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Stress Killer Auto RQS Organic - RQS Cup

4 years ago
170 LM301H 3000K 34 Epistar 660nm Light Emitting Diodes/120W
170 LM301H 3000K 34 Epistar 660nm
90x90x180cm Pure Tent
90x90x180cm Pure Tent
Room Type
weeks 3-7
weeks 3-7
Grow medium
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
27 °C
No Smell
55 %
20 °C
23 °C
11 L
0 L
55 cm
First of all, thanks to RQS for sending the products for this grow on the RQS Autumn Cup. I want it to be the most safe grow possible, aiming for yields and quality. All organic nutrients by RQS. Soil, Bio-Bizz All-Mix, with added perlite and worm-humus, with 50g of the RQS Easy Boost. The seeds are being germinated on the RQS Easy Start kit. I´ve put 3 on the kit - if one doesn´t germ, I still have the other 2 I want, also, I can try to see and choose the best phenos -, but will keep only 2. UPDATES: 3rd day of germination: still, no signs of sprouting. 4th day of germ: no signs still and I decided to swap them to jiffy pellets ( I thought I´d done something wrong with the easy start, let´s see if I can do it with the jiffy´s. 5th day of germ: No signs of sprouting still. 6th and 7th day of germ: These have been real rough days for me, somehow I managed to mess it all up, I got anxious about the seed on the Easy Start ( I usually soak them for 24h and then plant directly in soil or jiffys which takes it about 2 days for it to sprout) that was taking ´´too long´´. So on day 4th anxiety got the best of me and I moved them from the Easy Start to the old jiffy pellets (and boy what a mistake it was), which got them really stressed out and now there are 2 of them sprouting REAL BAD, they´re far from looking happy but let´s see if I´m able to fix this and give them the proper attention and love they deserve. AFTER SPROUTING 9th day of germination (day 1): So, seems like one of them didn´t make it. But thankfully with a little love and attention I managed to let them happier and healthier. I´m so relieved that they actually sprouted, I was already accepting that they wouldn´t even see the light. Now, I´ll be counting for day from sprouting and this here is day one. Day 2: Both of them are looking way healthier! I´m still getting used to how much water they use on jiffy´s. Day 3: They are looking good! Healthy and greener than I ever expected ( I was really worried when they were yellowish ). I´m doing the watering everyday when I see it´s more dry than I want it to be. Straight tap water. Except today that I watered with 5.8pH mineral water. Day 4: Growing healthy! Day 5: I forgot to water yesterday and one of them was looking a little rugged but I did the watering and now they are looking healthy once again! Day 6 and 7: Looking good, way healthier than it was before and getting ready to plant them on the final pots.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
4 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
45 %
19 °C
23 °C
10 L
0 L
90 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 50 mll
So, this week started off with the plants transplant into the final pot. 10L of All-Mix soil with 2L of added perlite, 50 grams of RQS Easy Boost and 100ml of worm humus. Day 8: Looking healthy after the transplant, watered with 250ml of 6.1pH water. Day 9: Looking a little less greener than I would like to and a bit rugged. I guess I overwatered a little bit. But overall it´s pretty healthy. The idea now is to be gradually lowering the light to about 50-60cm without stressing the seedling too much. Day 10: Looking healthy and green. I´ll watch out for overwatering. Day 11 to 14: Well, she had some problems with thrips and got some life scars, I found two thrips, once in a day and then another, but I got them fast and they didn´t leave much damage. Also, I sprayed some Total Explosion to get rid of all thrips. Watered with regular water and not sure yet if I´m doing any training with her, let´s see.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
6.5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
17 °C
20 °C
10 L
0 L
90 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 50 mll
D16: Looking good, no watering. Only some thrip marks on a leaf, but everything alright. D17: She is a little too compact, which will made it more difficult to me to LST her. But she´s looking good and healthy. Watered a little with regular water. D18: Nice growth. Started the LST on her, it was quite difficult because she has the leaves all grouped up. D19: Tiny pistils have started to show up! Done the LST maintenance and she´s looking very good. A lot of foliage, but that´s good, tho I´m worried about thrips. D20: LST maintenance and watered with 6.4 pH water. D21: Well, today I started rearranging all the LST I´ve done. Did some defoliation, to open up the canopy since it had LOTS of leaves and accidentally broke a branch, thankfully it was the one on the very bottom, so I´ve cut it off. Also, found a thrip in it today. She looks awesome and I think she will grow beautifully even with the stress I´ve done to her.
