
Gorilla Cookies Auto.

4 years ago
Senua 60x140
Room Type
weeks 3-5
weeks 5
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 2
24 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
Cannabeans Cannabeans
4 years ago
Day 8 leaves a little burnt from the temp being slightly too high but increased airflow has solved the issue and newer leaves look healthy. Will do some LST at the end of this week. Day 9 there's a few spots on the newer leaves either from the heat or maybe a bit of nute burn from the all mix. Either way it's doing well and seems to have carried on with its none stop growth. Got a small single plant tent on the way as the chest of drawers won't be good for much longer so that should definitely solve the heat issue while also being much more reflective. Day 10 shot up again overnight. The biobizz must definitely be doing it's thing now as the stalk has doubled in thickness and there's been plenty of new leaf growth. I have also been doing a few light pre bends to prepare the plant for the first LST in a few days time. Day 11 the tent has arrived so I've put it together. Already looking loads better. The plant itself has sprung a lot of new growth overnight so hopefully now with better reflected light and less heat it should thrive. Day 12 Biobizz sample pack arrived today so I have mixed 1ml Bio-grow with 1L water and fed the plant approx 2/3 of the mix due to the pot being pretty dry throughout. I was overwatering so left it for a few days until adequately dry but not overly. Waiting on advice from Fastbuds but will not feed again until next week anyway. I have also lifted the light up to 60cm from the top of the plant to prevent any potential light burn. Day 13 plant looks good. Still minor curling on some of the leaves but newer leaves look healthy. Spoke to Fastbuds on Instagram and I have fed too much as I should have started with 0.3ml to a litre so will keep an eye out for signs of toxicity. Day 14 I think the overfeeding is showing but not drastically. There's a few spots on the leaves but not anything to worry about. I'll just monitor it over the next few days.
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Grow Questions
Cannabeansstarted grow question 4 years ago
What are some of the telltale signs that a plant needs more nutrients? Not an immediate issue but just wanted to know for future reference. Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
Feeding. Deficiences
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
to many to list, remember your the care giver of the plant, when you add nutrients to your water you want to use less than what they tell you, if you use less and feed the plant at every feeding your plant will stay healthy and happy, if you water and feed once a week your plant would be healthy if you know what and how much the plant needs, just remember to keep the soil wet to moist, dont over water during the first few weeks and you should be good
Cannabeansstarted grow question 4 years ago
Not sure if theres is a little bit of leaf curl or if I'm just being a little overcautious. Can anybody tell me if I'm right and if so what could be causing it?
Leaves. Other
AcidFarmeranswered grow question 4 years ago
They seem to be fine, no big deal, did you use the biobizz allmix? If yes, it's a bit loaded nuts for seedling, just in case the slight deformation is due to that. Only water in the first few weeks, and not too much. Less is more. Good luck bro!
Cannabeansstarted grow question 4 years ago
Can anyone recommend a feeding schedule to start week 3? I have a biobizz sample pack on the way which includes veg, bloom and top-max and was also considering ordering some calmag. I am growing in biobizz all mix using rainwater and only watering when soil is dry/pot is light.
Feeding. Schedule
Hudson2384answered grow question 4 years ago
For my autos I typicly use grow for my base nutrients between weeks 1-3. I then switch my base nutrients to bloom. I also use cal mag through the entire grow as LED's grows tend to have magnesium deficiencies. I do the feed water feed water schedule. Follow your feeding schedule that your nutrient manufacture has listed in their literature. I also noticed that your light is a bit close to your plant.. Typicly most light manufactures recomend 18 - 24 inches from the top of the plant to the bottom of the light. Also keep an eye on your humidity and curved leaves indicates heat and humidity stress. When your auto's start to bloom try and lower your humidity to between 40-50%.
Cannabeansstarted grow question 4 years ago
Two parter ๐Ÿ˜. Are the new leaves on my plant deformed or am I being paranoid? How can I stop leaf curl? At first I thought it was a light/heat issue but both light and temps are fine and it doesn't feel too humid in there. See more pictures in my diary.
Leaves. Curl up
Stickyfingaz420answered grow question 4 years ago
This could be a couple of could be a nitrogen toxicity it could be humidity and heat stress or it could just be genetics but I wouldn't worry to much brother...happy growing ๐ŸคžโœŒ๏ธ
Cannabeansstarted grow question 4 years ago
Are these very early male preflowers or is it too early to tell? Can see pistils on other sites but have noticed a few of these lower down the plant but not many.
Other. General questions
Other. Other
Plant. Other
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey My friend, No these are not male pre-flowers, it's still too early to tell and with the plant being an autoflower it will automatically be female unless you stress it out and make it hermie. So don't worry she'll be a girl ( All autos are). Hopefully, I answered your question and remember " Happy Growing and Free your mind one puff at a time ".
Cannabeansstarted grow question 4 years ago
What is going on with my leaves? Even the sugar leaves are starting to die. Sprayed with optic foliar switch to prevent male flowers popping up a few weeks ago so could be that.
Leaves. Tips - Die
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Feeding. Deficiences
cultibravoanswered grow question 4 years ago
hola amigo, estuve revisando tu diario, y al parecer es problema con el ph y el fertilizante, lo digo con la mala experiencia que tuve con biobizz.

Show by Week
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Harukisanweek 11
Well done! Congratulations mate ๐Ÿ’ช
@Harukisan, thanks brother!! Got there in the end!!
