The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

555G | KONG 4 #CannapediaAutoflowersCup

Approved by Paradise Seeds
4 years ago
Green Bro QB Pro 240W Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Green Bro QB Pro 240W
Green Bro QB Pro 240W Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Green Bro QB Pro 240W
Room Type
weeks 3, 5-8
weeks 5-10
Grow medium
20 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.4 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.3 mll
20 September, Beginning of the diary. We got 5 pack of Paradise Seeds Auto Kong 4(Chong's Choice) gift from Paradise Seeds, and to be exact from Rosaria. And on the other hand we got local tournament of Cannapedia. Let's see how we go. I will put 2x auto Kongs, each in 18-20L AirPot. I will mark one for Tournament in one color, as soon as they germinate. We will use 240w QB Pro from Green Bro With inbuilt IR, HEAVY RED, AND UV CHIPS. Aswell multispectrum of 301H Samsung Varieties. • As I mentioned earlier, we started germination on 21th sep. Now it's 22, and seedlings are all set in the pots. Let's wait for first heads up ❤️ • As we see heads up from Kong Girls, on September 23, we gotta name them. I've decided to name first Kong AKA MERIEL, and second Kong, AKA MARISSA, and these names will be used through all the grow 🙏💚 • End of week one. __________________________________________________________________________ 20 სექტემბერი, ვიწყებთ დღიურს პირველად ქართულ ენაზე გვაქვს 5 ცალიანი შეფუთვით, პარადაის სიდსის აუტო კონგ 4(ჩონგის არჩევანი) რომელიც მივიღე საჩუქრად პარადაის სიდსისგან, კერძოდ როზარიასგან. მეორეს მხრივ გვაქვს მიმდინარე ლოკალური ტურნირი კანაპედიაში. ვნახოთ როგორ წავალთ და რა გამოვა. მე ჩავსვამ 100-100-160 ბოქსში 2 ცალ კონგს, თითო 18-20ლიტრი აირფოთსით. ტურნირის ძირს შესაბამისად დავმარკავ რაიმე ფერით, როგორც კი გაღვივდებიან. გაღვივება იწყება 21 სექტემბერს. გამოვიყენებთ 240ვატიან Quantum Board Pro-ს, გრინ ბროსგან( ჩაშენებული ინფრარედით, მძიმე წითელით და ულტრა იისფერი ჩიპებით, ასევე 301H სამსუნგის ჩიპის, სხვადასხვა სპექტრის ვარიაციებით. • როგორც შეგპირდით, 21 სექტემბერს დაიწყო გარმინაცია, 22 ში უკვე ქოთნებში არიან. დაველოდოთ აღმოცენებას.💚 • როგორც დავინახეთ გოგონების თავები, 23 სექტემბერს, გაჩნდა სურვილი სახელების დარქმევის. პირველი კონგი, ცნობილი როგორც "მერიელი", და მეორე კონგი, ცნობილი როგორც "მარისსა". სახელები გამოყენებული იქნება მთელი გროუს განმავლობაში. ასევე აღსანიშნია ის ფაქტორი, რომ 23 სექტემბერი ჩაითვლება დღე პირველად, ანუ Day 1. • პირველი კვირის დასასრული
1 comment
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
70 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.3 mll
Welcome to the Week 2 • First of all I need to mention, that I am happy with Paradise Seeds Quality. Little girls are growing nicely. I can't say it's very fast, but grow tempo is satisfactory. I believe we can still be the heaviest weighted on this tournament.🙏💚 _____________________________________ სალამი მეორე კვირიდან • პირველრიგში მინდა აღვნიშნო რომ ძალიან კმაყოფილი ვარ პარადაისის ხარისხით. გოგონები კარგად ვითარდებიან. ვერ ვიტყვი რომ ძალიან სწრაფად, მაგრამ ტემპი დამაკმაყოფილებელია. მჯერა რომ შეგვიძლია ვიყოთ ყველაზე მძიმეწონიანი მონაწილე მიმდინარე ტურნირში 🙏💚
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
70 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.3 mll
Welcome to the WEEK 3 • First things first. We can obviously see the different phenotypes of this strain over here. I am saying this due to the identical conditions which we got here. Same box, same soil, same pot, same Nuts. _______________________________________ • ფოტოებში კარგად ჩანს როგორი განსხვავებული ფენოტიპის წარმომადგენელი მცენარეები გვყავს. ამას ვამბობ იმიტომ, რადგან გვაქვს იდენტური პირობები, იგივე ბოქსი, იგივე ნიადაგი, იგივე ქოთანი, იგივე სასუქი.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
70 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.3 mll
Welcome to the WEEK 4 • We got good grow pace. Plants showed sex, they will start active flowering soon, a week or two. I am still using vegetative nuts. Next week will be transformation and stretch. During doing LST I damaged Marissa's top Stem, and she got stressed a bit, but nothing serious, it will fix herself, and it will work on her, like temporary topping. It works 🙏😋👽💚 P.S Plants were turned around, so that's why we got different view. It's the position which was ment from the beginning. • Day 27 Update. So, after some stem break, and a little bit of overwatering, we made it. Marissa is feeling good, you can say that by the leaves she's holding towards light. It's beautiful gotta admit. And about Meriel, I can see a strange spot on leaf, even though as I mentioned earlier, every single condition is the same for both of them, so I guess it's not a big deal, unless it stays on that one leaf 👽💚 Feel free to comment below, ask a question, give out a hint, or just spread the love 🙏 PEACE ☮️ _________________________________________