Used techniques
Week 4. Flowering
4 years ago
13 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
18 °C
20 °C
10 L
0 L
80 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 0.5 mll
D22: I made a solution of half a tablet of Easy Grow with 2.5-3L of water (the recommended is 1 tablet for 3-5L of water). Interesting and awesome fact: It doesn´t need to regulate the pH! I tried regulating it, but it was stuck to 5.8, which I´m cool with. Maintained the LST. D24: They´re looking healthy, LST is going well but I didn´t plan the space on the pot, she should´ve been more on the edge to allow the main stock to have more space. Today my new light arrived, let´s see how she handles it.. It´s dimmed to 70% not to shock her. D26: Rearrenged LST, defoliated some leaves, a tiny node and watered at 6.2 pH with 1ml/L of cal-mag. I´ll be now turning up the lights 5% each day, since she´s now entering the flowering phase. D27: So, I found a single thrip on her today, but I´ll be spraying some Total Explosion in order to get rid of the thrips, the other tiny Stress Killer it´s in the tent had some 4-5 thrips today so I need to keep an eye on it. She has lots and lots of foliage and she´s looking very beautiful.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
13 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
18 °C
18 °C
10 L
0 L
78 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Grow Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Grow Booster Tablets 0.5 mll
D29: Watered with half a tab of Easy Grow from RQS for 2L of water, ph 5.8. The lights will be staying at 80% until it´s totally into flower. Did some heavy defoliation today, I needed to take some bottom leaves out since it was having some thrip problem. D30: So, She grew a lot since yesterday, and she was with LOTS of leaves, so I decided to take out some of them. Besides that, took 2 nodes off. Otherwise, she´s looking good, except for my LST positioning miscalculations. I haven´t seen more than 2 thrips today so that´s good, I´ll keep it going like this. D34: Heavy heavy heavy defoliation today, took out a lot of leaves and some tiny shooters that had no chance to become anything at least medium-sized. Watered with regular 6.2pH water. She´s looking beautiful but I´m afraid of stressing her too much to stunt, let´s see how she responds. Also rearranged all the LST. The week´s been great and she is stronger than I imagined!
Used techniques
Grow Questions
EXZELENSstarted grow question 4 years ago
Idk exactly what it is, so if anyone is sure of it I would be happy to know! Thanks in advance!
Leaves. Other
Roofloweranswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey friend , Yeah that looks like a Calcium deficiency. Could be your PH levels calcium is available at 6,2 -7 . Could be excess of P which sometimes shows deficiency in another element . I would flush a bit with new pHed water and normal dose of nutes +cal mag Keep it up ✌️🌱
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
27 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
65 %
18 °C
16 °C
18 °C
10 L
0 L
73 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 0.5 mll
D36: So, she´s looking really good, but I see some early stage deficiency, I guess that´s calcium or phosporous, don´t really know which yet. D38: Watered 3.5L with half a tab of Easy Bloom Booster from RQS with 1ml/L of cal-mag. Let´s see if the calcium deficiency works out, if not, it´s probably Phosporous overload, which would be really bad. D40: Today and Yesterday were pretty harsh on the girls, my landlord told he was coming to visit the apartment and I had to transfer the stuff to a friends house for the day, so all the environment changed and she stressed a lot, also, the humidity was like 75-80% and they got thrips now, so I´ll be looking forward to something to get rid of them thrips once and for all. She´s looking good tho, the rust spots seemed like calcium deficiency and not Phosphorous overload.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
27 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
18 °C
18 °C
10 L
0 L
73 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 0.5 mll
D44: Today I defoliated her since she had some thrip problems that I can´t control. D46: Well, today I found about 5 thrips on her so I´ll be ordering something to kill the thrips. D49: Watered 3L of water with half a tab of Easy-Bloom. Did some light defoliation in order to unblock budsites and prevent thrips. She´s looking very good overall.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
27 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
50 %
18 °C
18 °C
10 L
73 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 0.5 mll
D52: Some days ago I ordered Diatomaceous earth and it arrived yesterday but I had no time. So, today I did the mix – 20g/L - and watered the plants. Let´s see if the thrips go away for real this time. I also noticed some nutrient burn and some unusual stuff on leaves. D54: Watered 1.2L of water with 1ml/L of calmag at 6.2 pH
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
27 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
50 %
18 °C
18 °C
10 L
73 cm
Nutrients 1
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 0.5 mll
D59: So, today I´ll be out traveling for 5 days and I´ll let a friend of mine keeping an eye on her. Watered with half a tab of Easy-Bloom on 3.5L of water, ph perfect at 5.8. D63: So, I arrived today and found out she´s showing some kinda of deficiency, I´ll look into it tomorrow since it´s already late and the lights just went out.