Buddha2week 11
Congratulations on your harvest! Looks great! ๐Ÿ‘
@Buddha2, thanks dude ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
Secretflowerweek 1
Salut mon ami, je te souhaite une trรจs bonne croissance, hรฉsites pas ร  venir voir ce que je fait, peace..๐Ÿค˜
@Cannabeans merci beaucoup, je te suis aussi..๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฒ
@Secretflower, thanks my friend. Same to you. I have followed your page ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
Fast_Budsweek 1
Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics ๐Ÿ™Œ Happy Growing !!! ๐ŸŒฑ
@Cannabeans, We do too! Keep up the good work! =)
@Fast_Buds, thanks guys. I look forward to seeing it develop and will be sure to get more seeds from you guys in the future ๐Ÿ˜
Fitzy971week 9
Just a heads up not all autos are female I've had a few from mephisto hermie on me and many others with zero induced stress also there are regular auto seeds which I actually prefer as I've noticed better more robust smells and flavors in comparison to the same strain in feminized seed also if you leave your soil to wet it never gets sufficient oxygenation in the root zone which also will have ur ph swing bc of bacteria ect I forget if it's anaerobic aerobic but it's 1 of those lol its early for me but good luck
@Fitzy971, yeah its a bit of a shame it went that way but I did stress the plant early on in a number of ways and have learned a fair few important lessons. Hopefully I acted quick enough and won't find many seeds. Good luck to you too!
Tarkovweek 8
Fuuuuuck, those little buds gonna be boooombs!
@Cannabeans, I have no doubt, I will follow this! Good luck, come and say hi on my diarie if you want
@Tarkov, hopefully dude ๐Ÿ™ they've still got some filling out to do yet but there's still a week or two to go.
JinksyGrowsweek 3
Are you the cannabeans I'm looking for?๐Ÿ˜ƒ I'm here to watch the show!
@Cannabeans, Absolutely can share some advice with you and don't hesitate to reach out in PM. I do most my correspondence through pm too๐Ÿ‘. I don't know if your notifications for PM are working, but mine are currently not. So if you send something, I may not respond in good time and will have to check the thread to see if there's anything there๐Ÿ‘. I'll send you a message right now just to start a thread. Cheers man!
@JinksyGrows, I am dude! Thanks for all the likes! You're more than welcome to and if youve got any tips/criticisms feel free to let me know ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
DreamOnweek 11
Looks amazing! Enjoy the puffs! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
@DreamOn, thanks for the kind words!! Its all been smoked now ๐Ÿ˜… was awesome though ๐Ÿ‘
Ferencweek 9
Happy Growing! @Cannabeans
@Ferenc, you too! Thanks again!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
CheckThoseTrichsweek 9
Solid work so far, keep it up! Cheers,
@CheckThoseTrichs, thanks dude ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ‘
JinksyGrowsweek 8
I think you did a hell of a job...this girl could be fully seeded right now but you caught it, did due diligence and you WILL get fruit๐Ÿ™. Respect man....seriously. At the finish line and I look forward to your final reviewโœŠ
@JinksyGrows, thanks dude! Couldn't have done it without your help!! Can't believe I managed to get her this far to be honest ๐Ÿ˜… I'll get over and follow your latest grow ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
SuggaShaneweek 8
Far ahead of mine! Looks good man! Keep it up! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ
@SuggaShane, thanks dude that's much appreciated. I'll head over to your diary and check it out ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
Ferencweek 8
Good Luck! @Cannabeans
@Ferenc, thanks dude ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
JinksyGrowsweek 4
She's looking good man... Getting nice and bushy to bootโœŠ. Looking at those nubs again, I'm pretty certain it's nothing, but always be vigilant๐Ÿ˜‰ (which you are being!) Keep it up man. Things are coming up Millhouse
@JinksyGrows, thanks for the encouraging words dude it means a lot ๐Ÿ‘ she's really flying along now. Pistils showing everywhere but I am being super careful and keeping a close eye on her anyway. Hope you are well and that you have a great evening dude ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
Easygrowerweek 3
Hay dude just stopped buy to check out your baby sheโ€™s looking sweet man doing very well๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป
@Easygrower, thanks dude thats greatly appreciated. I've sent you another dm ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
JinksyGrowsweek 11
I'm very pleased for you buddy. Way to see this till the end and harvest thy fruits ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ™‚
Kingsizkingsizweek 1
I have been waiting for their shipment over 8 weeks it did not arrive in my country in doubt with shipped at all !!! Do not take responsibility and according to their return policy I should get a full refund! Because it did not reach my customs at all despite a million mail and inquiries they ignore wishing you that the money you stole from me will go to you for medicine
@Kingsizkingsiz, Hey there! We're sorry if you've had a negative experience. If you've sent an email, our customer service department will have replied by now with more information. If you don't receive your package soon, we will be happy to replace it, but there are very long delays unfortunately with the postal service due to the pandemic. That being said, our refund policy usually only covers packages that are returned to our warehouse unopened, so I am not sure where you read you'd be fully refunded. Sorry for any misunderstanding or confusion with our terms and conditions. Anyway, don't worry, we will make sure this is sorted for you. @cannabeans So sorry for spamming your diary! Happy Growing! =)
@Kingsizkingsiz, first off please don't post your complaints on my page. @fast_buds have only ever been helpful in my experience even taking the time to answer my noob growing questions on instagram. If I were you I would attempt to contact them via social media as I'm sure they will want to help you figure out where your order is. I'm assuming what appears to be a booming business would not need to steal small amounts of money from customers. I have personally seen them leave comments for people having growing issues telling them to email them to have their issues resolved.
DoDrugs420week 11
Holy, that's some serious Gorilla Cookies Auto!
heizenweek 11
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Rocknrolla420week 10