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
25 °C
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
70 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1 mll
Welcome to the Week 5 - The week of transformation • It's visible how stretchy they get in this phase. It's just lovely, I'm just afraid I won't have appropriate space for this two babygirls. Let's hope they won't get enraged and don't blow up my box 😄🙏💚 • Day 32 UPDATE. Now honestly, I gotta say I'm nervous about plant size. They just started stretching and both of them are already massive ! Especially Marissa. I hope this custom built box will help me out once more before upgrade, cuz you know equipment needs finances 😋 Box is 1.6 Meters in height, need to make it enough for girls. • Day 33 UPDATE. We did some Defoliation (Lollipopping to be exact). It was extremely hard to water plants with so much sense leaves underneath. I generally recommend to defoliate autos, but be reasonable ! Don't cut things plant still needs. In my case, I did this to make my own experience better with watering, to change energy consumption by plant's lower leaves that were not getting light, and to give to a plant more aeration. Generally this small things give huge difference. Nobody wants parasites in their box , that's for sure 👽😀🙏 • Day 35 UPDATE Girls are looking just gorgeous. It's time to finish this week and go to THE WEEK 6!! ☮️🙏 Let's hope we will have enough space for these potentially thick babygirls 👽☘️💨
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
18 hrs
26 °C
35 %
25 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.5 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.5 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.5 mll
Day 37 UPDATE • So I rotated my plants reverse. Trying to cover one full square meter, for better results. Now I gotta admit that it's already tight for this girls, you can see it on the photos. Some good stems are being covered by each other. But let's see how we go. Still early to day what can we expect. I don't think they stretched well yet, as far as Paradise Seeds is informing, this plant is going to be about 1.6 meters high, but due to LST and training, we are trying to get plants as low as possible, and as wide as possible, for more yield, so probably if they were not trained, they would be like 60-70 CM right now. Instead they are about 30-40. Will definitely measure them on the day 40 Update 👽 Day 40 UPDATE • Didn't check their heights, but will surely measure later. They are stretching like crazy. More than half of available height space is already taken by these girls. It seems like we're going to have a decent harvest after all... But still worried about it's height. But guess what. I am stretching half of their stems in width. They will save the given form, later we can rotate them once more and do some HST SUPERCROPPING. I know at least half of the watching growers not going to approve it, but I believe this stress can give them much more THC potential. Especially, when we turn the UV lights on, from QB Pro from Green Bro. Day 41 UPDATE • So today we rotated plants once more, as planned. It's quite late to LST but I would still like to try to give them desired and most efficient shapes I can. But honestly I need to be careful about Marissa. Her main line was broken in week 3 or 4, and since then I haven't untied isolation tape from her, so I have no idea what's going under that tape. Hopefully she is doing fine. I believe we are going quite successfully. I am just wondering, will light be enough to finish two enormous Kongs, to the desired sizes and potency? What do you think? If I add some wattage, or new light, be sure I will indicate and mention it ! 👽🙏 P.S still forgot to measure plants :( But I hope you guys are just fine with that, as far as there's a LEGENDARY COLA BOTTLE ! 😂😁 Day 42 UPDATE • Here we are. End of the week 6. It was a beautiful week of growing. Girls are doing just fine, but really not sure if I have enough light for them. One thing is for sure, in the Week 7 or 8 we will have Defoliation. After that, it will be clear whether to do HST supercrop or not. See you later, in the WEEK 7 🙏☮️ PEACE ✌️
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
60 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
40 %