Grow Questions
EXZELENSstarted grow question 4 years ago
It has been like this for 5 days or so. It looks to me like Iron deficiency but I don´t think that´s probable. I flushed her in order to get rid of salt excess but she didn´t recover any. TIA
Leaves. Color - Yellow
smoke24answered grow question 4 years ago
Could be from your light being too close, 10 inches is really close to the canopy. Light stress will most certainly cause what we are seeing on your plant. You flushed, so any nutrient problems that may have been there should be resolved assuming you are now feeding normal doses at the proper ph. I'd say you have 2-3 weeks left, so I wouldn't start flushing right yet. When you have 7-10 days left just start giving her plain ph'd water, that will allow her to use up any remaining nutrients in the leaves and grow medium. Happy growing.
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
31 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
50 %
18 °C
10 L
69 cm
Nutrients 1
flush 420 mll
D64: Well, as I mentioned in yesterday´s report, she has some kind of deficiency I cannot tell why, so I presume it is salt buildup - which I can see from outside the pot a little more than usual - from the heavy feeding. So in that regard I flushed her and watered until it runs with 6.2 pH water. I also did some medium defoliation in order to keep the airflow good and unblock some budsites, I intend to make this the last defoliation but I may not be. She´s looking good overall, bigger than I expected but a little slower too. The only thing that drives me nuts is the amount of leaves she has. D65: The deficiency don´t seem to have worsen and she seems to be recovering the greenness again. D66: Although she seemed fine yesterday, today she seems to have gotten worse. I don´t know what could it be but I´ll be looking into it.. D68: Well, I guess I´ll just water her with regular phd water as the ¨deficiency¨ in fact seems to be an overload of some nutrient. Also, she´s getting close to harvest.. D69: She´s getting some very very nice dense nugs 😊 D70: Today her sister woke up with mold and I had to make an emergency harvest. In that regard, I checked her all and did some heavy defoliation inside and below the canopy to avoid mold. Found some dead leaves inside her and that might have been one of the problems for the other one, but it doesn´t really add up… Let´s see how it goes.. Otherwise, she look beautiful and smells absolutely amazing, not much strong but real good.
