Hello my fellow grower of the Ganja.
Everything is going great in the garden , plants are shooting up like rockets and putting on branches like there is no tomorrow.
I am just overjoyed by how these lady's look, temperature and humidity are just in the sweet spot and with a good amount of lighting ( about 70 % and a 340 Watt consumption).
And i got the bio tabs nutrient line up to thank for these green sturdy lady's, i'm realy loving their products and the plants are loving it to so it seems.
They are developing realy strong branches on all of the plants it's realy amazing. i have being defoliating a bit here and there to give the bottem branches some more light.
This meringue is a bit on the smaller side but she is getting there, she has allot of branches sprouting of the main stem so when she will be a bit older she will become nice and bushy
Happy growing