18 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.5 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.5 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.5 mll
Day 43 UPDATE • Welcome to the WEEK 7 ! As you see, lot's of things happened this day. Burned some switches, replaced them. Afterwards had to make a decision. To defoliate, or to not defoliate... So you can obviously see I did it. A little bit early, but we will see what's coming next, and how they adapt to it. This is maybe the very first time I did Defoliation so heavily on an Autoflowers. PEACE ☮️👽✌️ Day 45 UPDATE • Looking at the girls, I see they seem to be stressed a little bit. No wonder why. Defoliation + cold temperature during night time. We will fix it tomorrow, when we fully integrate Thermostat with the box. Also, heating will be added. Day 46 UPDATE • Everything is fine I believe. We had some issue with temperature during night time, now it's regulated by Thermostat. Had only cooling system, now we have both, heating and cooling. This heater will lower humidity in the air, but as far as we're in flowering stage and WINTER IS COMING, We're gonna be JUST FINE. But thing is, Meriel is not even close to the progress of the Marissa. But um, let's see what's gonna happen after adjusting thermal levels. If she lifts her leaves, I know she's gonna be fine ! 🙏☮️ P.S for comparison and scale for the eye, I still used 500ML Cola bottle near Marissa. That's her sizes 😀👽✌️ Day 49 UPDATE • So it's last day of the WEEK 7. I am very happy with my decision to Defoliate my plants, I see it worked better on Marissa, but let's not assume anything yet, 5 weeks to go ! ☮️✌️👽🖖 You can see the Crystals forming ALREADY. Only seen this kind of crystals on SOME gorilla strains, and as far as this genetic was made by Paradise Seeds, throughout the years of hard work and selection, now I see and acknowledge their effort. I want to thank Paradise Seeds and especially Rosaria, for gift THIS GOOD ❤️🙏💚 SEE YA FOLKS LATER, IN WEEK 8 AND LATER ON TILL HARVEST TIME ! 🙏💚 PEACE ON Y'ALL ☮️❤️
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
70 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
40 %
18 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.4 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2 mll
Welcome to the WEEK 8 Day 50 UPDATE • So here we are, in The Week 8. Rotation was not in Plan. But after observing, I saw an opportunity to spread her not only one side, but 2 sides. So I've rotated plants reverse, so the centers of the plans are in the left and the right corners, tied them down on both sides. Effective use of light is crucial right now. They just started to smell like REAL JUNGLE KONG's !!! Really really somehow soft and potent smell, with that "Gorillish" scent This might become my FAVOURITE strain, but no rush... Gotta finish them up, before talking too much, right? 🙃😋😁👽🙏✌️ Day 56 UPDATE • Last day of the WEEK 8. Some close up pics, for eyes to enjoy ! They are in high resolution. Nothing much to say, except how sugary they are for this time. See ya guys in the week 9.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
70 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
40 %
18 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.4 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2 mll
Welcome to the WEEK 9 ! • Day 59 UPDATE So here we are in the week 9, observing crystals. I really like how they look and how they grow. Only issue is that Meriel is experiencing some strange Leaf discoloration, I believe it must be Ca & Mg, and as long as they haven't taken it, Marissa still feels herself wonderful ! I'll repeat the thing about same Soil, same light, same same same, everything is same. But yes, if they need something, they get it ! 🙏❤️☮️ • Day 63 UPDATE Everything's fine, everything is frosty, if you know what I mean Meriel has different type of buds, and Marissa totally different. But I think Marissa is more looking like an Auto Kong 4 from the Paradise Seeds website. Let's see if we will get any more bud thickness in the left 3 weeks. Smell just started to be really WILD. See you folks in the next week ! 🙏☮️
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
70 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
30 %
18 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 6
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2 mll
Fulvic - Terra Aquatica
Fulvic 2 mll
