the plant by the removal of 1 leaf, wich wouldnt happen if the leaf stayed there... in that situation its good to defoliate just that one leaf, but either way the plant will stretch and fill with buds in flowering so the leafs positions would change and it could end up being a unnecessary removal.
In conclusion, only if really needed.
@@Athos, I've added a considerable amount more of nutes. Like 30 ml more of each nute other than cal mag. So I'm at a total of like 50 ml of each of the three nutes. I'm still only getting TDS in the range of like 170 ppm. I was thinking my number should be getting higher but it doesn't seem to be. My thought is that maybe it's the meter but when I add nutes each of my 5 gallon buckets seem to go up proportionately. Do you think this means I still need to nearly double what I have in them now? Any help is greatly appreciated.
@@Athos, maybe I'm messing my conversions up. I could swear the bottle chart said 20 ml of the Cal mag for 4 gallons of water. Either that or maybe my TDS isn't accurate. At any rate I'll look into ec levels hopefully I can find good charts for where I'm at in my grow.
@hanandleia, no wonder you are having deficiencies. Your solution should have 200 PPM of calmag alone. You should google hydro ppm levels (or EC levels) for different stages.
what is your ppm? cut the nuts by 1/4....
the leaves are already too much green....
cut by 1/4 and wait for it to fade a little....
cheers from Brazil!
@Ferenc, thank you! Still have a lot to learn but we are pretty happy so far. Will try to post more info and pics as we get more time. Also have a super skunk fem that we are going to attempt to use as a mother so we will post that diary soon also.
@Bikoo, oh man, well I did my defoliation this morning. It's only been about 2.5 days so I hope I gave them enough time. I don't know if you seen where I asked the community a question or not but think I'm having nute diffencency because I think I've been under feeding. So I went and added more nutes as well. Wish me luck! Cheers!
@hanandleia, Hallo! About your question off yesterday: when to to defoliantion, my previos anser is incorect! I just checkt and i did a defolation in week 3. the my dairy to see and read about it. So just so you know previos anser is incorrect i did a defoliation sesh in week 3 a few days after de first top.
@hanandleia, Nice! so we can always help each outher. I do the deflolietion 2 days after the last toping! Before that de leafs give the plant life to handle the stress of the topping sessions, after the trid topping (to 8 colas) after 2 days i do the defoliation, OR after de second toping (4 colas) and also then only after two days of rest. Honistly i do it just like in de youtube video :) cant do wrong! ( i hope haha) Cheers mate!