
South African Spring 2020 1st Gro

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 8, 12
12-12 From Seed
weeks 8, 12-18
weeks 13, 15-16, 18
weeks 8, 12-13, 15-18
weeks 17-18
weeks 15-18
weeks 8
weeks 8, 12-13
Grow medium
25 L
Pot Size
8 L
Grow Conditions
Week 8
11 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Starke Ayres Nutrifeed Water Soluble Hydroponic Nutrient
15 ml/l
Seaweed Extract ~ Vegetable Fertiliser - Kelpak
Seaweed Extract ~ Vegetable Fertiliser
10 mll
Grow Technique Usage
12-12 From Seed
Commented by
Kneel_deGrasse_Highson Kneel_deGrasse_Highson
4 years ago
Hi All Excited about my 1st late Winter/Early Spring Grow. 24/08 Temps today and for the week forecasted to avg at 25 centigrade. Night temps will avg 13. 1st spring rains forecasted for early next week. Lets hope for some good mild rain. I must make it clear that I do not know any of the strains of the seeds and plants I am growing. However being in close proximity to Swaziland I suspect they may be of Swazi-Gold lineage. I have atleast 15 seedling at various Stages of development. But will focus on 3 plants on this diary going forward. The other plants may be featured in separate diaries time permitting ;). This btw is an “experiment grow project”. Some in pots (started out indoors in winter) Some direct into soil, however growth was extremely slow due to the harsh outdoor conditions in peak winter (June/July). None have yet revealed sex. Although plant 1 and 2 and 3 are expected to mature in the week or the next few 🤞🏽. Soil used was normal garden soil (Ph untested) with store bought and homemade compost. Only training techniques used are, topping, fimming and minor defoliations on the slightly more mature plants. Will keep this grow as natural as possible until harvest. Sho/Ciao! 26/08 Pretty hot day today. Max Temp @ 27 deg. Took off a bunch of leaves from Plant 1. For better air circulation and light penetration as seen on pic. No Preflowers yet. Impatiently waiting for those babies to start forming. Plant 2 had a some small branches removed and atempted to do something of a Mainline. Not sure if it turned out good or average *shrugs* Other random scattered plants in the garden bed growing slow but steadily. Hopefully still getting used to the outdoors and developing some strong roots & stems to hold it up before focusing on above ground growth. Ciao 30/08 End of week update. We've had pretty cool and mostly overcast weather. Intermittent dense rain clouds, but no rain. Patiently waiting for the 1st Summer rains". Plant 1 very healthy. Super impressed with the growth rate of it, especially the thickening of branches and stems. Every morning it seems to look differnt than the previous night. No Sexing yet. Plant 2 not much above ground growth observed since the major defoliation and mainlining done during the week. I suppose its still healing itself. Will transplant this one into a bigger pot in the coming weeks. No Preflowers as yet either. Plants growing steadily. Most of the scattered garden plants growing steady too. No growth spurt yet, stems getting firmer and thicker tho. No Preflowers as yet. Yeah folks, that's the end of the week. Tommorow (Monday) we feed all plants and maybe training. Hopefully some will begin to flower during the upcoming week. May Green be the Grass! Ciao
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Grow Questions
Kneel_deGrasse_Highsonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Surprised to see this little runt flower so beautifully when shes so short and stumpy. Anyone know potentially how much bigger she can get?? Shes about 10cm tall but so far has by volume most flowers on it. Could this be an autoflower or a stunted dwarf that flowered Early?
Buds. Other
Plant. Too short
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 4 years ago
I would bet shes an autoflower, the way she grows,, looks like Autoflowers like light and fluffy soil... I think her soil// ground around her was to hard for her Or you started her in small pots...... I dont think shes going to reveg Greetings to SA
Kneel_deGrasse_Highsonstarted grow question 4 years ago
What could cause this little plant to flower so early in grow season (S-Hem spring) other than it being an auto-flower? If photoperiod...Could it Stress out/herm seeing as the grow season just started? Any Guestimation of final g/oz??
Buds. Too few
Plant. Too short
Mr_Motalovahanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey! If she started flowering that small, it's most likely an auto flower. As the sun hours increase slowly, I don't think she'll stress or herm. Autos can bloom easily with 18 hours of sun. That's supposing it's an auto ofcourse.. as for yield with that size anywhere from 5-10 grams.. depends how she fattens up in flower. On another note, that plant your super croping seems to be starting to flower as well, there were a good amount of pistils on the tops. Hope this helped. Good luck and happy growing!
Kneel_deGrasse_Highsonstarted grow question 4 years ago
Iv seemingly accidentally grown an Autoflower plant. Shes doing great btw. Been reading how to tell when its harvest time. Does anyone know how much long I should keep her in flower before the chop, only by visual judgement. Appreciate any recommendations.
Plant. Too short
Squirrel_Masteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks pretty decent. Still a bit early for harvest. Wait a bit longer until those pistils darken up some more. If you have a jewelers loupe you can watch for the trichs to start to change from milky white to amber which is your best bet for telling when its ready.

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Ferenccommentedweek 124 years ago
DoDrugs420commentedweek 183 years ago
Pretty nice job on picking Swazi Gold!!
heizencommentedweek 184 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
CheckThoseTrichscommentedweek 174 years ago
Looking good! Keep it up Cheers,
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 124 years ago
i doubt she'll reveg if she's an auto, but just might if she's a photo, still might not get super cropped in the sense she might not re veg and stretch anymore
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 124 years ago
This plant might've just been shocked into flower aswell, you'd be surprised what fighters plants are for survival. Hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
blendmedmedmancommentedweek 84 years ago
very nice!!