Welcome to the week 10 ! Day 64 UPDATE • We rolled in to the week 10 with some Defoliation, as far as we have low wattage for this kind of plant cover, I believe it was necessary. Now some lower, smaller buds are more exposed to the lights and they can absorb it better. Well, at least that's what I think. We got some Terpinator. I don't think we can see the obvious result from it, as far as we're almost finished. I will repeat here once more, Paradise Seeds says these girls will be flowering 60-65 days indoors, so basically we started flowering on the day 28-29, if we add 60-65 more days to it, we can think that plants will be ready from day 88 to day 94. So basically, they will be ready for harvest from end of WEEK 12 TO WEEK 13. Let's see how they be bombin' 😀🙏❤️ Day 68 UPDATE • Now this week's been something. Some buds are looking very frosty , it's just sad camera won't catch it just like eye would. Tried some adjustments of setting, something up, something down, it still won't make it that realistic, that good. Next week will be RIPEN WEEK. At least that's how it's planned. 2 weeks must be more than enough. We will start using ripen from day 71.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
70 cm
17 hrs
26 °C
30 %
18 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
FinalPart - Terra Aquatica
FinalPart 3 mll
Welcome to the week 11 • Started using RIPEN today ! Every second watering will be with ripen. Day 75 UPDATE • Everything is fine, RIPEN seems to work. I see new buds on the buds, from first sight this new "buds on buds" , they seemed with no trich's but after a day, they became visible. End of WEEK 11
1 comment
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
70 cm
17 hrs
26 °C
30 %
18 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
2 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
FinalPart - Terra Aquatica
FinalPart 3 mll
Welcome to the FINAL WEEK ! (Hopefully 😄) Day 80 UPDATE • Ripen seems to work nicely. I can definitely see the ripen work on the plant, everytime I touch any leaves, they are dry as hell ! Seems like plants are dying slowly, and I have an experience, every time I finish plants like this, I get really really dense and rock hard buds. I'm not much of a live plant squeezer, i never touch them excessively, But will definitely observe crystals these days, last time I made micro shots, I saw some amber colors, some transparent, some white and some half transparents. So hopefully we can get MOSTLY CLOUDY, with 20-30% Ambers 👽💨 Day 83 UPDATE • We're near to the edge.
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
70 cm
17 hrs
26 °C
30 %
18 °C
23 °C
23 °C
20 L
2 L
60 cm
Welcome to the final week ! Day 85 UPDATE • I've used Flora Kleen for one flush-watering, 3ml per liter. Today watered with just pH adjusted water. Gonna cut them soon. I truly believe, Meriel is far ready than Marissa, but due to the conditions we got, I will have to cut them down almost simultaneously, so later I can hang those buds in the GrowBox. However there's an option two, to cut Meriel, and wait for Marissa to finish well. Really tough decision to make... Day 87 UPDATE • Everything is untied. I would love to wait some more, but they smell terribly strong, even carbon is not helping, and due to smell problem, I am unable to continue and wait for Marissa to flower to the end. I've decided to cut them both ! See you in the next update 👽☮️
Week 13. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Smoke is just wonderful. Well, at least those buds which were executed long before the harvest. After drying and curing, I will be able to update my thoughts about this strain. But for sure, I'd say u gotta consume it, in the second part of the day, so basically after midday. Meriel and Marissa were just wonderful. And I can definitely state that, I got lucky, and I have grown 2 different phenotypes of these wonderful SheKongs 💚💚
Show more
Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1201 g
Bud wet weight per plant
277.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Euphoric, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Cream, Earthy, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
HARVEST UPDATE 👽💨☮️✌️ (WILL BE UPDATED) Final Weight Update Meriel - 250 gr Marissa 305 gr In total - 555 GR We will measure Strain profile with MyDx later, and will be updated aswell ! :) Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Fuck Past, Present and Future Cannapedia Cups ! Cannapedia Is 100% Corrupt <3 And you can't change my mind ! PEACE


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Ferenccommentedweek 54 years ago
Good Luck @Saint
Saintcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you bro ! 🙏 Appreciated🤩
Fat_Olsh_Farmscommentedweek 1310 months ago
Damn bro you should win diary of the month for sure. Eventho I'm hoping to win lol.
