chachicommentedweek 54 years ago
I planted 4 seeds with the goal of having at least 2 females. I thought the plants would have shown their sex a lot sooner. If you look at my week 5 and look at the picture on the far right you will see 2 big plants on the right side and then 2 smaller ones on the left. Since I couldn't determine the sex yet I decided to get rid of the smallest plant (back right one) so that the other 3 would have more room to grow. In the end, the 2 tall plants on the right ended up being males leaving me with 1 female. I did some research and apparently, the taller plants will tend to be males if you are using the same seeds. I have a feeling that the "runt" plant that I tossed early might have been a female. You live and learn.
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