Yoopergrowzcommentedweek 74 years ago
Late start on this. First Diary will be more to come the rest of the flowering/harvest and will start a better system next year for outdoor 2021!! Thanks for looking. Total garden space pictured is 15x35ft. 7 of the 12 plants were clones started in mid April. They were put outside June 5th (Gotta love cold climates.....) Other 5 plants were clones started the June 10th. So a total of 12 plants. The 7 oldest were all scrog'd while the 5 younger clones were allowed to grow more straight up. All in Fox Farm Happy Frog/Coco mixed medium. Using 3 part AN nutes+ some additives and molasses. Next year everything will be in super soil. This is my first outdoor grow outside some guerilla growing back in the day. I will be doing some defoil in the next day or 2 in order to promote some more airflow and light pen. Again thanks for looking.
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