Saintcommented10 months ago
@Fat_Olsh_Farms, hehe man, thank you, check out my White Widow XXL Auto, that one is totally amazing
Jd1971commentedweek 94 years ago
Looking good
Saintcommented4 years ago
@Jd1971, Happy to see you here ! 🙏
CheckThoseTrichscommentedweek 84 years ago
Looking great, keep up the solid farming! Cheers,
Saintcommented4 years ago
@CheckThoseTrichs, You're first in the week 8 ! Just updated a minute ago ! So happy you find it solid bro 🙏 Very much appreciated 💚💚
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommentedweek 64 years ago
Looking good 👍👍👍 Good luck with the rest of your journey.
Saintcommented4 years ago
@Mr_Weeds_Autos,Thank you so much ! Will sure damn try 🙏💚
Dadu_Dadeshqelianicommentedweek 14 years ago
Saintcommented4 years ago
@Dadu_Dadeshqeliani, I don't get it but okay 😄
GrowintheSpacecommentedweek 114 years ago
wonderful plant and buds !! congratulations ;)
GeorgianKushcommentedweek 64 years ago
looking amazing! Georgian #1! (:
Danielerawzonicommentedweek 104 years ago
Man can i ask you a favour? I also have 6 kong 4 and 1 auto critical. My kong seems to be on delay, may you check my diaries? Thx a lot
Danielerawzonicommented4 years ago
@Saint, thx man, this is my first time with led lights and auto plants 😬. Thx again for the favour 🙂🙃. Keep the peace ☮️
Danielerawzonicommented4 years ago
@Saint, thx man, this is my first time with led lights and auto plants 😬. Thx again for the favour 🙂🙃. Keep the peace ☮️
Saintcommented4 years ago
@Danielerawzoni,Looks awesome bro ! I don't see any problem there🙏 Just wait for them to explode ! May the force be with you 👽
Biggy2k20commentedweek 124 years ago
Absolutely amazing! Keep going!!
Saintcommented4 years ago
@Biggy2k20, Appreciate the support 🙏☮️❤️ We keep going ! Couple more days I guess ☺️ It would be shame to cut them in a rush ✌️
SabrinasGrowcommentedweek 124 years ago
@infernal Good Job, looks very good y Girls :) Can you tell me more about the Terpinator? thanks in advance
Saintcommented4 years ago
@SabrinasGrow, Hey Sabrina, nice to see you here :) I would love to, but sadly, my answer can't be precise right now about that exact product, due to short time usage. But girls are looking and they are indeed very sugary. I just can't tell really, if Terpinator affected grow or not. But honestly, will definitely give it a full cycle test next time ✌️
Troy_Farmscommentedweek 124 years ago
Great job! Girls look lovely, happy harvest. Cheers! 😎💪
Saintcommented4 years ago
@Troy_Farms, thank you so much 💚 Not there yet, but hopefully soon will be 🙏✌️☮️ Just waiting for crystals to get milky
Jd1971commentedweek 124 years ago
Looking good
Saintcommented4 years ago
@Jd1971, You're so attentive . Thank you for coming by. Really happy you find diary interesting 🙏✌️☮️
ozzyycommentedweek 104 years ago
with this weed army, you can conquer everywhere 😂🤘
Saintcommented4 years ago
@ozzyy, Thank you so much man ! 😂🖖 Great humor u shooting 🤣
Ferenccommentedweek 134 years ago
Happy Flowering! @Saint
DreamOncommentedweek 104 years ago
Nice job, looks great! Good luck with the rest of the flowering and have fun! 🌱😎
DoDrugs420commentedweek 134 years ago
When can Auto Kong 4 and I run away toghether into the horizon?
Saintcommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, Whenever you grow it man ! 👽🌹
iHateSativacommentedweek 134 years ago
Happy Smoking Friend
NANTANLUPANcommentedweek 134 years ago
Რა განაᲗებაა? Სახელი
Canamatoescommentedweek 134 years ago
Holy moly sweet! 🔥
the end.
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