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
32 cm
20 hrs
23 °C
65 %
21 °C
18 °C
10 L
68 cm
Nutrients 1
flush 420 mll
D71: She seems to have grown a bit in the last day and the pistils are for sure looking more orange than white. Now I´ll keep an eye on the thricomes, still clear yet with little cloudy, using the microscope. This one, unlike her unfortunate sister, I intend to let develop to full maturity. No watering yet as she still has some. D72: Everyday I´m checking for rot, and it wasn´t today. D73: Watered 2L with 1,5ml of cal-mag trying to resolve a possible iron deficiency. D74: The pistils are all orange already but the thrics are yet mostly cloudy. She seems very close to harvest tho. D75: Found a little set of leaves from a larf that were starting to want to rot and blocking airflow so I just cut them off. Humidity is high ( and I´m having trouble and no budget to control it ) and her thricomes aren´t developing in the pace the pistils are starting to turn orange. Otherwise, the buds are incredibly beautiful, with nice purple colors on the sugar leaves and some calyxes and a big big amount of thricomes everywhere! D76: Well, today when I arrived at home and went to see the tent I noticed mold on her. The thricomes were about 20-25% clear unfortunately but I had to chop her, I can´t control the high humidity at the lights off period and it would only get worse and I would lose much more buds. The overall size was ok, very big buds – which I lost at least 25% of them -, mostly medium buds, both very beautiful and dense, and a huuuge amount of larfs that were hidden in the middle, but I can´t blame that on anyone else except myself. The smell is incredible tho, looking forward to smoke her. In the next weeks I´ll be updating with the harvest week and strain review. Thank you for reading, stay safe and peace ✌️
Week 11. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
In her first days of curing she had a strong tropical with a subtle lemon smell. Then it developed to a strong lemon smell followed by a subtle tropical mangoish smell. As of now, smoking her, I taste strong lemon with a little tropical. Aftertaste follows with the classic diesel taste of autos. It´s THE perfect daytime smoke for me, a predominant sativa that wakes you up and relaxes both body and mind. One thing I noticed is that the CBD really helps with the munchies and paranoia. She doesn´t have any of those effects (naturally) but it helps even with those that have when I blend her with. This strain is extremely reccomendable for anyone really. Now, growing her was quite easy. It´s a strong strain dealing with pests (my case were thrips) and with nutrients. She´s a regular drinker, not much neither too little. Pretty easy to LST her, she had strong yet flexible stems. Didn´t stress much when I trained her but it could´ve been better in that regard. Yield was good and thricome production was incredible. In conclusion: a really easy to grow strain, suitable for anyone, both for growing and smoking. Thank you so much for reading my review, hopefully it was useful. Peace and stay safe ✌️
Show more
Spent 78 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
246.7 g
Bud wet weight per plant
48.3 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Diesel, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
D76 - 14 DECEMBER Well, unfortunately once again I had mold problems. Had to chop her early so I´ll trim and hang her to dry today. D90 - 28 DECEMBER Exactly 2 weeks later and the buds are all nice and dry, everything put to cure now with Boveda 58% humidity control packs. The medium-tiny and very tiny buds weighed at 15.1 grams and the medium to big sized nugs weighed at 33.2 totalizing at 48.3 grams. I´m happy with the result, I thought it would be worse. Let´s see how she goes into curing now! 29 JANUARY Finally, after a proper 30 days cure I´ll be doing the strain review. Thank you so much for taking some time to check my diary out. Special thanks to RQS for the seeds, nutrients, pot and some sick merch. Stay safe and peace everyone ✌️


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Ferenccommentedweek 44 years ago
Good Luck! @EXZELENS
EXZELENScommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thanks brother!
Bearsforbaecommentedweek 114 years ago
Well done mate, looks juicy AF, enjoy it!
EXZELENScommented4 years ago
@Bearsforbae, Thank you very much! ✌️
iHateSativacommentedweek 114 years ago
Happy Smoking My Friend
EXZELENScommented4 years ago
@iHateSativa, Thank you! Nice name too haha ✌️
Taitocommentedweek 114 years ago
A disfrutar del buen trabajo compañero✊
EXZELENScommented4 years ago
@Taito, Thank you! I sure will ✌️
heizencommentedweek 114 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
EXZELENScommented4 years ago
@heizen, Thanks ✌️
HAPPY91commentedweek 64 years ago
Looking good. Keep up the great progress. Happy growing cheers!!
EXZELENScommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, Thank you very much! Peace.
PurpleWorshipcommentedweek 14 years ago
Hey, any news ? I must say that I'm verry not confident with those kind of germination kit... I receive the same than you, but decided not tu use it. I finally tried it, but with a fruit plant seed, and the seeds never germinated, when it worked in my gardening soil... So... I don't know...
EXZELENScommented4 years ago
@PurpleWorship, Yeah, same here. On day 3 I freaked out and put them on jiffys and now they´re good, grew very nicely actually! I don´t want to say anything negative tho, as it was probably only my fear and anxiety haha. Peace.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 114 years ago
1 thousand and all the reasons to grow Stress Killer Automatic CBD
DoDrugs420commentedweek 114 years ago
Pretty nice job on Stress Killer Automatic CBD!!
the end.
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